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  • python 压缩 解压


    class DecompressionModel:
        def __init__(self):
        def decompression(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path):
            :param rar_file: abstract path of rar_file
            :param specified_list: the specified directory list
            :param destination_path: destination path for unrar
            # DecompressionModel._rar_decompression_command(rarfile, specified_list, base_path)
            if rar_file.endswith(".rar"):
                DecompressionModel._rar_decompression_unrar(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path)
                DecompressionModel._rar_decompression_command(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path)
                if rar_file.endswith(".zip"):
                    DecompressionModel._zip_decompression(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path)
                    error_out_print("Error: decompression file [%s] is not zip or rar file. please have a check." % rar_file)
        def _zip_decompression(zip_file, specified_list, destination_path):
            zip_decompression(zip_file, destination_path, specified_list)
        def _rar_decompression_command(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path):
            standout_print("Info: decompression with command.rar file [%s],specified list %s, in base path[%s]" % (rar_file, specified_list, destination_path))
            if specified_list:
                for specified_directory in specified_list:
                    DecompressionModel._unrar_command(rar_file, specified_directory, destination_path)
                DecompressionModel._unrar_command(rar_file, None, destination_path)
        def _rar_decompression_unrar(rar_file, specified_list, destination_path):
            standout_print("Info: decompression with unrar package. rar file [%s],specified list %s, in base path[%s]" % (rar_file, specified_list, destination_path))
            rar_file = rar_file.replace("\", "/")
            destination_path = destination_path.replace("\", "/")
            if not os.path.exists(rar_file) or rar_file.find(".rar") == -1:
                error_out_print("Error: rar file not exist or this file is not rar file.[%s] " % rar_file)
            unrar_model = UNRARModel(rar_filename=rar_file, to_path=destination_path)
            if specified_list:
            standout_print("Info: unrar file done.from [%s] to [%s]." % (rar_file, destination_path))
            if specified_list:
                standout_print("Info: the specified directory is [%s]" % specified_list)
        def _unrar_command(rar_file, specified_directory, base_path):
            if not os.path.exists(rar_file) or (not rar_file.endswith(".rar")):
                error_out_print("Error: rar file not exist.[%s] or is not a rar file. please have a check" % rar_file)
            if not os.path.exists(base_path):
                standout_print("Failed: rar decompression base path[%s] not exist." % base_path)
                # sys.exit(-1)
            temp_dir = None
            if specified_directory:
                # unrar extract the specified directory
                # if the specified directory exist, it will full decompression, but we want partly
                # 1. create temp
                if os.path.exists(specified_directory):
                    temp_dir = os.path.join(base_path, str(time()))
                # 2. unrar
                cmd = "unrar x %s %s>/dev/null 2>&1" % (rar_file, specified_directory)
                # unrar this rar files
                cmd = "unrar x %s>/dev/null 2>&1" % rar_file
            standout_print("Info: base dir [%s]" % os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
            # after unrar remove ,rar file
            # remove_file(rar_file)
            if temp_dir:
                for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, specified_directory)):
                    # move files in tmp_path/specified_directory to to_path
                    from_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, specified_directory, file_name)
                    to_path = os.path.join(base_path, specified_directory)
                    move_directory(from_path, to_path)
    class UNRARModel:
        def __init__(self, rar_filename, to_path):
            self.rar_file = rar_filename
            self.to_path = to_path
            self.infolist = None
            self.rar_obj = None
        def init(self):
            self.rar_obj = rarfile.RarFile(path_to_unicode(self.rar_file))
            self.infolist = self.rar_obj.infolist()
        def _extract_list(self, selected_dir):
            use rarfile decompression specified directory must give the full name of file
            like unrar ALL.rar ALL/EX_INFO/SCENICROUT is wrong here,
            must :
            1. find files which in ALL/EX_INFO/SCENICROUT
            2. get these files name and return
            :param selected_dir:
            selected_infolist = []
            for d in selected_dir:
                for info in self.infolist:
                    filename = info.filename.replace("\", "/")  # in win
                    if filename.find(d) != -1 and info.file_size != 0L:
            return selected_infolist
        def decompression_list(self, selected_dir):
            extract the Specified directory
            :param selected_dir: Specified directory
            selected_infolist = self._extract_list(selected_dir)
            for member in selected_infolist:
                self.rar_obj.extract(path=self.to_path, member=member)
        def decompression_file(self):
            for info in self.infolist:
                filename = info.filename
                self.rar_obj.extract(path_to_unicode(filename), path=path_to_unicode(self.to_path))


    import sys
    import os
    import shutil
    import zipfile
    import tarfile
    def standout_print(info):
        print information to standout
        :param info:
        if type(info) == unicode:
            info = info.encode("utf-8")
        sys.stdout.write("%s" % info)
    def error_out_print(info):
        print error message
        :param info:
        if type(info) == unicode:
            info = info.encode("utf-8")
    def remove_file(file_path):
        remove file
        :param file_path:
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            standout_print("Info: remove files %s finish." % file_path)
            error_out_print("Error: remove file not exist.[%s]" % file_path)
    def remove_dirs(dir_path):
        dir_path = path_to_str(dir_path)
        if os.path.exists(dir_path):
            standout_print("Info: remove directory %s finish." % dir_path)
            error_out_print("Error: remove directory not exist.[%s]" % dir_path)
    def check_directory(dic_path):
        check this directory is empty or not
        :param dic_path:
        if not os.path.exists(dic_path):
            return False
        if not os.listdir(dic_path):
            return False
        return True
    def execute_cmd(cmd):
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        standout_print("Info: execute command [ %s ] . " % cmd)
        result_statue = os.system(cmd)
        if not cmd and result_statue:
            error_out_print("Error: execute command [%s]. program stop" % cmd)
        standout_print("Info: execute cmd[%s] success." % cmd)
        return True
    # def move_directory(from_directory, to_directory):
    #     if not os.path.exists(from_directory):
    #         error_out_print("Error: mv directory is not exist. please check [%s]" % from_directory)
    #         sys.exit(-1)
    #     mv_cmd = "mv %s %s" % (from_directory,to_directory)
    #     execute_cmd(mv_cmd)
    def move_directory(from_path, to_path):
        directory from_path `s basename
        move directory of from_path to to_path
        :param from_path:
        :param to_path:
        if not os.path.exists(from_path):
            error_out_print("Error: mv directory is not exist. please check [%s]" % path_to_str(from_path))
        standout_print("Info: begin move files in [%s] to [%s] finished." % (path_to_str(from_path), path_to_str(to_path)))
        to_file = os.path.join(to_path, os.path.basename(from_path))
        if os.path.exists(to_file):
            if os.path.isdir(to_file):
            if os.path.isfile(to_file):
        shutil.move(from_path, to_path)
        standout_print("Info: move directory from[%s] to [%s] finished." % (path_to_str(from_path), path_to_str(to_path)))
    def zip_decompression(zip_file, to_path, specified_list=None):
        if not os.path.exists(zip_file):
            error_out_print("Error: zip file[ % ] is not exist." % zip_file)
        if not zipfile.is_zipfile(zip_file):
            error_out_print("Error: zip file[  % ] is not a zip file. please check" % zipfile)
        fz = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file, "r")
        if not specified_list:
            specified_list = fz.namelist()
        for file_name in specified_list:
            fz.extract(file_name, to_path)
        standout_print("Info: zip decompress finish. file[%s] to [%s]." % (zip_file, to_path))
    def make_targz(tar_from_path_list, tar_to_file_path, base_dir):
        standout_print("Info: tar gz data in %s to [%s], in basedir [%s]" % (tar_from_path_list, tar_to_file_path, base_dir))
        tar_to_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, tar_to_file_path)
        tar_to_file_path = tar_to_file_path.replace("\", "/")
        with tarfile.open(tar_to_file_path, "w:gz") as tar_file:
            for tar_from_path in tar_from_path_list:
                tar_from_path = os.path.join(base_dir, tar_from_path.strip())
                tar_from_path = tar_from_path.replace("\", "/")
                arc_name = tar_from_path.replace(base_dir, "").strip(os.path.sep)
                tar_file.add(tar_from_path, arcname=arc_name)
            standout_print("Info: tar directory %s to file [%s] finish." % (tar_from_path_list, tar_to_file_path))
        standout_print("Error: tar directory %s to file [%s] failed. please have a check." % (tar_from_path_list, tar_to_file_path))
    def make_zip(zip_from_file_path, zip_to_file_path, base_dir):
        standout_print("Info: zip [%s] to file [%s] in path[%s]." % (zip_from_file_path, zip_to_file_path, base_dir))
        zip_to_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, zip_to_file_path)
        zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_to_file_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        data_path = os.path.join(base_dir, zip_from_file_path)
        data_path = data_path.replace("\", "/")
        pre_len = len(data_path)
        for p, dirs, file_names in os.walk(data_path):
            for filename in file_names:
                file_path = os.path.join(p, filename).replace("\", "/")
                arc_name = file_path[pre_len:].strip(os.path.sep)
                zip_file.write(file_path, arc_name)
        standout_print("Info: finish zip.")
    def path_to_unicode(path_name, coding="utf-8"):
        this method use to find file or directory which contains chinese
        if not use this transform
        os.listdir(path) and os.walk() will wrong in window platform
        :param path_name: name of path
        :param coding:
        if not type(path_name) == unicode:
            return unicode(path_name, coding)
        return path_name
    def path_to_str(path_name, coding="utf-8"):
        this method will change path which is unicode type
        to str type
        because in linux platform unicode obj + str obi will exception
        :param path_name:
        :param coding:
        if type(path_name) == unicode:
            return path_name.encode(coding)
        return path_name
    def parse_path(path, deep=1):
        :param path:
        :param deep:
        path = path_to_unicode(path)
        structure_dic = {}
        file_list = os.listdir(path)
        for f in file_list:
            f_path = os.path.join(path, f)
            structure_value = None
            if os.path.isdir(f_path):
                if deep < 3:
                    structure_value = parse_path(f_path, deep=(deep + 1))
                    structure_value = ""
            structure_dic[f] = structure_value
        return structure_dic
    def compare_dic(dic_new, dic_format):
        import operator
        return operator.ge(dic_new, dic_format)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        parse_directory = r'D:	est_temp	mp_autonav17Q2_A5_20170630'
        structure_directory = parse_path(parse_directory)
        import json
        json_data = json.dumps(structure_directory)
        print json_data

    利用python 对各种格式的文件压缩 解压 操作,文件的一些操作,目录结构读成字典的形式,字典的比较方法(http://www.runoob.com/python/att-dictionary-cmp.html)。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dasheng-maritime/p/7655657.html
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