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  • jquery学习手记(8)遍历



    父节点遍历方法有:$.fn.parent(), $.fn.parents(), $.fn.parentsUntil(), and $.fn.closest().示例如下:

    <div class="grandparent">
        <div class="parent">
            <div class="child">
                <span class="subchild"></span>
        <div class="surrogateParent1"></div>
        <div class="surrogateParent2"></div>
    // Selecting an element's direct parent
    // returns [ div.child ]
    // Selecting all the parents of an element that match a given selector
    // returns [ div.parent ]
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent, div.grandparent ]
    // Selecting all the parents of an element up to, but *not including* the selector
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent ]
    // Selecting the closest parent, note that only one parent will be selected
    // and that the initial element itself is included in the search
    // returns [ div.child ]
    // returns [ div.child ] as the selector is also included in the search


    子节点的遍历方法有:$.fn.children() and $.fn.find()


    // Selecting an element's direct children
    // returns [ div.parent, div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    // Finding all elements within a selection that match the selector
    // returns [ div.child, div.parent, div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]


    遍历兄弟节点的基本方法有:$.fn.prev();$.fn.next();$.fn.siblings();$.fn.nextAll();.fn.nextUntil(), $.fn.prevAll() and $.fn.prevUntil().


    // Selecting a next sibling of the selectors
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    // Selecting a prev sibling of the selectors
    // returns [] as No sibling exists before div.parent
    // Selecting all the next siblings of the selector
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent2 ]
    // Selecting all the previous siblings of the selector
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.parent ]
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1 ]
    // returns [ div.parent ]


    // Selecting an element's siblings in both directions that matches the given selector
    // returns [ div.surrogateParent1, div.surrogateParent2 ]
    // returns [ div.parent, div.surrogateParent2 ]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/davidwang456/p/3029720.html
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