The actual examis very easy; it should not difficult for any php user who hascertain level of php development experience. I hope these series oflectures on ZCE can help you prepare, attend and pass the exam.Since Zend has stopped back up the old PHP (PHP4) certification exam,PHP5 exam is the only exam right now you can choose to take. But theexam has a section/topic on the difference between PHP4 and PHP5.
.Referencebooks and documents
php|architect’sZend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide. - The PHP4 Guide is publishedby Sams
Thisbook is mostly accurate on every aspect of the PHP feature, and itdoes cover nearly everything you need to know in order to pass theexam.
Readthis book very carefully, maybe twice. The actual exam questions setsare random, so I feel every sentence in this book may be “tested”in the exam. I am not mean you need memorized them, you needunderstood them thoroughly ---- sometimes will need refer to otherbooks and for more details on certain topics.
BeginningPHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, Second Edition(Apress)
Ithink you will need a material systematically covers as many PHPfeatures as possible. So, I list the book above. Of course, there areother candidates, e.g. Sitepoint “The PHP Anthology”
Thisdoesn’t require any more sentences to say why it’s here I think.One of the most valuable resources, especially the user’s commentsat the bottom of every page of the online documentation, for anyPHPer
This document can be downloaded freely from the internet. I foundthat you can use this little book quickly overview the ZCE exam’sthe twelve major topics. It is a good companion for the guide.
It is actually what these series lectures are based on.
.Thetwelve major topics of the exam:
–PHP Basics
–Files and Streams
–Design and Theory
–Object Oriented Programming
–PHP 4 vs PHP 5
–Web Features
Inthe following lectures, I will cover each of the topics above; butmay not according the order I listed above.
Eventhough that you may pass the exam without the actual PHP developmentexperience, however, I strongly suggest that that you start to dosome coding in PHP as soon as you have learned some thing new, orplay some of the Open Source PHP CMS around. Actual PHP developmentexperience is the vital part that make sure you truly understood whatyou read. And, of course, is alway an invaluable source thatyou can exploit. Some key knowledge will be made very easy to graspafter you read some of the user discussions and examples—-and there is no better way to do so!
.ZendPHP 5 Certification Simulator
phparch,:10-use of Vulcan Zend PHP 5 Certification Testing License
.Register and Schedule the exam
promo code: “zcej100”.
Takethe exam
The actual exam should not difficult to you. It willeasier than those Vulcan simulators. According my experience,Functions, Strings, Arrays, Security, Object Oriented Programming andWeb Features are seem more important in the exam. Of course, theactual 70 exam questions were randomly selected every time; so everyexam should have different questions distribution among the twelvetopics.