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  • selenide 自动化UI测试中Configuration全局配置项目

    selenide 在测试过程中需要设置许多的默认值,方便在测试过程中进行和很好的使用。下面我们在selenide中的api引用过来看看!

    static Configuration.AssertionMode  assertionMode

    Assertion mode - STRICT or SOFT Asserts Default value: STRICT

    static java.lang.String baseUrl

    Base url for open() function calls Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.baseUrl=http://myhost".

    static java.lang.String browser

    Which browser to use.

    static java.lang.String browserBinary

    Sets the path to browser executable.

    static org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities browserCapabilities

    Browser capabilities.

    static java.lang.String browserPosition

    The browser window position on screen.

    static java.lang.String browserSize

    The browser window size.

    static java.lang.String browserVersion

    Which browser version to use (for Internet Explorer).

    static boolean captureJavascriptErrors

    Defines if Selenide tries to capture JS errors Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.captureJavascriptErrors=false".

    static java.lang.String chromeSwitches


    this options allowed only a single switch. Please use instead more generic -Dchromeoptions.args=

    or use -Dchromeoptions.prefs=

    Value of "chrome.switches" parameter (in case of using Chrome driver). Can be configured either programmatically or by system property, i.e. "-Dselenide.chrome.switches=--disable-popup-blocking". Default value: none

    static boolean clickViaJs

    ATTENTION! Automatic WebDriver waiting after click isn't working in case of using this feature.

    static long closeBrowserTimeoutMs

    Timeout (in milliseconds) for closing/killing browser.

    static long collectionsPollingInterval

    Interval in milliseconds, when checking if a new collection elements appeared Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.collectionsPollingInterval=150" Default value: 200 (milliseconds)

    static long collectionsTimeout

    Timeout in milliseconds for a collection to get completely loaded Conditions will be checked at this point at latest, even if they are still loading Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.collectionsTimeout=10000" Default value: 6000 (milliseconds)

    static boolean dismissModalDialogs

    Mock "alert" and "confirm" javascript dialogs.

    static boolean driverManagerEnabled

    Controls Selenide and WebDriverManager integration.

    static boolean fastSetValue

    If set to true, sets value by javascript instead of using Selenium built-in "sendKey" function (that is quite slow because it sends every character separately).

    static Configuration.FileDownloadMode fileDownload

    Defines if files are downloaded via direct HTTP or vie selenide emebedded proxy server Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.fileDownload=PROXY" Default: HTTPGET

    static boolean headless

    Enables the ability to run the browser in headless mode.

    static boolean holdBrowserOpen

    If holdBrowserOpen is true, browser window stays open after running tests.

    static long openBrowserTimeoutMs

    Timeout (in milliseconds) for opening (creating) a browser (webdriver).

    static java.lang.String pageLoadStrategy

    Should webdriver wait until page is completely loaded.

    static long pollingInterval

    Interval in milliseconds, when checking if a single element is appeared Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.pollingInterval=50" Default value: 100 (milliseconds)

    static java.lang.String remote

    URL of remote web driver (in case of using Selenium Grid).

    static boolean reopenBrowserOnFail

    Should Selenide re-spawn browser if it's disappeared (hangs, broken, unexpectedly closed).

    static java.lang.String reportsFolder

    Folder to store screenshots to.

    static java.lang.String reportsUrl

    Optional: URL of CI server where reports are published to.

    static boolean savePageSource

    Defines if Selenide saves page source on failing tests.

    static boolean screenshots

    Defines if Selenide takes screenshots on failing tests.

    static Configuration.SelectorMode selectorMode

    Choose how Selenide should retrieve web elements: using default CSS or Sizzle (CSS3)

    static boolean setValueChangeEvent 

    If set to true, 'setValue' and 'val' methods of SelenideElement trigger changeEvent after main manipulations.

    static boolean startMaximized

    The browser window is maximized when started.

    static long timeout

           Timeout in milliseconds to fail the test, if conditions still not met Can be configured either programmatically or by system property "-Dselenide.timeout=10000" Default value: 4000 (milliseconds)

    static boolean versatileSetValue

         If set to true, 'setValue' and 'val' methods of SelenideElement can work as 'selectOptionByValue', 'selectRadio' depending on the real control type, defined by element's tag.












       :定义浏览器的加载策略。默认为”normal”正常另外还有 "none" and "eager" 不常用。一般设置为normal就好





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/davice/p/9318708.html
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