// 在OpenERP的Web框架内, // 通过声明一个函数来声明一个JavaScript模块【openerp.ext_picking就是这个JS模块】, // 并把这个函数放在全局变量openerp的属性内. // 这个属性名称必须和OpenERP addon 模块名称一致【文件夹就是ext_picking】 // 【采用匿名函数封装,函数openerp_ext_picking_widgets通过后面的openerp_ext_picking_widgets(openerp)调用】 function openerp_ext_picking_widgets(instance) { var extmodule = instance.ext_stock; var module = instance.picking; var _t = instance.web._t; var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; // This widget makes sure that the scaling is disabled on mobile devices. // Widgets that want to display fullscreen on mobile phone need to extend this // widget. // MobileWidget 如果在手机端显示,需要扩展该部件 // start()在部件初始化后,被自动调用。它接受指令去显示其内容。用它向用户显示一些内容。 // 要做到这一点,我们使用所有部件都有的 $el 属性。该属性是一个 jQuery对象, 表示部件对应的 HTML 标签的根标签。 // 部件包含了多个 HTML 标签,这些 HTM 标签有一个统一的根标签。 // 默认情况下,部件都有一个空的根标签:一个<div> // $('#oe-mobilewidget-viewport'):选择指定的id的HTML元素 // $('head'):选择特定的HTML元素, .append():追加内容到后面 // 销毁部件 destroy() extmodule.MobileWidget = instance.web.Widget.extend({ start: function () { if (!$('#oe-mobilewidget-viewport').length) { $('head').append('<meta id="oe-mobilewidget-viewport" name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">'); } return this._super(); }, destroy: function () { $('#oe-mobilewidget-viewport').remove(); return this._super(); }, }); // 操作界面 // 在部件中重载init()时,必须以父部件作为第一参数传入,并调用传入给this._super() // 重载方法,使用 this._super()调用原来的方法 // get_header: 调用父部件下的 get_header() 方法 extmodule.PickingEditorWidget = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'PickingEditorWidget', init: function (parent, options) { this._super(parent, options); var self = this; this.rows = []; this.search_filter = ""; // 伪类选择器jQuery.expr[":"] jQuery.expr[":"].Contains = jQuery.expr.createPseudo(function (arg) { return function (elem) { return jQuery(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; }); }, get_header: function () { return this.getParent().get_header(); }, get_location: function () { var model = this.getParent(); var locations = []; var self = this; _.each(model.locations, function (loc) { locations.push({name: loc.complete_name, id: loc.id,}); }); return locations; }, get_logisticunit: function () { var model = this.getParent(); var ul = []; var self = this; _.each(model.uls, function (ulog) { ul.push({name: ulog.name, id: ulog.id,}); }); return ul; }, get_rows: function () { var model = this.getParent(); this.rows = []; var self = this; var pack_created = []; _.each(model.packoplines, function (packopline) { var pack = undefined; var color = ""; if (packopline.product_id[1] !== undefined) { pack = packopline.package_id[1]; } if (packopline.product_qty == packopline.qty_done) { color = "success "; } if (packopline.product_qty < packopline.qty_done) { color = "danger "; } //also check that we don't have a line already existing for that package if (packopline.result_package_id[1] !== undefined && $.inArray(packopline.result_package_id[0], pack_created) === -1) { var myPackage = $.grep(model.packages, function (e) { return e.id == packopline.result_package_id[0]; })[0]; self.rows.push({ cols: { product: packopline.result_package_id[1], qty: '', rem: '', uom: undefined, lot: undefined, pack: undefined, container: packopline.result_package_id[1], container_id: undefined, loc: packopline.location_id[1], dest: packopline.location_dest_id[1], id: packopline.result_package_id[0], product_id: undefined, can_scan: false, head_container: true, processed: packopline.processed, package_id: myPackage.id, ul_id: myPackage.ul_id[0], display_name: 'select'+packopline.result_package_id[0], }, classes: ('success container_head ') + (packopline.processed === "true" ? 'processed hidden ' : ''), }); pack_created.push(packopline.result_package_id[0]); } self.rows.push({ cols: { product: packopline.product_id[1] || packopline.package_id[1], qty: packopline.product_qty, rem: packopline.qty_done, uom: packopline.product_uom_id[1], lot: packopline.lot_id[1], pack: pack, container: packopline.result_package_id[1], container_id: packopline.result_package_id[0], loc: packopline.location_id[1], dest: packopline.location_dest_id[1], id: packopline.id, product_id: packopline.product_id[0], can_scan: packopline.result_package_id[1] === undefined ? true : false, head_container: false, processed: packopline.processed, package_id: undefined, ul_id: -1, display_name: 'select'+packopline.id, }, classes: color + (packopline.result_package_id[1] !== undefined ? 'in_container_hidden ' : '') + (packopline.processed === "true" ? 'processed hidden ' : ''), }); }); //sort element by things to do, then things done, then grouped by packages group_by_container = _.groupBy(self.rows, function (row) { return row.cols.container; }); var sorted_row = []; if (group_by_container.undefined !== undefined) { group_by_container.undefined.sort(function (a, b) { return (b.classes === '') - (a.classes === ''); }); $.each(group_by_container.undefined, function (key, value) { sorted_row.push(value); }); } $.each(group_by_container, function (key, value) { if (key !== 'undefined') { $.each(value, function (k, v) { sorted_row.push(v); }); } }); return sorted_row; }, // .text:设置元素内的内容 renderElement: function () { var self = this; this._super(); this.check_content_screen(); this.$('.js_pick_done').click(function () { self.getParent().done(); }); this.$('.js_pick_print').click(function () { self.getParent().print_picking(); }); this.$('.oe_pick_app_header').text(self.get_header()); this.$('.oe_searchbox').keyup(function (event) { self.on_searchbox($(this).val()); }); this.$('.js_putinpack').click(function () { self.getParent().pack(); }); this.$('.js_drop_down').click(function () { self.getParent().drop_down(); }); this.$('.js_clear_search').click(function () { self.on_searchbox(''); self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(''); }); this.$('.oe_searchbox').focus(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); }); this.$('.oe_searchbox').blur(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); // #js_select关闭扫码 this.$('#js_select').focus(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); }); this.$('#js_select').blur(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); this.$('#js_select').change(function () { var selection = self.$('#js_select option:selected').attr('value'); if (selection === "ToDo") { self.getParent().$('.js_pick_pack').removeClass('hidden'); self.getParent().$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed').addClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed)').removeClass('hidden') } else { self.getParent().$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden'); self.getParent().$('.js_drop_down').addClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed').removeClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed)').addClass('hidden') } self.on_searchbox(self.search_filter); }); this.$('.js_plus').click(function () { var id = $(this).data('product-id'); var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); self.getParent().scan_product_id(id, true, op_id); }); this.$('.js_minus').click(function () { var id = $(this).data('product-id'); var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); self.getParent().scan_product_id(id, false, op_id); }); this.$('.js_unfold').click(function () { var op_id = $(this).parent().data('id'); var line = $(this).parent(); //select all js_pack_op_line with class in_container_hidden and correct container-id select = self.$('.js_pack_op_line.in_container_hidden[data-container-id=' + op_id + ']') if (select.length > 0) { //we unfold line.addClass('warning'); select.removeClass('in_container_hidden'); select.addClass('in_container'); } else { //we fold line.removeClass('warning'); select = self.$('.js_pack_op_line.in_container[data-container-id=' + op_id + ']') select.removeClass('in_container'); select.addClass('in_container_hidden'); } }); this.$('.js_create_lot').click(function () { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); var lot_name = false; self.$('.js_lot_scan').val(''); var $lot_modal = self.$el.siblings('#js_LotChooseModal'); //disconnect scanner to prevent scanning a product in the back while dialog is open self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); $lot_modal.modal(); //focus input $lot_modal.on('shown.bs.modal', function () { self.$('.js_lot_scan').focus(); }); //reactivate scanner when dialog close 关闭对话框激活扫描界面 $lot_modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); self.$('.js_lot_scan').focus(); //button action self.$('.js_validate_lot').click(function () { //get content of input var name = self.$('.js_lot_scan').val(); if (name.length !== 0) { lot_name = name; } $lot_modal.modal('hide'); //we need this here since it is not sure the hide event //will be catch because we refresh the view after the create_lot call self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); self.getParent().create_lot(op_id, lot_name); }); }); this.$('.js_delete_pack').click(function () { var pack_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); self.getParent().delete_package_op(pack_id); }); this.$('.js_print_pack').click(function () { var pack_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); // $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id') self.getParent().print_package(pack_id); }); this.$('.js_submit_value').submit(function (event) { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); var value = parseFloat($("input", this).val()); if (value >= 0) { self.getParent().set_operation_quantity(value, op_id); } $("input", this).val(""); return false; }); this.$('.js_qty').focus(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); }); this.$('.js_qty').blur(function () { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); var value = parseFloat($(this).val()); if (value >= 0) { self.getParent().set_operation_quantity(value, op_id); } self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); this.$('.js_change_src').click(function () { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');//data('op_id'); self.$('#js_loc_select').addClass('source'); self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id', op_id); self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal(); }); this.$('.js_change_dst').click(function () { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id', op_id); self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal(); }); this.$('.js_pack_change_dst').click(function () { var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); self.$('#js_loc_select').addClass('pack'); self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id', op_id); self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal(); }); this.$('.js_validate_location').click(function () { //get current selection var select_dom_element = self.$('#js_loc_select'); var loc_id = self.$('#js_loc_select option:selected').data('loc-id'); var src_dst = false; var op_id = select_dom_element.data('op-id'); if (select_dom_element.hasClass('pack')) { select_dom_element.removeClass('source'); op_ids = []; self.$('.js_pack_op_line[data-container-id=' + op_id + ']').each(function () { op_ids.push($(this).data('id')); }); op_id = op_ids; } else if (select_dom_element.hasClass('source')) { src_dst = true; select_dom_element.removeClass('source'); } if (loc_id === false) { //close window self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide'); } else { self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide'); self.getParent().change_location(op_id, parseInt(loc_id), src_dst); } }); // 扫描产品 this.$('.js_clear_search2').click(function () { self.on_searchbox2(''); self.$('.oe_searchbox2').val(''); }); this.$('#oe_searchbox2').keyup(function (event) { self.getParent().scan($(this).val()); self.on_searchbox2($(this).val()); }); this.$('#oe_searchbox2').focus(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); }); this.$('#oe_searchbox2').blur(function () { self.$('#oe_searchbox2').val(''); self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); // 更改目标位置 this.$('.js_select_class').blur(function () { self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.getParent().scan(ean); }); }); this.$('.js_select_class').focus(function () { // self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect(); }); this.$('.js_select_class').change(function () { //get current selection var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id'); $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").css('background-color', 'grey'); var select_str = 'select' + op_id; var select_dom_element = self.$('#' + select_str); var loc_id = self.$('#'+ select_str + ' option:selected').data('loc-id'); var src_dst = false; self.$('#'+select_str).data('op-id', op_id); if (select_dom_element.hasClass('pack')) { select_dom_element.removeClass('source'); op_ids = []; self.$('.js_pack_op_line[data-container-id=' + op_id + ']').each(function () { op_ids.push($(this).data('id')); }); op_id = op_ids; } else if (select_dom_element.hasClass('source')) { src_dst = true; select_dom_element.removeClass('source'); } if (loc_id === false) { //close window self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide'); } else { self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide'); self.getParent().change_location(op_id, parseInt(loc_id), src_dst); } }); // this.$('.js_LocationChooseModal2').on('change', function (){ // return $(this).attr('id'); // }); this.$('.js_pack_configure').click(function () { var pack_id = $(this).parents(".js_pack_op_line:first").data('package-id'); var ul_id = $(this).parents(".js_pack_op_line:first").data('ulid'); self.$('#js_packconf_select').val(ul_id); self.$('#js_packconf_select').data('pack-id', pack_id); self.$el.siblings('#js_PackConfModal').modal(); }); this.$('.js_validate_pack').click(function () { //get current selection var select_dom_element = self.$('#js_packconf_select'); var ul_id = self.$('#js_packconf_select option:selected').data('ul-id'); var pack_id = select_dom_element.data('pack-id'); self.$el.siblings('#js_PackConfModal').modal('hide'); if (pack_id) { self.getParent().set_package_pack(pack_id, ul_id); $('.container_head[data-package-id="' + pack_id + '"]').data('ulid', ul_id); } }); //remove navigtion bar from default openerp GUI $('td.navbar').html('<div></div>'); }, on_searchbox: function (query) { //hide line that has no location matching the query and highlight location that match the query this.search_filter = query; var processed = ".processed"; if (this.$('#js_select option:selected').attr('value') == "ToDo") { processed = ":not(.processed)"; } if (query !== '') { this.$('.js_loc:not(.js_loc:Contains(' + query + '))').removeClass('info'); this.$('.js_loc:Contains(' + query + ')').addClass('info'); this.$('.js_pack_op_line' + processed + ':not(.js_pack_op_line:has(.js_loc:Contains(' + query + ')))').addClass('hidden'); this.$('.js_pack_op_line' + processed + ':has(.js_loc:Contains(' + query + '))').removeClass('hidden'); } //if no query specified, then show everything if (query === '') { this.$('.js_loc').removeClass('info'); this.$('.js_pack_op_line' + processed + '.hidden').removeClass('hidden'); } this.check_content_screen(); }, on_searchbox2: function (query) { this.check_content_screen(); }, check_content_screen: function () { //get all visible element and if none has positive qty, disable put in pack and process button var self = this; var processed = this.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed'); var qties = this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.hidden) .js_qty').map(function () { return $(this).val() }); var container = this.$('.js_pack_op_line.container_head:not(.processed):not(.hidden)') var disabled = true; $.each(qties, function (index, value) { if (parseInt(value) > 0) { disabled = false; } }); if (disabled) { if (container.length === 0) { self.$('.js_drop_down').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('disabled'); } self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('disabled'); if (processed.length === 0) { self.$('.js_pick_done').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_pick_done').removeClass('disabled'); } } else { self.$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('disabled'); self.$('.js_pick_pack').removeClass('disabled'); self.$('.js_pick_done').removeClass('disabled'); } }, get_current_op_selection: function (ignore_container) { //get ids of visible on the screen pack_op_ids = [] this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.js_pack_op_line.hidden):not(.container_head)').each(function () { cur_id = $(this).data('id'); pack_op_ids.push(parseInt(cur_id)); }); //get list of element in this.rows where rem > 0 and container is empty is specified list = [] _.each(this.rows, function (row) { if (row.cols.rem > 0 && (ignore_container || row.cols.container === undefined)) { list.push(row.cols.id); } }); //return only those visible with rem qty > 0 and container empty return _.intersection(pack_op_ids, list); }, remove_blink: function () { this.$('.js_pack_op_line.blink_me').removeClass('blink_me'); }, // ----------------修改blink 扫描产品刷新页面 blink: function (op_id) { this.$('.js_pack_op_line[data-id="' + op_id + '"]').addClass('blink_me');// 在数量发生改变的行增加类,产生闪烁效果 }, check_done: function () { var model = this.getParent(); var self = this; var done = true; _.each(model.packoplines, function (packopline) { if (packopline.processed === "false") { done = false; return done; } }); return done; }, get_visible_ids: function () { var self = this; var visible_op_ids = [] var op_ids = this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.hidden):not(.container_head):not(.in_container):not(.in_container_hidden)').map(function () { return $(this).data('id'); }); $.each(op_ids, function (key, op_id) { visible_op_ids.push(parseInt(op_id)); }); return visible_op_ids; }, }); // PickingMenuWidget 继承自 MobileWidget // bind() 方法为被选元素添加一个或多个事件处理程序,并规定事件发生时运行的函数。 extmodule.PickingMenuWidget = extmodule.MobileWidget.extend({ template: 'PickingMenuWidget', init: function (parent, params) { this._super(parent, params); var self = this; $(window).bind('hashchange', function () { var states = $.bbq.getState(); if (states.action === "stock.ui") { self.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.client', tag: 'stock.ui', target: 'current', }, { clear_breadcrumbs: true, }); } }); this.picking_types = []; this.loaded = this.load(); this.scanning_type = 0; // 实例化部件BarcodeScanner this.barcode_scanner = new extmodule.BarcodeScanner(); this.pickings_by_type = {}; this.pickings_by_id = {}; this.picking_search_string = ""; }, load: function () { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking.type').get_func('search_read')([], []) .then(function (types) { self.picking_types = types; type_ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { self.pickings_by_type[types[i].id] = []; type_ids.push(types[i].id); } self.pickings_by_type[0] = []; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('search_read', [[['state', 'in', ['assigned', 'partially_available']], ['picking_type_id', 'in', type_ids]], []], {context: new instance.web.CompoundContext()}); }).then(function (pickings) { self.pickings = pickings; for (var i = 0; i < pickings.length; i++) { var picking = pickings[i]; self.pickings_by_type[picking.picking_type_id[0]].push(picking); self.pickings_by_id[picking.id] = picking; self.picking_search_string += '' + picking.id + ':' + (picking.name ? picking.name.toUpperCase() : '') + '\n'; } }); }, renderElement: function () { this._super(); var self = this; this.$('.js_pick_quit').click(function () { self.quit(); }); this.$('.js_pick_scan').click(function () { self.scan_picking($(this).data('id')); }); this.$('.js_pick_last').click(function () { self.goto_last_picking_of_type($(this).data('id')); }); this.$('.oe_searchbox').keyup(function (event) { self.on_searchbox($(this).val()); }); //remove navigtion bar from default openerp GUI $('td.navbar').html('<div></div>'); }, start: function () { this._super(); var self = this; instance.webclient.set_content_full_screen(true); this.barcode_scanner.connect(function (barcode) { self.on_scan(barcode); }); this.loaded.then(function () { self.renderElement(); }); }, goto_picking: function (picking_id) { $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.ui&picking_id=' + picking_id); $(window).trigger('hashchange'); }, goto_last_picking_of_type: function (type_id) { $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.ui&picking_type_id=' + type_id); $(window).trigger('hashchange'); }, search_picking: function (barcode) { try { var re = RegExp("([0-9]+):.*?" + barcode.toUpperCase(), "gi"); } catch (e) { //avoid crash if a not supported char is given (like '\' or ')') return []; } var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { r = re.exec(this.picking_search_string); if (r) { var picking = this.pickings_by_id[Number(r[1])]; if (picking) { results.push(picking); } } else { break; } } return results; }, on_scan: function (barcode) { var self = this; for (var i = 0, len = this.pickings.length; i < len; i++) { var picking = this.pickings[i]; if (picking.name.toUpperCase() === $.trim(barcode.toUpperCase())) { this.goto_picking(picking.id); break; } } this.$('.js_picking_not_found').removeClass('hidden'); clearTimeout(this.picking_not_found_timeout); this.picking_not_found_timeout = setTimeout(function () { self.$('.js_picking_not_found').addClass('hidden'); }, 2000); }, on_searchbox: function (query) { var self = this; clearTimeout(this.searchbox_timeout); this.searchbox_timout = setTimeout(function () { if (query) { self.$('.js_picking_not_found').addClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_picking_categories').addClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_picking_search_results').html( QWeb.render('PickingSearchResults', {results: self.search_picking(query)}) ); self.$('.js_picking_search_results .oe_picking').click(function () { self.goto_picking($(this).data('id')); }); self.$('.js_picking_search_results').removeClass('hidden'); } else { self.$('.js_title_label').removeClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_picking_categories').removeClass('hidden'); self.$('.js_picking_search_results').addClass('hidden'); } }, 100); }, quit: function () { return new instance.web.Model("ir.model.data").get_func("search_read")([['name', '=', 'action_picking_type_form']], ['res_id']).pipe(function (res) { window.location = '/web#action=' + res[0]['res_id']; }); }, destroy: function () { this._super(); this.barcode_scanner.disconnect(); instance.webclient.set_content_full_screen(false); }, }); // 把部件注册为客户端的action。当我们点击菜单项时,客户端action让部件显示出来 openerp.web.client_actions.add('stock.menu', 'instance.ext_stock.PickingMenuWidget'); // PickingMainWidget 继承自 MobileWidget // 'hashchange': 监听浏览器url变化? // bbq: 返回按钮和查询库 // $.bbq.getState():返回浏览器地址栏参数和值 extmodule.PickingMainWidget = extmodule.MobileWidget.extend({ template: 'PickingMainWidget', init: function (parent, params) { this._super(parent, params); var self = this; $(window).bind('hashchange', function () { var states = $.bbq.getState(); if (states.action === "stock.menu") { self.do_action({ type: 'ir.actions.client', tag: 'stock.menu', target: 'current', }, { clear_breadcrumbs: true, }); } }); init_hash = $.bbq.getState(); this.picking_type_id = init_hash.picking_type_id ? init_hash.picking_type_id : 0; this.picking_id = init_hash.picking_id ? init_hash.picking_id : undefined; this.picking = null; this.pickings = []; this.packoplines = null; this.selected_operation = {id: null, picking_id: null}; this.packages = null; this.barcode_scanner = new extmodule.BarcodeScanner(); this.locations = []; this.uls = []; if (this.picking_id) { this.loaded = this.load(this.picking_id); } else { this.loaded = this.load(); } // ----------------------------- this.select_id = null; this.barcode_scan_bool = false; }, // load the picking data from the server. If picking_id is undefined, it will take the first picking // belonging to the category // instance.web.Model('stock.picking'):js创建类(数据表)实例 // .call 调用类(数据表)实例的方法,返回deferred // .then(): 异步执行, then()前的方法执行完后再执行then()内部的程序,then()有两个参数,那么第一个参数是done()方法的回调函数,第二个参数是fail()方法的回调方法 // CompoundContext这个类用来传递用户上下文(语言,时区等)给服务器 // deferred 是jQuery的回调函数解决方案 // .resolve():手动改变deferred对象的运行状态为"已完成",从而立即触发done()方法 // .reject()将deferred对象的运行状态变为"已失败",从而立即触发fail()方法 load: function (picking_id) { var self = this; function load_picking_list(type_id) { var pickings = new $.Deferred(); new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('get_next_picking_for_ui', [{'default_picking_type_id': parseInt(type_id)}]) .then(function (picking_ids) { if (!picking_ids || picking_ids.length === 0) { (new instance.web.Dialog(self, { title: _t('No Picking Available'), buttons: [{ text: _t('Ok'), click: function () { self.menu(); } }] }, _t('<p>We could not find a picking to display.</p>'))).open(); pickings.reject(); } else { self.pickings = picking_ids; pickings.resolve(picking_ids); } }); return pickings; } // if we have a specified picking id, we load that one, and we load the picking of the same type as the active list // 有指定就显示指定picking_id的记录 if (picking_id) { var loaded_picking = new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('read', [[parseInt(picking_id)], [], new instance.web.CompoundContext()]) .then(function (picking) { self.picking = picking[0]; self.picking_type_id = picking[0].picking_type_id[0]; return load_picking_list(self.picking.picking_type_id[0]); }); } else { // if we don't have a specified picking id, we load the pickings belong to the specified type, and then we take // the first one of that list as the active picking // 没有指定就显示默认第一条picking_id的记录 var loaded_picking = new $.Deferred(); load_picking_list(self.picking_type_id) .then(function () { return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('read', [self.pickings[0], [], new instance.web.CompoundContext()]); }) .then(function (picking) { self.picking = picking; self.picking_type_id = picking.picking_type_id[0]; loaded_picking.resolve(); }); } return loaded_picking.then(function () { if (!_.isEmpty(self.locations)) { return $.when(); } return new instance.web.Model('stock.location').call('search', [[['usage', '=', 'internal']]]).then(function (locations_ids) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.location').call('read', [locations_ids, []]).then(function (locations) { self.locations = locations; }); }); }).then(function () { return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('check_group_pack').then(function (result) { return self.show_pack = result; }); }).then(function () { return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('check_group_lot').then(function (result) { return self.show_lot = result; }); }).then(function () { if (self.picking.pack_operation_exist === false) { self.picking.recompute_pack_op = false; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('do_prepare_partial', [[self.picking.id]]); } }).then(function () { return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation').call('search', [[['picking_id', '=', self.picking.id]]]) }).then(function (pack_op_ids) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation').call('read', [pack_op_ids, [], new instance.web.CompoundContext()]) }).then(function (operations) { self.packoplines = operations; var package_ids = []; for (var i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) { if (!_.contains(package_ids, operations[i].result_package_id[0])) { if (operations[i].result_package_id[0]) { package_ids.push(operations[i].result_package_id[0]); } } } return new instance.web.Model('stock.quant.package').call('read', [package_ids, [], new instance.web.CompoundContext()]) }).then(function (packages) { self.packages = packages; }).then(function () { return new instance.web.Model('product.ul').call('search', [[]]) }).then(function (uls_ids) { return new instance.web.Model('product.ul').call('read', [uls_ids, []]) }).then(function (uls) { self.uls = uls; }); }, start: function () { this._super(); var self = this; instance.webclient.set_content_full_screen(true); this.barcode_scanner.connect(function (ean) { self.scan(ean); }); this.$('.js_pick_quit').click(function () { self.quit(); }); this.$('.js_pick_prev').click(function () { self.picking_prev(); }); this.$('.js_pick_next').click(function () { self.picking_next(); }); this.$('.js_pick_menu').click(function () { self.menu(); }); this.$('.js_reload_op').click(function () { self.reload_pack_operation(); }); // ----------------------------------------------- $(document).click(function(e) { self.select_id = $(e.target).attr("id") }); $.when(this.loaded).done(function () { // 实例化部件PickingEditorWidget self.picking_editor = new extmodule.PickingEditorWidget(self); self.picking_editor.replace(self.$('.oe_placeholder_picking_editor')); if (self.picking.id === self.pickings[0]) { self.$('.js_pick_prev').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_pick_prev').removeClass('disabled'); } if (self.picking.id === self.pickings[self.pickings.length - 1]) { self.$('.js_pick_next').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_pick_next').removeClass('disabled'); } if (self.picking.recompute_pack_op) { self.$('.oe_reload_op').removeClass('hidden'); } else { self.$('.oe_reload_op').addClass('hidden'); } if (!self.show_pack) { self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden'); } if (!self.show_lot) { self.$('.js_create_lot').addClass('hidden'); } }).fail(function (error) { console.log(error); }); }, on_searchbox: function (query) { var self = this; self.picking_editor.on_searchbox(query.toUpperCase()); }, on_searchbox2: function (query) { var self = this; self.picking_editor.on_searchbox2(query.toUpperCase()); }, // reloads the data from the provided picking and refresh the ui. // (if no picking_id is provided, gets the first picking in the db) refresh_ui: function (picking_id) { var self = this; var remove_search_filter = ""; if (self.picking.id === picking_id) { remove_search_filter = self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(); } return this.load(picking_id) .then(function () { self.picking_editor.remove_blink(); self.picking_editor.renderElement(); if (!self.show_pack) { self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden'); } if (!self.show_lot) { self.$('.js_create_lot').addClass('hidden'); } if (self.picking.recompute_pack_op) { self.$('.oe_reload_op').removeClass('hidden'); } else { self.$('.oe_reload_op').addClass('hidden'); } if (self.picking.id === self.pickings[0]) { self.$('.js_pick_prev').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_pick_prev').removeClass('disabled'); } if (self.picking.id === self.pickings[self.pickings.length - 1]) { self.$('.js_pick_next').addClass('disabled'); } else { self.$('.js_pick_next').removeClass('disabled'); } if (remove_search_filter === "") { self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(''); self.on_searchbox(''); } else { self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(remove_search_filter); self.on_searchbox(remove_search_filter); } // ------------------------------------ self.$('.oe_searchbox2').val(''); self.on_searchbox2(''); }); }, get_header: function () { if (this.picking) { return this.picking.name; } else { return ''; } }, menu: function () { $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.menu'); $(window).trigger('hashchange'); }, scan: function (ean) { //scans a barcode, sends it to the server, then reload the ui var self = this; var product_visible_ids = this.picking_editor.get_visible_ids(); return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('process_barcode_from_ui', [self.picking.id, ean, product_visible_ids]) .then(function (result) { if (result.filter_loc !== false) { //check if we have receive a location as answer if (result.filter_loc !== undefined) { var modal_loc_hidden = self.$('#js_LocationChooseModal').attr('aria-hidden'); // var modal_loc_hidden2 = self.$("td[id^='select']").attr('aria-hidden'); if (modal_loc_hidden === "false") { var line = self.$('#js_LocationChooseModal .js_loc_option[data-loc-id=' + result.filter_loc_id + ']').attr('selected', 'selected'); } // ----------------------------------------------------- else if (self.select_id != undefined ){ var line = self.$('#' + self.select_id + ' .js_loc_option[data-loc-id=' + result.filter_loc_id + ']').attr('selected', 'selected'); self.$('#'+ self.select_id).change(); } else { self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(result.filter_loc); self.on_searchbox(result.filter_loc); } } } console.log('oe_searchbox2' + self.$('.oe_searchbox2').val()); if (result.operation_id !== false) { self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id).then(function () { return self.picking_editor.blink(result.operation_id); }); } }); }, scan_product_id: function (product_id, increment, op_id) { //performs the same operation as a scan, but with product id instead var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('process_product_id_from_ui', [self.picking.id, product_id, op_id, increment]) .then(function (result) { return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); }, pack: function () { var self = this; var pack_op_ids = self.picking_editor.get_current_op_selection(false); if (pack_op_ids.length !== 0) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('action_pack', [[[self.picking.id]], pack_op_ids]) .then(function (pack) { //TODO: the functionality using current_package_id in context is not needed anymore instance.session.user_context.current_package_id = false; return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); } }, drop_down: function () { var self = this; var pack_op_ids = self.picking_editor.get_current_op_selection(true); if (pack_op_ids.length !== 0) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation') .call('action_drop_down', [pack_op_ids]) .then(function () { return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id).then(function () { if (self.picking_editor.check_done()) { return self.done(); } }); }); } }, done: function () { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('action_done_from_ui', [self.picking.id, {'default_picking_type_id': self.picking_type_id}]) .then(function (new_picking_ids) { if (new_picking_ids) { return self.refresh_ui(new_picking_ids[0]); } else { return 0; } }); }, create_lot: function (op_id, lot_name) { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation') .call('create_and_assign_lot', [parseInt(op_id), lot_name]) .then(function () { return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); }, change_location: function (op_id, loc_id, is_src_dst) { var self = this; var vals = {'location_dest_id': loc_id}; if (is_src_dst) { vals = {'location_id': loc_id}; } return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation') .call('write', [op_id, vals]) .then(function () { return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); }, print_package: function (package_id) { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.quant.package') .call('action_print', [[package_id]]) .then(function (action) { return self.do_action(action); }); }, print_picking: function () { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking.type').call('read', [[self.picking_type_id], ['code'], new instance.web.CompoundContext()]) .then(function (pick_type) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking').call('do_print_picking', [[self.picking.id]]) .then(function (action) { return self.do_action(action); }); }); }, picking_next: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.pickings.length; i++) { if (this.pickings[i] === this.picking.id) { if (i < this.pickings.length - 1) { $.bbq.pushState('picking_id=' + this.pickings[i + 1]); this.refresh_ui(this.pickings[i + 1]); return; } } } }, picking_prev: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.pickings.length; i++) { if (this.pickings[i] === this.picking.id) { if (i > 0) { $.bbq.pushState('picking_id=' + this.pickings[i - 1]); this.refresh_ui(this.pickings[i - 1]); return; } } } }, delete_package_op: function (pack_id) { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation').call('search', [[['result_package_id', '=', pack_id]]]) .then(function (op_ids) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation').call('write', [op_ids, {'result_package_id': false}]) .then(function () { return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); }); }, set_operation_quantity: function (quantity, op_id) { var self = this; if (quantity >= 0) { return new instance.web.Model('stock.pack.operation') .call('write', [[op_id], {'qty_done': quantity}]) .then(function () { self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); } }, set_package_pack: function (package_id, pack) { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.quant.package') .call('write', [[package_id], {'ul_id': pack}]); return; }, reload_pack_operation: function () { var self = this; return new instance.web.Model('stock.picking') .call('do_prepare_partial', [[self.picking.id]]) .then(function () { self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id); }); }, quit: function () { this.destroy(); return new instance.web.Model("ir.model.data").get_func("search_read")([['name', '=', 'action_picking_type_form']], ['res_id']).pipe(function (res) { window.location = '/web#action=' + res[0]['res_id']; }); }, destroy: function () { this._super(); // this.disconnect_numpad(); this.barcode_scanner.disconnect(); instance.webclient.set_content_full_screen(false); }, }); openerp.web.client_actions.add('stock.ui', 'instance.ext_stock.PickingMainWidget'); extmodule.BarcodeScanner = instance.web.Class.extend({ connect: function (callback) { var code = ""; var timeStamp = 0; var timeout = null; this.handler = function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { //ignore returns which 属性指示按了哪个键或按钮 return; } if (timeStamp + 50 < new Date().getTime()) { code = ""; } timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); //getTime() 返回从1970年1月1日至今的毫秒数 clearTimeout(timeout); // setTimeout()和clearTimeout()一起使用,停止计时器 code += String.fromCharCode(e.which); // fromCharCode可接受一个指定的Unicode值,然后返回一个字符串 timeout = setTimeout(function () { if (code.length >= 3) { // console.log('callback:>>>>' +callback); callback(code); } code = ""; }, 100); }; $('body').on('keypress', this.handler); }, disconnect: function () { $('body').off('keypress', this.handler); }, }); } openerp.ext_stock = function (openerp) { openerp.ext_stock = openerp.ext_stock || {}; openerp_ext_picking_widgets(openerp); }