alias is command-line counterpart of hotstring of AutoHotkey, for example:
alias vboat='vi ~/docs/erlang/boat.erl'
alias toerl='cd ~/docs/erlang'
If hope for later use, save them in ~/.bash_aliases(if it's spacified in .bashrc), otherwise, ~/.bashrc.
$CDPATH to command "cd" is the same with $PATH with executables, or $CLASSPATH to command "java". For example:
bvt@pwm:~/docs/test/workspace$ CDPATH=/usr/share/ant
bvt@pwm:~/docs/test/workspace$ cd lib
Save the value of CDPATH in .bashrc for later use.
Bookmarks of vim NerdTree
See note " Notes about NERDTree ";
Temporary directories switching
pushd <dir_name>
: add pushd .
add current path to path stack;
Switch between two directories
: swap top and second item in stack and switch to second path;
cd -: "-" is $OLDPWD;
Switch between multiple directories
pushd +n
or pushd -n
(n is a 1,2,...): rotates the stack and change to the n-th path in stack, n is decided by dirs -v
dirs & popd
dirs -v
: print the path stack;