using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace ConsActivator { class ActivatorHelper { public static void TestMain(string[] args) { var s1 = CreateListFromType(typeof(Foo)); var s2 = CreateListFromType(typeof(int)); var fo = new Foo(); var s3 = CreateListFromType(fo.GetType()); Console.WriteLine(s1.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(s2.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(s3.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(fo.GetType().Name); } static object CreateListFromType(Type t) { // Create an array of the required type Array values = Array.CreateInstance(t, 50); // and fill it with values of the required type for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { values.SetValue(CreateFooFromType(t), i); } // Create a list of the required type, passing the values to the constructor Type genericListType = typeof(List<>); Type concreteListType = genericListType.MakeGenericType(t); object list = Activator.CreateInstance(concreteListType, new object[] { values }); // DO something with list which is now an List<t> filled with 50 ts return list; } // Create a value of the required type static object CreateFooFromType(Type t) { return Activator.CreateInstance(t); } } class Foo { public Foo() { } } }