@check_permission @login_required def customer_detail(request,customer_id): customer_obj = models.Customer.objects.get(id=customer_id) customer_form = forms.CustomerDetailForm(instance=customer_obj) if request.method == 'POST': customer_form = forms.CustomerDetailForm(request.POST,instance=customer_obj) if customer_form.is_valid(): parent_base_url = '/'.join(request.path.split('/')[:-2]) print("url:",parent_base_url ) return redirect(parent_base_url) else: print(customer_form.errors) return render(request,'crm/customer_detail.html',{'customer_form':customer_form})
# 50行实现细粒度的权限控制
#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ __author__ = 'Alex Li' from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve # resolve 可将实际url对应到设置的别名 from django.shortcuts import render,redirect perm_dic = { # 定义权限字典 'view_customer_list': ['customer_list','GET',[]], # [url别名,GET|POST , 参数] 'view_customer_info': ['customer_detail','GET',[]], 'edit_own_customer_info': ['customer_detail','POST',['test']], } def perm_check(*args,**kwargs): request = args[0] url_resovle_obj = resolve(request.path_info) current_url_namespace = url_resovle_obj.url_name # 获取url别名(namespace) #app_name = url_resovle_obj.app_name #use this name later print("url namespace:",current_url_namespace) matched_flag = False # find matched perm item # 初始标志为false matched_perm_key = None if current_url_namespace is not None:#if didn't set the url namespace, permission doesn't work print("find perm...") for perm_key in perm_dic: perm_val = perm_dic[perm_key] if len(perm_val) == 3:#otherwise invalid perm data format url_namespace,request_method,request_args = perm_val print(url_namespace,current_url_namespace) if url_namespace == current_url_namespace: #matched the url if request.method == request_method:#matched request method if not request_args:#if empty , pass matched_flag = True matched_perm_key = perm_key print('mtched...') break #no need looking for other perms else: for request_arg in request_args: #might has many args request_method_func = getattr(request,request_method) #get or post mostly #print("----->>>",request_method_func.get(request_arg)) if request_method_func.get(request_arg) is not None: matched_flag = True # the arg in set in perm item must be provided in request data else: matched_flag = False print("request arg [%s] not matched" % request_arg) break #no need go further if matched_flag == True: # means passed permission check ,no need check others print("--passed permission check--") matched_perm_key = perm_key break else:#permission doesn't work return True if matched_flag == True: #pass permission check perm_str = "crm.%s" %(matched_perm_key) if request.user.has_perm(perm_str): print("