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  • 每天进步一点点—SQL优化

    一、           SQL优化

    1.   通过show status 命令了解各种SQL的运行频率

    mysql>show status like 'Com_%';


    | Variable_name             | Value |


    | Com_admin_commands        | 0    |

    | Com_assign_to_keycache    | 0    |

    | Com_alter_db              | 0     |

    | Com_alter_db_upgrade      | 0    |

    | Com_alter_event           | 0     |

    | Com_alter_function        | 0    |

    | Com_alter_procedure       | 0    |

    | Com_alter_server          | 0     |

    | Com_alter_table           | 0     |

    | Com_alter_tablespace      | 0    |

    | Com_alter_user            | 0     |

    | Com_analyze               | 0     |

    | Com_begin                 | 0     |

    | Com_binlog                | 0     |

    | Com_call_procedure        | 0    |

    | Com_change_db             | 4     |

    | Com_change_master         | 0    |

    | Com_check                 | 0     |

    | Com_checksum              | 0     |

    | Com_commit                | 30   |

    | Com_create_db             | 1     |

    | Com_create_event          | 0     |

    | Com_create_function       | 3    |

    | Com_create_index          | 0     |

    | Com_create_procedure      | 3    |

    | Com_create_server         | 0    |

    | Com_create_table          | 16    |

    | Com_create_trigger        | 6    |

    | Com_create_udf            | 0     |

    | Com_create_user           | 0     |

    | Com_create_view           | 7     |

    | Com_dealloc_sql           | 0     |

    | Com_delete                | 0     |  ——运行delete操作的次数

    | Com_delete_multi          | 0     |

    | Com_do                    | 0     |

    | Com_drop_db               | 1     |

    | Com_drop_event            | 0     |

    | Com_drop_function         | 0    |

    | Com_drop_index            | 0     |

    | Com_drop_procedure        | 0    |

    | Com_drop_server           | 0     |

    | Com_drop_table            | 0     |

    | Com_drop_trigger          | 0     |

    | Com_drop_user             | 0     |

    | Com_drop_view             | 0     |

    | Com_empty_query           | 0     |

    | Com_execute_sql           | 0     |

    | Com_flush                 | 0     |

    | Com_get_diagnostics       | 0    |

    | Com_grant                 | 0     |

    | Com_ha_close              | 0     |

    | Com_ha_open               | 0     |

    | Com_ha_read               | 0    |

    | Com_help                  | 0     |

    | Com_insert                | 1017  |   ——运行insert操作次数。批量插入insert仅仅加1

    | Com_insert_select         | 0    |

    | Com_install_plugin        | 0    |

    | Com_kill                  | 0     |

    | Com_load                  | 0    |

    | Com_lock_tables           | 0     |

    | Com_optimize              | 0     |

    | Com_preload_keys          | 0     |

    | Com_prepare_sql           | 0     |

    | Com_purge                 | 0     |

    | Com_purge_before_date     | 0    |

    | Com_release_savepoint     | 0    |

    | Com_rename_table          | 0     |

    | Com_rename_user           | 0     |

    | Com_repair                | 0     |

    | Com_replace               | 0     |

    | Com_replace_select        | 0    |

    | Com_reset                 | 0     |

    | Com_resignal              | 0     |

    | Com_revoke                | 0     |

    | Com_revoke_all            | 0     |

    | Com_rollback              | 0     |

    | Com_rollback_to_savepoint | 0     |

    | Com_savepoint             | 0     |

    | Com_select                | 7    |            ——运行SELECT操作的次数。每次加1

    | Com_set_option            | 48    |

    | Com_signal                | 0     |

    | Com_show_binlog_events    | 0    |

    | Com_show_binlogs          | 0     |

    | Com_show_charsets         | 0    |

    | Com_show_collations       | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_db        | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_event     | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_func      | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_proc      | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_table     | 0    |

    | Com_show_create_trigger   | 0    |

    | Com_show_databases        |2     |

    | Com_show_engine_logs      | 0    |

    | Com_show_engine_mutex     | 0    |

    | Com_show_engine_status    | 0    |

    | Com_show_events           | 0     |

    | Com_show_errors           | 0     |

    | Com_show_fields           | 0     |

    | Com_show_function_code    | 0    |

    | Com_show_function_status  | 0    |

    | Com_show_grants           | 0     |

    | Com_show_keys             | 0     |

    | Com_show_master_status    | 0    |

    | Com_show_open_tables      | 0    |

    | Com_show_plugins          | 0     |

    | Com_show_privileges       | 0    |

    | Com_show_procedure_code   | 0    |

    | Com_show_procedure_status | 0     |

    | Com_show_processlist      | 0    |

    | Com_show_profile          | 0     |

    | Com_show_profiles         | 0    |

    | Com_show_relaylog_events  | 0    |

    | Com_show_slave_hosts      | 0    |

    | Com_show_slave_status     | 0    |

    | Com_show_status           | 1     |

    | Com_show_storage_engines  | 0    |

    | Com_show_table_status     | 0    |

    | Com_show_tables           | 2     |

    | Com_show_triggers         | 0    |

    | Com_show_variables        | 0    |

    | Com_show_warnings         | 0    |

    | Com_slave_start           | 0     |

    | Com_slave_stop            | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_close            | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_execute          | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_fetch            | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_prepare          | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_reprepare        | 0    |

    | Com_stmt_reset            | 0     |

    | Com_stmt_send_long_data   | 0    |

    | Com_truncate              | 0     |

    | Com_uninstall_plugin      | 0    |

    | Com_unlock_tables         | 0    |

    | Com_update                | 0     | ——运行update操作次数

    | Com_update_multi          | 0     |

    | Com_xa_commit             | 0     |

    | Com_xa_end                | 0     |

    | Com_xa_prepare            | 0     |

    | Com_xa_recover            | 0     |

    | Com_xa_rollback           | 0     |

    | Com_xa_start              | 0     |

    | Compression               | OFF   |


    142 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql>show status like 'Innodb_%';


    | Variable_name                         | Value       |


    | Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status        | not started |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status        |not started |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data         | 4436        |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data         | 72679424    |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty        | 0           |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty        | 0           |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed      | 2188        |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free         | 3744        |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc         | 11          |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total        | 8191        |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd     | 0           |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead         | 3328        |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted |0           |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests      | 2182160     |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_reads              | 552         |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free          | 0           |

    | Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests     | 237898      |

    | Innodb_data_fsyncs                    | 1721        |

    | Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs            | 0           |

    | Innodb_data_pending_reads             | 0           |

    | Innodb_data_pending_writes            | 0           |

    | Innodb_data_read                      | 65753088    |

    | Innodb_data_reads                     | 3910        |

    | Innodb_data_writes                    | 3630        |

    | Innodb_data_written                   | 79650304    |

    | Innodb_dblwr_pages_written            | 2188        |

    | Innodb_dblwr_writes                   | 76          |

    | Innodb_have_atomic_builtins           | ON          |

    | Innodb_log_waits                      | 0           |

    | Innodb_log_write_requests             | 15742       |

    | Innodb_log_writes                     | 897         |

    | Innodb_os_log_fsyncs                  | 980         |

    | Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs          | 0           |

    | Innodb_os_log_pending_writes          | 0           |

    | Innodb_os_log_written                 | 7911424     |

    | Innodb_page_size                      | 16384       |

    | Innodb_pages_created                  | 557         |

    | Innodb_pages_read                     | 3879        |

    | Innodb_pages_written                  | 2188        |

    | Innodb_row_lock_current_waits         | 0           |

    | Innodb_row_lock_time                  | 0           |

    | Innodb_row_lock_time_avg              | 0           |

    | Innodb_row_lock_time_max              | 0           |

    | Innodb_row_lock_waits                 | 0           |

    | Innodb_rows_deleted                   | 0           |——运行delete删除的行数

    | Innodb_rows_inserted                  | 46350       |——运行insert操作插入的行数

    | Innodb_rows_read                      | 1733860     |        ——select查询返回的行数。

    | Innodb_rows_updated                   | 0           |——运行update更新的行数

    | Innodb_num_open_files                 | 70          |

    | Innodb_truncated_status_writes        | 0           |

    | Innodb_available_undo_logs            | 128         |


    51 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql>show status like 'connections';


    | Variable_name | Value |


    | Connections   | 36   |    ——试图连接MYSQLserver的次数


    1 row in set (0.00 sec

    mysql>show status like 'uptime';


    | Variable_name | Value  |


    | Uptime        | 421477 |——数据库执行时间


    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    mysql>show status like 'slow_queries';


    | Variable_name | Value |


    | Slow_queries  | 0    |    ——慢查次数


    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    2.   定位运行效率较低的SQL

    1、通过慢查日志定位哪些运行效率较低的SQL语句:--log-slow-queries=filename 启动时,mysqld写一个包括全部运行时间超过long_query_time秒的SQL语句的日志文件。

    2、慢查日志在查询结束后才记录,所以应用反映运行效率出现故障的时候,查询慢查询日志并不能定位问题,能够通过show processlist命令来查看当前mysql的进行线程。包含线程状态和是否锁表等,能够时时查看SQL的运行情况,同事对锁表操作进行优化。

    3.   通过explain分析SQL的运行计划

    mysql>explain select sum(amount) from customer a,payment b where 1=1 anda.customer_id=b.customer_id and email='JANE.BENNETT@sakilacustomer.org'G;

    *************************** 1. row***************************

              id: 1

     select_type: SIMPLE

           table: a

            type: ALL

    possible_keys: PRIMARY

             key: NULL

         key_len: NULL

             ref: NULL

            rows: 599

           Extra: Using where

    *************************** 2. row***************************

              id: 1

     select_type: SIMPLE

           table: b

            type: ref

    possible_keys: idx_fk_customer_id

             key: idx_fk_customer_id

         key_len: 2

             ref: sakila.a.customer_id

            rows: 13

           Extra: NULL

    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    No query specified










             eq_ref:使用的索引是唯一索引,对于每一个索引键值,表中仅仅有一条记录匹配(多表一般使用parimary key 和unique index作为关联条件)












    4.   通过explain extended和show warnings查看优化器运行情况

    mysql>explain extended select * from t99 where 1=1 and id=10414G;

    *************************** 1. row***************************

              id: 1

     select_type: SIMPLE

           table: t99

            type: const

    possible_keys: PRIMARY

             key: PRIMARY

         key_len: 4

             ref: const

            rows: 1

        filtered: 100.00

           Extra: NULL

    1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


    No query specified


    mysql>show warningsG;

    *************************** 1. row***************************

     Level: Note

      Code: 1003

    Message: /* select#1 */ select '10414' AS`id`,'rtkit:x:499:497:RealtimeKit:/proc:/sbin/nologin' AS `name` from`test2`.`t99` where 1

    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    No query specified

    能够看到运行计划会把1=1去掉,而且在explain extended多了一个filered字段。

    5.   通过explain partitions来查看分区内容

    mysql>explain partitions select * from emp1 where id=24088G;

    *************************** 1. row***************************

              id: 1

     select_type: SIMPLE

           table: emp1

       partitions: p0

            type: ALL

    possible_keys: NULL

             key: NULL

         key_len: NULL

             ref: NULL

            rows: 69667

           Extra: Using where

    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    No query specified

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cynchanpin/p/7218592.html
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