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  • bucket list 函数解析

    cls_bucket_list 函数

    librados::IoCtx index_ctx;

      // key   - oid (for different shards if there is any)

      // value - list result for the corresponding oid (shard), it is filled by the AIO callback

      map<int, string> oids;

      map<int, struct rgw_cls_list_ret> list_results;

      int r = open_bucket_index(bucket, index_ctx, oids, shard_id);

      if (r < 0)

        return r;

      cls_rgw_obj_key start_key(start.name, start.instance);

      r = CLSRGWIssueBucketList(index_ctx, start_key, prefix, num_entries, list_versions,

                                oids, list_results, cct->_conf->rgw_bucket_index_max_aio)();

      if (r < 0)

        return r;

    获取桶的shard 对象,存入oids map中. 获取的内容存储到list_results

      // Create a list of iterators that are used to iterate each shard

      vector<map<string, struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator> vcurrents(list_results.size());

      vector<map<string, struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry>::iterator> vends(list_results.size());

      vector<string> vnames(list_results.size());

      map<int, struct rgw_cls_list_ret>::iterator iter = list_results.begin();

      *is_truncated = false;

      for (; iter != list_results.end(); ++iter) {




        *is_truncated = (*is_truncated || iter->second.is_truncated);


    处理list_results, list_results容器中存放的是桶各个shard的对象.

      // Create a map to track the next candidate entry from each shard, if the entry

      // from a specified shard is selected/erased, the next entry from that shard will

      // be inserted for next round selection

      map<string, size_t> candidates;

      for (size_t i = 0; i < vcurrents.size(); ++i) {

        if (vcurrents[i] != vends[i]) {

          candidates[vcurrents[i]->first] = i;



    创建一个map用于跟踪各个bucket shard的

        // Select the next one

        int pos = candidates.begin()->second;

        const string& name = vcurrents[pos]->first;

        struct rgw_bucket_dir_entry& dirent = vcurrents[pos]->second;

        // fill it in with initial values; we may correct later

        RGWObjEnt e;

        e.key.set(dirent.key.name, dirent.key.instance);

        e.size = dirent.meta.size;

        e.accounted_size = dirent.meta.accounted_size;

        e.mtime = dirent.meta.mtime;

        e.etag = dirent.meta.etag;

        e.owner = dirent.meta.owner;

        e.owner_display_name = dirent.meta.owner_display_name;

        e.content_type = dirent.meta.content_type;

        e.tag = dirent.tag;

        e.flags = dirent.flags;

    e.versioned_epoch = dirent.versioned_epoch;


        bool force_check = force_check_filter && force_check_filter(dirent.key.name);

        if ((!dirent.exists && !dirent.is_delete_marker()) || !dirent.pending_map.empty() || force_check) {

          /* there are uncommitted ops. We need to check the current state,

           * and if the tags are old we need to do cleanup as well. */

          librados::IoCtx sub_ctx;


          r = check_disk_state(sub_ctx, bucket, dirent, e, updates[vnames[pos]]);

          if (r < 0 && r != -ENOENT) {

              return r;




    1. direct.exists 不存在 并且没有被设置delete_marker
    2. dirent.pending_map 不为空, 说明有重新写入情况. 
    3. Force_check 强制检查.

        if (r >= 0) {

          ldout(cct, 10) << "RGWRados::cls_bucket_list: got " << e.key.name << "[" << e.key.instance << "]" << dendl;

          m[name] = std::move(e);



    检查完成, 将bucket_index entry 复制给m表.

       // Refresh the candidates map



        if (vcurrents[pos] != vends[pos]) {

          candidates[vcurrents[pos]->first] = pos;


    刷新更新表, 继续解析下一个对象.

      // Suggest updates if there is any

      map<string, bufferlist>::iterator miter = updates.begin();

      for (; miter != updates.end(); ++miter) {

        if (miter->second.length()) {

          ObjectWriteOperation o;

          cls_rgw_suggest_changes(o, miter->second);

          // we don't care if we lose suggested updates, send them off blindly

          AioCompletion *c = librados::Rados::aio_create_completion(NULL, NULL, NULL);

          index_ctx.aio_operate(miter->first, c, &o);




    更新对象操作, 重点参考 cls_rgw_suggest_changes 函数

      // Check if all the returned entries are consumed or not

      for (size_t i = 0; i < vcurrents.size(); ++i) {

        if (vcurrents[i] != vends[i])

          *is_truncated = true;


      if (!m.empty())

    *last_entry = m.rbegin()->first;

    最后设置is_truncated的值  设置last_entry的值


    函数说明: 检查磁盘上的对象的状态

      rgw_obj obj;

      std::string oid, instance, loc, ns;

      rgw_obj_key key;


      oid = key.name;

      if (!rgw_obj::strip_namespace_from_object(oid, ns, instance)) {

        // well crap

        assert(0 == "got bad object name off disk");


      obj.init(bucket, oid);




      get_obj_bucket_and_oid_loc(obj, bucket, oid, loc);


      RGWObjState *astate = NULL;

      RGWObjectCtx rctx(this);

      int r = get_obj_state(&rctx, obj, &astate, NULL);

      if (r < 0)

        return r;

      list_state.pending_map.clear(); // we don't need this and it inflates size

      if (!astate->exists) {

          /* object doesn't exist right now -- hopefully because it's

           * marked as !exists and got deleted */

        if (list_state.exists) {

          /* FIXME: what should happen now? Work out if there are any

           * non-bad ways this could happen (there probably are, but annoying

           * to handle!) */


        // encode a suggested removal of that key

        list_state.ver.epoch = io_ctx.get_last_version();

        list_state.ver.pool = io_ctx.get_id();

        cls_rgw_encode_suggestion(CEPH_RGW_REMOVE, list_state, suggested_updates);

        return -ENOENT;


      string etag;

      string content_type;

      ACLOwner owner;

      object.size = astate->size;

      object.mtime = astate->mtime;

      map<string, bufferlist>::iterator iter = astate->attrset.find(RGW_ATTR_ETAG);

      if (iter != astate->attrset.end()) {

        etag = iter->second.c_str();


      iter = astate->attrset.find(RGW_ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE);

      if (iter != astate->attrset.end()) {

        content_type = iter->second.c_str();


      iter = astate->attrset.find(RGW_ATTR_ACL);

      if (iter != astate->attrset.end()) {

        r = decode_policy(iter->second, &owner);

        if (r < 0) {

          dout(0) << "WARNING: could not decode policy for object: " << obj << dendl;



      if (astate->has_manifest) {

        RGWObjManifest::obj_iterator miter;

        RGWObjManifest& manifest = astate->manifest;

        for (miter = manifest.obj_begin(); miter != manifest.obj_end(); ++miter) {

          rgw_obj loc = miter.get_location();

          if (loc.ns == RGW_OBJ_NS_MULTIPART) {

            //dout(10) << "check_disk_state(): removing manifest part from index: " << loc << dendl;

            r = delete_obj_index(loc);

            if (r < 0) {

              dout(0) << "WARNING: delete_obj_index() returned r=" << r << dendl;





      object.etag = etag;

      object.content_type = content_type;

      object.owner = owner.get_id();

      object.owner_display_name = owner.get_display_name();

      // encode suggested updates

      list_state.ver.pool = io_ctx.get_id();

      list_state.ver.epoch = astate->epoch;

      list_state.meta.size = object.size;

      list_state.meta.mtime = object.mtime;

      list_state.meta.category = main_category;

      list_state.meta.etag = etag;

      list_state.meta.content_type = content_type;

      if (astate->obj_tag.length() > 0)

        list_state.tag = astate->obj_tag.c_str();

      list_state.meta.owner = owner.get_id().to_str();

      list_state.meta.owner_display_name = owner.get_display_name();

      list_state.exists = true;

      cls_rgw_encode_suggestion(CEPH_RGW_UPDATE, list_state, suggested_updates);

      return 0;


    cls_rgw.cc  rgw_dir_suggest_changes

    struct rgw_bucket_dir_header {

      map<uint8_t, rgw_bucket_category_stats> stats;

      uint64_t tag_timeout;

      uint64_t ver;

      uint64_t master_ver;

      string max_marker;

      rgw_bucket_dir_header() : tag_timeout(0), ver(0), master_ver(0) {}


    Bucket header的结构体:

    Tag_timeout :  pending_map项的时间戳和当前时间相比,相差超过tag-timeout,则删除pending_map项.

    Ver : 每次更新都会增加1

    Master_ver : ??  检查代码中只有获取,没有赋值的地方.

    Next_marker : ??

    rgw_bucket_dir_header持久化为omap header

      CLS_LOG(1, "rgw_dir_suggest_changes()");

      bufferlist header_bl;

      struct rgw_bucket_dir_header header;

      bool header_changed = false;

      int rc = read_bucket_header(hctx, &header);

      if (rc < 0) {

        CLS_LOG(1, "ERROR: rgw_dir_suggest_changes(): failed to read header ");

        return rc;



    timespan tag_timeout(header.tag_timeout ? header.tag_timeout : CEPH_RGW_TAG_TIMEOUT);


      while (!in_iter.end()) {

        __u8 op;

        rgw_bucket_dir_entry cur_change;

        rgw_bucket_dir_entry cur_disk;

        try {

          ::decode(op, in_iter);

          ::decode(cur_change, in_iter);

        } catch (buffer::error& err) {

          CLS_LOG(1, "ERROR: rgw_dir_suggest_changes(): failed to decode request ");

          return -EINVAL;


        //decode dir_key

        bufferlist cur_disk_bl;

        string cur_change_key;

        encode_obj_index_key(cur_change.key, &cur_change_key);

        int ret = cls_cxx_map_get_val(hctx, cur_change_key, &cur_disk_bl);

        if (ret < 0 && ret != -ENOENT)

          return -EINVAL;


        if (cur_disk_bl.length()) {

          bufferlist::iterator cur_disk_iter = cur_disk_bl.begin();

          try {

            ::decode(cur_disk, cur_disk_iter);

          } catch (buffer::error& error) {

            CLS_LOG(1, "ERROR: rgw_dir_suggest_changes(): failed to decode cur_disk ");

            return -EINVAL;


          real_time cur_time = real_clock::now();

          map<string, struct rgw_bucket_pending_info>::iterator iter =


          while(iter != cur_disk.pending_map.end()) {

            map<string, struct rgw_bucket_pending_info>::iterator cur_iter=iter++;

            if (cur_time > (cur_iter->second.timestamp + tag_timeout)) {






        CLS_LOG(20, "cur_disk.pending_map.empty()=%d op=%d cur_disk.exists=%d cur_change.pending_map.size()=%d cur_change.exists=%d ",

                 cur_disk.pending_map.empty(), (int)op, cur_disk.exists,

                 (int)cur_change.pending_map.size(), cur_change.exists);

        if (cur_disk.pending_map.empty()) {

          if (cur_disk.exists) {

            struct rgw_bucket_category_stats& old_stats = header.stats[cur_disk.meta.category];

            CLS_LOG(10, "total_entries: %" PRId64 " -> %" PRId64 " ", old_stats.num_entries, old_stats.num_entries - 1);


            old_stats.total_size -= cur_disk.meta.accounted_size;

            old_stats.total_size_rounded -= get_rounded_size(cur_disk.meta.accounted_size);

            header_changed = true;


          struct rgw_bucket_category_stats& stats =


          switch(op) {

          case CEPH_RGW_REMOVE:

            CLS_LOG(10, "CEPH_RGW_REMOVE name=%s instance=%s ", cur_change.key.name.c_str(), cur_change.key.instance.c_str());

             ret = cls_cxx_map_remove_key(hctx, cur_change_key);

             if (ret < 0)

               return ret;


          case CEPH_RGW_UPDATE:

            CLS_LOG(10, "CEPH_RGW_UPDATE name=%s instance=%s total_entries: %" PRId64 " -> %" PRId64 " ",

                    cur_change.key.name.c_str(), cur_change.key.instance.c_str(), stats.num_entries, stats.num_entries + 1);



            stats.total_size += cur_change.meta.accounted_size;

            stats.total_size_rounded += get_rounded_size(cur_change.meta.accounted_size);

            header_changed = true;

            cur_change.index_ver = header.ver;

            bufferlist cur_state_bl;

            ::encode(cur_change, cur_state_bl);

            ret = cls_cxx_map_set_val(hctx, cur_change_key, &cur_state_bl);

            if (ret < 0)

               return ret;





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/damizhou/p/6248204.html
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