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  • [SDOI2011][bzoj2286] 消耗战 [虚树+dp]









    建出虚树然后dp,$Oleft(n ight)$解决


      1 /#include<iostream>
      2 #include<cstdio>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #include<algorithm>
      5 #include<cassert>
      6 #define ll long long
      7 using namespace std;
      8 const long long inf=(1ll<<50ll);
      9 inline ll read(){
     10     ll re=0,flag=1;char ch=getchar();
     11     while(ch>'9'||ch<'0'){
     12         if(ch=='-') flag=-1;
     13         ch=getchar();
     14     }
     15     while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9') re=(re<<1)+(re<<3)+ch-'0',ch=getchar();
     16     return re*flag;
     17 }
     18 ll n,m,dep[250010],fa[250010],st[250010][20],dfn[250010],clk,minn[250010];
     19 struct graph{
     20     ll first[250010],cnt;
     21     struct edge{
     22         ll to,next,w;
     23     }a[500010];
     24     inline void add(ll u,ll v,ll w){
     25         if(u==v) return;
     26         a[++cnt]=(edge){v,first[u],w};first[u]=cnt;
     27     }
     28     void init(){
     29         cnt=0;
     30     }
     31 }G,g;
     32 void dfs(ll u,ll f){
     33     ll i,v;fa[u]=st[u][0]=f;dfn[u]=++clk;dep[u]=dep[f]+1;
     34     for(i=G.first[u];~i;i=G.a[i].next){
     35         v=G.a[i].to;
     36         if(v==f) continue;
     37         minn[v]=min(minn[u],G.a[i].w);
     38         dfs(v,u);
     39     }
     40 }
     41 void ST(){
     42     ll i,j;
     43     for(j=1;j<=19;j++){
     44         for(i=1;i<=n;i++) st[i][j]=st[st[i][j-1]][j-1];
     45     }
     46 }
     47 ll lca(ll l,ll r){
     48     if(dep[l]>dep[r]) swap(l,r);
     49     ll i;
     50     for(i=19;i>=0;i--) if(dep[st[r][i]]>=dep[l]) r=st[r][i];
     51     if(l==r) return l;
     52     for(i=19;i>=0;i--)
     53         if(st[l][i]!=st[r][i]){
     54             l=st[l][i];
     55             r=st[r][i];
     56         }
     57     return fa[l];
     58 }
     59 ll q[250010],tot,s[250010],top,num,f[250010];
     60 bool cmp(ll l,ll r){
     61     return dfn[l]<dfn[r];
     62 }
     63 void dp(ll u){
     64     ll i,v,tmp=0;
     65     for(i=g.first[u];~i;i=g.a[i].next){
     66         v=g.a[i].to;g.first[u]=g.a[i].next;
     67         dp(v);tmp+=f[v];
     68     }
     69     if(!tmp) f[u]=minn[u];
     70     else f[u]=min(minn[u],tmp);
     71 }
     72 int main(){
     73     ll i,t1,t2,t3,j;
     74     n=read();memset(G.first,-1,sizeof(G.first));
     75     for(i=1;i<n;i++){
     76         t1=read();t2=read();t3=read();
     77         G.add(t1,t2,t3);G.add(t2,t1,t3);
     78     }
     79     minn[1]=inf;
     80     dfs(1,0);ST();
     81     m=read();memset(g.first,-1,sizeof(g.first));
     82     for(i=1;i<=m;i++){
     83         tot=read();//memset(q,0,sizeof(q));
     84         for(j=1;j<=tot;j++) q[j]=read(),assert(q[j]<=n);
     85         sort(q+1,q+tot+1,cmp);g.init();
     86         num=0;q[++num]=q[1];
     87         for(j=2;j<=tot;j++) if(lca(q[j],q[num])!=q[num]) q[++num]=q[j];
     88         s[++top]=1;ll grand;
     89         for(j=1;j<=num;j++){
     90             if(q[j]==0) return *(int*)0;
     91             grand=lca(q[j],s[top]);
     92             while(1){
     93                 if(dep[s[top-1]]<=dep[grand]){
     94                     g.add(grand,s[top--],0);
     95                     if(s[top]!=grand) s[++top]=grand;
     96                     break;
     97                 }
     98                 g.add(s[top-1],s[top],0);top--;
     99             }
    100             if(s[top]!=q[j]) s[++top]=q[j];
    101         }
    102         while(--top) g.add(s[top],s[top+1],0);
    103         dp(1);
    104         printf("%lld
    105     }
    106 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dedicatus545/p/8569956.html
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