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  • Law of Seed

    this article was prepared by our company,the article is good and it's also a good way to learn English, just share with you.I hope you enjoy this article.

    This article depicts one of the governing laws of Nature and what we can learn from the “Law of Seed”.

    The Law of Seed

    When the great spiritual teachers told their stories, they spoke of sowing seeds and fetching water. Of course, they talked of seasons, and crops and fish because the people of the time understood farming and fishing. But it goes deeper than that. Nature’s laws are all there is. Whether you are a goat herder or a computer programmer, the same rules apply.

    The lesson of the seed is: “You reap your harvest after you do the work.” You dig the soil and water the seed (effort), wait a while (patience) and then you pick your beans. Effort + Patience = Results.

    This principle is often lost on people. They say: “If I plant beans today, what will I get back tomorrow?” And the answer is: “Wet bean seeds.” The law of the seed says: “You plan today, and you harvest… LATER!” Plant beans now; pick beans in four months. When everybody grew their own food, people probably understood this concept better. But this is the age of instant noodles.

    Fred says: “If I had a decent job, then I would really work hard. But all I do is wash dishes, so to heck with it.” Wrong, Fred! If you become the best dish washer in town, someone will notice you, or someone will promote you, or you’ll feel so good about yourself that you’ll one day go and do something you really want to do.

    Effort first, harvest second. It’s a principle. You cannot reverse the process. Mary says: “Promote me, and then I’ll quit sleeping on the job.” Frank says: “Pay me more and I’ll stop being sick.” Jane says: “If I had a good marriage, I’d be nice to my husband.

    Credit cards and mail order catalogues encourage us to buy now, pay no interest until February and go broke in March. It’s playing with the same principles. Earn now, pay later works better than buy now, pay later.

    Another lesson we learn in the garden: when you plant a dozen bean seeds, you don’t get a dozen bean plants. Fred plants his bean seeds. Some get burned up. Some get blown away. The bugs get a few. The birds take three or four. Fred is left with two little bean plants, and he says: “It’s not fair!” It’s life.

    To find even a few good friends, you begin with a lot of acquaintances. To find the ideal employee, you interview fifty. To find a few regular customers, you begin with a hundred. To find the perfect Sichuan hot pot (麻辣火鍋), you eat in a lot of restaurants.

    Many of your ideas, employees, and even your friends will get blown away or taken by the birds. This is not something you fight, it’s something you understand. It is something you prepare for.

    Note:by English Environment Team & Article Per Week
    Contents of this email are NCSI (Chengdu)-restricted and for internal circulation only.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/darcyhu/p/1683986.html
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