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  • HDU 4933 Miaomiao's Function(数位DP + 高精度)

    题目连接 : http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=4933

    题意 : 自己看吧,还是很容易理解的,就一个公式而已。

    方法 : 比赛的时候想到两次数位DP:先对所有的数进行一次mod9 的数位DP,再得出的答案x为新的mod,再进行一次mod,后来写着写着发现似乎有点问题,对于answer = 0要特判,然后没想到好的方法,比赛就结束了。

    赛后用java写了一发大数过的,对于题解中用多个大质数去判这种神奇的作法只能意会下了 , 貌似rand() 也行?

      1 import java.io.*;
      2 import java.util.*;
      3 import java.math.*;
      5 public class Main {
      7     /**
      8      * @param args
      9      */
     10     public static class Pair {
     11         BigInteger cnt, sum;
     12     }
     14     public static BigInteger sum[][] = new BigInteger[105][3];
     15     public static BigInteger cnt[][] = new BigInteger[105][3];
     16     public static int bit[] = new int[105];
     17     public static boolean vis[][] = new boolean[105][3];
     19     public static Pair dfs(int len, int dis, boolean fp) {
     20         //System.out.println(len + " " + s + " " + dis + " " + fp);
     21         Pair ret = new Pair();
     22         if (len == 0) {
     23             ret.cnt = BigInteger.ONE; ret.sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
     24             return ret;
     25         }
     26         if (fp == false && vis[len][dis] == true) {
     27             ret.cnt = cnt[len][dis];
     28             ret.sum = sum[len][dis];
     29             return ret;
     30         }
     31         int Max;
     32         BigInteger Sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
     33         BigInteger Cnt = BigInteger.ZERO;
     34         if (fp == true) Max = bit[len];
     35         else Max = 9;
     36         //System.out.println("Max = " + Max);
     37         for (int i = 0; i <= Max; i++) {
     38             if (i > 0) {
     39                 if (dis == 0 || dis == 1) {
     40                     ret = dfs(len-1, 2, fp==true&&i==Max);
     41                     Cnt = Cnt.add(ret.cnt); Sum = Sum.add(ret.sum);
     42                     Sum = Sum.add(ret.cnt.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
     43                 }else {
     44                     ret = dfs(len-1, 3-dis, fp==true&&i==Max);
     45                     Cnt = Cnt.add(ret.cnt); Sum = Sum.add(ret.sum);
     46                     Sum = Sum.subtract(ret.cnt.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)));
     47                 }
     48             }else {
     49                 if (dis == 0) {
     50                     ret = dfs(len-1, dis, fp==true&&i==Max);
     51                     Cnt = Cnt.add(ret.cnt); Sum = Sum.add(ret.sum);
     52                 }else {
     53                     ret = dfs(len-1, 3-dis, fp==true&&i==Max);
     54                     Cnt = Cnt.add(ret.cnt); Sum = Sum.add(ret.sum);
     55                 }
     56             }
     57         }
     58         if (fp == false) {
     59             vis[len][dis] = true;
     60             sum[len][dis] = Sum;
     61             cnt[len][dis] = Cnt;
     62         }
     63         ret.cnt = Cnt; ret.sum = Sum;
     64         return ret;
     65     }
     66     public static BigInteger solve(BigInteger x) {
     67         if (x.equals(BigInteger.valueOf(-1))) return BigInteger.ZERO;
     68         String tmp = String.valueOf(x);
     69         for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length(); i++) {
     70             bit[i+1] = tmp.charAt(tmp.length() - i - 1) - '0';
     71         }
     72         return dfs(tmp.length(), 0, true).sum;
     73     }
     74     public static void main(String[] args) {
     75         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     76         Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
     77         int T = cin.nextInt(); 
     78         for (int cas = 1; cas <= T; cas++) {
     79             BigInteger L, R;
     80             L = cin.nextBigInteger();
     81             R = cin.nextBigInteger();
     82             BigInteger answer = solve(R).subtract(solve(L.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)));
     83             BigInteger Mod = answer;
     84             if (Mod.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) {
     85                 Mod = BigInteger.ZERO;
     86             }else {
     87                 Mod = Mod.mod(BigInteger.valueOf(9));
     88                 if (Mod.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) <= 0) Mod = Mod.add(BigInteger.valueOf(9));
     89             }
     90             if (Mod.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
     91                 System.out.println("Error!");
     92             }else {
     93                 answer = answer.mod(Mod);
     94                 if (answer.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) answer = answer.add(Mod);
     95                 System.out.println(answer);
     96             }
     97         }
     98     }
    100 }
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    为什么java不能重载运算符呢!!!一个a = a.add(b) 写成 a.add(b)害的我差错查了1个小时啊! T T

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