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  • pyinstaller打包pyqt文件



    可以将脚本文件.py 文件转换为编辑后的二进制文件,在进行发布


    一. 安装:


        最新版本pyinstaller2.1.1 (2015-01)


    python setup.py install

      pyinstaller 是有依赖包的,安装之前必须要安装pywin32, 在网上找到对应版本的pywin32.msi

    二. 写一个要打包的py文件


    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import sys
    from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
    class buttonRedrect(QtGui.QWidget):
        def __init__(self):
            super(buttonRedrect, self).__init__()
            self.setWindowTitle('Mouse Event')
            self.labels = QtGui.QLabel(u'点我试试!', self)
            self.labels.setGeometry(50, 50, 150, 50)
            self.labels.mouseReleaseEvent = self.events
        def events(self, event):
            if ev== QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:
                OK = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, (u'提示'),(u'左键'),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes , QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
                if OK==QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
                    QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, (u'提示'),(u'YES'),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes)
                    QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, (u'提示'),(u'NO'),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes)
            elif ev == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:
                OK = QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, (u'提示'),(u'右键'),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes , QtGui.QMessageBox.No)
            elif ev == QtCore.Qt.MiddleButton:
                OK = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, (u'提示'),(u'滚动轴'),QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes , QtGui.QMessageBox.No)

    三. 文件打包

       在要打包的同级目录下,新建一个pyinstaller.py, 内容如下


    #! /usr/bin/env python
    # Copyright (c) 2013, PyInstaller Development Team.
    # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License with exception
    # for distributing bootloader.
    # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
    Main command-line interface to PyInstaller.
    # from  PyInstaller import  *
    import  os
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from PyInstaller.main import run


    -- 参数说明:


    -F, --onefile Py代码只有一个文件

    -D, --onedir Py代码放在一个目录中(默认是这个)

    -K, --tk 包含TCL/TK

    -d, --debug 生成debug模式的exe文件

    -w, --windowed, --noconsole 窗体exe文件(Windows Only)

    -c, --nowindowed, --console 控制台exe文件(Windows Only)

    -o DIR, --out=DIR 设置spec文件输出的目录,默认在PyInstaller同目录

    --icon=<FILE.ICO> 加入图标(Windows Only)

    -v FILE, --version=FILE 加入版本信息文件

    --upx-dir, 压缩可执行程序




        python pyinstaller.py

    等5,6秒pyinstaller的INFO编译完成之后,目录里面就多出两个文件夹 build   和  dist, 其中 dist 里面就是二进制的打包文件




      File "C:Python27libsite-packagespyinstaller-2.1.1dev_-py2.7.eggPyInstalleruild.py", line 320, in __postinit__
      File "C:Python27libsite-packagespyinstaller-2.1.1dev_-py2.7.eggPyInstalleruild.py", line 1245, in assemble
        icon.CopyIcons(tmpnm, self.icon)
      File "C:Python27libsite-packagespyinstaller-2.1.1dev_-py2.7.eggPyInstallerutilsicon.py", line 170, in CopyIcons
        hsrc = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(srcpath, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
    pywintypes.error: (193, 'LoadLibraryEx', '%1 xb2xbbxcaxc7xd3xd0xd0xa7xb5xc4 Win32 xd3xa6xd3xc3xb3xccxd0xf2xa1xa3')

    当时我选择的icon参数是: --icon=favicon.png   

    后来把icon格式改为favicon.ico,才可以, 且 icon的参数不能带  " ' "  or  '  "   '

    pyinstaller Using UPX

    UPX的作用是给生成的exe加壳,减小体积,  我测试打包一个pyqt14Mb文件UPX压缩后只有9Mb


    地址:http://upx.sourceforge.net/    (最新upx391w.zip,2013-05月)



    Using UPX

    UPX is a free utility available for most operating systems. UPX compresses executable files and libraries, making them smaller, sometimes much smaller. UPX is available for most operating systems and can compress a large number of executable file formats. See the UPX home page for downloads, and for the list of supported executable formats. As of May 2013, the only major absence is 64-bit binaries for Windows and Mac OS X. UPX has no effect on these.

    A compressed executable program is wrapped in UPX startup code that dynamically decompresses the program when the program is launched. After it has been decompressed, the program runs normally. In the case of a PyInstaller one-file executable that has been UPX-compressed, the full execution sequence is:

    • The compressed program start up in the UPX decompressor code.
    • After decompression, the program executes the PyInstaller bootloader, which creates a temporary environment for Python.
    • The Python interpreter executes your script.

    PyInstaller looks for UPX on the execution path or the path specified with the --upx-dir option. If UPX exists, PyInstaller applies it to the final executable, unless the --noupx option was given. UPX has been used with PyInstaller output often, usually with no problems.


    将下载的UPX包解压,将upx.exe 复制到pyinstaller的根目录 或项目目录,在pyinstaller参数中添加--upx-dir=FILE


    • 网上教程常见的-X选项启用upx已经失效
    • 如果upx.exe已经复制到PyInstaller文件夹下,会默认使用upx,如果不在文件夹下,可以使用--upx-dir选项,如--upx-dir=upx_dir,如--upx-dir=/usr/local/share/   or --upx-dir=./
    • 如果upx.exe复制到了PyInstaller文件夹下,如果不想使用upx,需要添加参数 --noupx


    upx: C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27mfcm90u.dll: CantPackException: .NET files (win32/.net) are not yet supported
    34447 INFO: Executing - ./upx --lzma -q C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtgui4.dll
    39400 INFO: Executing - ./upx --lzma -q C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtsvg4.dll
    39618 INFO: Executing - ./upx --lzma -q C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtxml4.dll
    39877 INFO: Executing - ./upx --lzma -q C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtopengl4.dll
    upx: C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtopengl4.dll: IOException: rename error: File exists
    Cannot find ('qtopengl4.dll', 'C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27qtopengl4.dll', 1, 'b')
    Traceback (most recent call last):


    解决办法: 复制Python安装目录C:Python27Libsite-packagesPyQt4 下的QtOpenGL4.dll到C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingpyinstallerincache01_py27





    -v FILE, --version=FILE 加入版本信息文件


    地址:  http://pythonhosted.org/PyInstaller/#capturing-version-data

    Capturing Version Data

    pyi-grab_version executable_with_version_resource

    The pyi-grab_version command is invoked with the full path name of a Windows executable that has a Version resource. (A Version resource contains a group of data structures, some containing binary integers and some containing strings, that describe the properties of the executable. For details see the Version Information Structures page.)

    The command writes text that represents a Version resource in readable form. The version text is written to standard output. You can copy it from the console window or redirect it to a file. Then you can edit the version information to adapt it to your program. This approach is used because version resources are complex. Some elements are optional, others required. When you view the version tab of a Properties dialog, there's no simple relationship between the data displayed and the structure of the resource. Using pyi-grab_version you can find an executable that displays the kind of information you want, copy its resource data, and modify it to suit your package.

    The version text file is encoded UTF-8 and may contain non-ASCII characters. (Unicode characters are allowed in Version resource string fields.) Be sure to edit and save the text file in UTF-8 unless you are certain it contains only ASCII string values.

    The edited version text file can be given with a --version-file= option to pyinstaller or pyi-makespec. The text data is converted to a Version resource and installed in the executable output.

    In a Version resource there are two 64-bit binary values, FileVersion and ProductVersion. In the version text file these are given as four-element tuples, for example:

    filevers=(2, 0, 4, 0),
    prodvers=(2, 0, 4, 0),

    The elements of each tuple represent 16-bit values from most-significant to least-significant. For example the FileVersion value given resolves to 0002000000040000 in hex.

    set_version version_text_file executable_file

    The set_version utility reads a version text file as written by pyi-grab_version, converts it to a Version resource, and installs that resource in the executable_file specified.

    For advanced uses, examine a version text file. You find it is Python code that creates a VSVersionInfo object. The class definition for VSVersionInfo is found in utils/versioninfo.py in the PyInstallerdistribution folder. You can write a program that imports that module. In that program you can eval the contents of a version info text file to produce a VSVersionInfo object. You can use the .toRaw()method of that object to produce a Version resource in binary form. Or you can apply the unicode() function to the object to reproduce the version text file.




    grab_version.py的位置:   Python安装目录Libsite-packagesPyInstaller-2.1.1dev_-py2.7.eggPyInstallercliutilsgrab_version.py

    同时你也可以在Python安装目录找到C:Python27Scriptspyi-grab_version.exe (前提已经安装pyinstaller) 直接使用pyi-grab_version.exe

    python grab_version.py  C:QQProtect.exe

    pyi-grab_version.exe   C:QQProtect.exe


    # UTF-8
    # For more details about fixed file info 'ffi' see:
    # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646997.aspx
        # filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4)
        # Set not needed items to zero 0.
        filevers=(3, 9, 3, 7012),
        prodvers=(3, 9, 3, 0),
        # Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r
        # Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file.
        # The operating system for which this file was designed.
        # 0x4 - NT and there is no need to change it.
        # The general type of file.
        # 0x1 - the file is an application.
        # The function of the file.
        # 0x0 - the function is not defined for this fileType
        # Creation date and time stamp.
        date=(0, 0)
            [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'Tencent'),
            StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'QQ安全防护进程'),
            StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u''),
            StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'QQProtect '),
            StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Tencent All Rights Reserved'),
            StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'QQProtect.exe'),
            StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'腾讯QQ'),
            StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'')])
        VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [1033, 1252])])



    # UTF-8
    # For more details about fixed file info 'ffi' see:
    # http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646997.aspx
        # filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4)
        # Set not needed items to zero 0.
        filevers=(3, 9, 3, 7012),
        prodvers=(3, 9, 3, 0),
        # Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r
        # Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file.
        # The operating system for which this file was designed.
        # 0x4 - NT and there is no need to change it.
        # The general type of file.
        # 0x1 - the file is an application.
        # The function of the file.
        # 0x0 - the function is not defined for this fileType
        # Creation date and time stamp.
        date=(0, 0)
            [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'Pyqt公司'),
            StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'Pyqt版本信息测试'),
            StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u''),
            StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'www.pyqt.com '),
            StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright (C) 1999-2015 pyqt All Rights Reserved'),
            StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'getversion.exe'),
            StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'Pyqt版本信息显示效果'),
            StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'')])
        VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [1033, 1252])])


    if __name__ == '__main__':
        from PyInstaller.main import run
        params=['Getversion.py', '-F', '-w', '--icon=favicon.ico', '--version-file=file_version_info.txt']


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dcb3688/p/4211390.html
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