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  • LF.43.In-order Traversal Of Binary Tree(recur+iter)

    Implement an iterative, in-order traversal of a given binary tree, return the list of keys of each node in the tree as it is in-order traversed.




    3 8


    1 4 11

    In-order traversal is [1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11]

    Corner Cases

    What if the given binary tree is null? Return an empty list in this case.


     1 public List<Integer> inOrder(TreeNode root) {
     2     // Write your solution here
     3     List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>() ;
     4     Deque<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>() ;
     5     //helper is the one-step ahead for the root
     6     TreeNode helper = root ;
     7     while(helper != null || !stack.isEmpty()){
     8         if (helper != null) {
     9             stack.offerFirst(helper);
    10             helper = helper.left ;
    11         } else{
    12             TreeNode curr = stack.pollFirst();
    13             res.add(curr.key) ;
    14             helper = curr.right ;
    15         }
    16     }
    17     return res ;
    18   }


     1 private List<Integer> preOrder_iter(TreeNode root){
     2         List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>() ;
     3         if (root == null) {
     4             return res ;
     5         }
     6         helper(root, res);
     7         return res ;
     8     }
     9     private void helper(TreeNode root , List<Integer> res ){
    10             //base case
    11         if (root == null) {
    12             return ;
    13         }
    14         helper(root.left, res) ;
    15         res.add(root.key) ;
    16         helper(root.right, res);
    17     }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/davidnyc/p/8679218.html
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