package com.jay.java.泛型.needGeneric; /** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 16:06 * <p> * Description: 为什么使用泛型 */ public class NeedGeneric1 { private static int add(int a, int b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + (a + b)); return a + b; } private static float add(float a, float b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + (a + b)); return a + b; } private static double add(double a, double b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + (a + b)); return a + b; } private static <T extends Number> double add(T a, T b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + (a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue())); return a.doubleValue() + b.doubleValue(); } public static void main(String[] args) { NeedGeneric1.add(1, 2); NeedGeneric1.add(1f, 2f); NeedGeneric1.add(1d, 2d); NeedGeneric1.add(Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2)); NeedGeneric1.add(Float.valueOf(1), Float.valueOf(2)); NeedGeneric1.add(Double.valueOf(1), Double.valueOf(2)); } }
取出集合元素时需要人为的强制类型转化到具体的目标类型,且很容易现“java.lang. ClassCast Exception”异常。
package com.jay.java.泛型.needGeneric; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 16:23 * <p> * Description: 为什么要使用泛型 */ public class NeedGeneric2 { static class C{ } public static void main(String[] args) { List list=new ArrayList(); list.add("A"); list.add("B"); list.add(new C()); list.add(100); //1.当我们将一个对象放入集合中,集合不会记住此对象的类型,当再次从集合中取出此对象时,改对象的编译类型变成了Object类型,但其运行时类型任然为其本身类型。 //2.因此,//1处取出集合元素时需要人为的强制类型转化到具体的目标类型,且很容易出现“java.lang.ClassCastException”异常。 for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // System.out.println(list.get(i)); String value= (String) list.get(i); System.out.println(value); } } }
2, 泛型中的类型在使用时指定,不需要强制类型转换(类型安全,编译器会检查类型)
定义一个泛型类:public class GenericClass<T>
package com.jay.java.泛型.DefineGeneric; /** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 16:49 * <p> * Description: 泛型类 */ public class GenericClass<T> { private T data; public T getData() { return data; } public void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } public static void main(String[] args) { GenericClass<String> genericClass=new GenericClass<>(); genericClass.setData("Generic Class"); System.out.println(genericClass.getData()); } }
定义一个泛型接口:public interface GenericIntercace<T>
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 16:57 * <p> * Description: 泛型接口 */ public interface GenericIntercace<T> { T getData(); }
实现泛型接口方式一:public class ImplGenericInterface1<T>
implements GenericIntercace<T>
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 16:59 * <p> * Description: 泛型接口实现类-泛型类实现方式 */ public class ImplGenericInterface1<T> implements GenericIntercace<T> { private T data; private void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } @Override public T getData() { return data; } public static void main(String[] args) { ImplGenericInterface1<String> implGenericInterface1 = new ImplGenericInterface1<>(); implGenericInterface1.setData("Generic Interface1"); System.out.println(implGenericInterface1.getData()); } }
实现泛型接口方式二:public class ImplGenericInterface2 implements GenericIntercace<String>
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/9 17:01 * <p> * Description: 泛型接口实现类-指定具体类型实现方式 */ public class ImplGenericInterface2 implements GenericIntercace<String> { @Override public String getData() { return "Generic Interface2"; } public static void main(String[] args) { ImplGenericInterface2 implGenericInterface2 = new ImplGenericInterface2(); System.out.println(implGenericInterface2.getData()); } }
定义一个泛型方法: private static<T> T
genericAdd(T a, T b) {}
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 10:46 * <p> * Description: 泛型方法 */ public class GenericMethod1 { private static int add(int a, int b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "=" + (a + b)); return a + b; } private static <T> T genericAdd(T a, T b) { System.out.println(a + "+" + b + "="+a+b); return a; } public static void main(String[] args) { GenericMethod1.add(1, 2); GenericMethod1.<String>genericAdd("a", "b"); } }
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 16:22 * <p> * Description: 泛型方法 */ public class GenericMethod3 { static class Animal { @Override public String toString() { return "Animal"; } } static class Dog extends Animal { @Override public String toString() { return "Dog"; } } static class Fruit { @Override public String toString() { return "Fruit"; } } static class GenericClass<T> { public void show01(T t) { System.out.println(t.toString()); } public <T> void show02(T t) { System.out.println(t.toString()); } public <K> void show03(K k) { System.out.println(k.toString()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Animal animal = new Animal(); Dog dog = new Dog(); Fruit fruit = new Fruit(); GenericClass<Animal> genericClass = new GenericClass<>(); //泛型类在初始化时限制了参数类型 genericClass.show01(dog); // genericClass.show01(fruit); //泛型方法的参数类型在使用时指定 genericClass.show02(dog); genericClass.show02(fruit); genericClass.<Animal>show03(animal); genericClass.<Animal>show03(dog); genericClass.show03(fruit); // genericClass.<Dog>show03(animal); } }
1,对类的限定:public class TypeLimitForClass<T extends List & Serializable>{}
2,对方法的限定:public static<T extends Comparable<T>>
T getMin(T a, T b) {}
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 16:38 * <p> * Description: 类型变量的限定-方法 */ public class TypeLimitForMethod { /** * 计算最小值 * 如果要实现这样的功能就需要对泛型方法的类型做出限定 */ // private static <T> T getMin(T a, T b) { // return (a.compareTo(b) > 0) ? a : b; // } /** * 限定类型使用extends关键字指定 * 可以使类,接口,类放在前面接口放在后面用&符号分割 * 例如:<T extends ArrayList & Comparable<T> & Serializable> */ public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T getMin(T a, T b) { return (a.compareTo(b) < 0) ? a : b; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(TypeLimitForMethod.getMin(2, 4)); System.out.println(TypeLimitForMethod.getMin("a", "r")); } }
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 17:02 * <p> * Description: 类型变量的限定-类 */ public class TypeLimitForClass<T extends List & Serializable> { private T data; public T getData() { return data; } public void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); stringArrayList.add("A"); stringArrayList.add("B"); ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<>(); integerArrayList.add(1); integerArrayList.add(2); integerArrayList.add(3); TypeLimitForClass<ArrayList> typeLimitForClass01 = new TypeLimitForClass<>(); typeLimitForClass01.setData(stringArrayList); TypeLimitForClass<ArrayList> typeLimitForClass02 = new TypeLimitForClass<>(); typeLimitForClass02.setData(integerArrayList); System.out.println(getMinListSize(typeLimitForClass01.getData().size(), typeLimitForClass02.getData().size())); } public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T getMinListSize(T a, T b) { return (a.compareTo(b) < 0) ? a : b; }
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 17:41 * <p> * Description: 泛型的约束和局限性 */ public class GenericRestrict1<T> { static class NormalClass { } private T data; /** * 不能实例化泛型类 * Type parameter 'T' cannot be instantiated directly */ public void setData() { //this.data = new T(); } /** * 静态变量或方法不能引用泛型类型变量 * 'com.jay.java.泛型.restrict.GenericRestrict1.this' cannot be referenced from a static context */ // private static T result; // private static T getResult() { // return result; // } /** * 静态泛型方法是可以的 */ private static <K> K getKey(K k) { return k; } public static void main(String[] args) { NormalClass normalClassA = new NormalClass(); NormalClass normalClassB = new NormalClass(); /** * 基本类型无法作为泛型类型 */ // GenericRestrict1<int> genericRestrictInt = new GenericRestrict1<>(); GenericRestrict1<Integer> genericRestrictInteger = new GenericRestrict1<>(); GenericRestrict1<String> genericRestrictString = new GenericRestrict1<>(); /** * 无法使用instanceof关键字判断泛型类的类型 * Illegal generic type for instanceof */ // if(genericRestrictInteger instanceof GenericRestrict1<Integer>){ // return; // } /** * 无法使用“==”判断两个泛型类的实例 * Operator '==' cannot be applied to this two instance */ // if (genericRestrictInteger == genericRestrictString) { // return; // } /** * 泛型类的原生类型与所传递的泛型无关,无论传递什么类型,原生类是一样的 */ System.out.println(normalClassA == normalClassB);//false System.out.println(genericRestrictInteger == genericRestrictInteger);// System.out.println(genericRestrictInteger.getClass() == genericRestrictString.getClass()); //true System.out.println(genericRestrictInteger.getClass());//com.jay.java.泛型.restrict.GenericRestrict1 System.out.println(genericRestrictString.getClass());//com.jay.java.泛型.restrict.GenericRestrict1 /** * 泛型数组可以声明但无法实例化 * Generic array creation */ GenericRestrict1<String>[] genericRestrict1s; // genericRestrict1s = new GenericRestrict1<String>[10]; genericRestrict1s = new GenericRestrict1[10]; genericRestrict1s[0]=genericRestrictString; } }
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 18:45 * <p> * Description: 泛型和异常 */ public class GenericRestrict2 { private class MyException extends Exception { } /** * 泛型类不能继承Exception或者Throwable * Generic class may not extend 'java.lang.Throwable' */ // private class MyGenericException<T> extends Exception { // } // // private class MyGenericThrowable<T> extends Throwable { // } /** * 不能捕获泛型类型限定的异常 * Cannot catch type parameters */ public <T extends Exception> void getException(T t) { // try { // // } catch (T e) { // // } } /** *可以将泛型限定的异常抛出 */ public <T extends Throwable> void getException(T t) throws T { try { } catch (Exception e) { throw t; } } }
2,泛型类可以继承其它泛型类,例如: public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 19:13 * <p> * Description: 泛型继承规则测试类 */ public class GenericInherit<T> { private T data1; private T data2; public T getData1() { return data1; } public void setData1(T data1) { this.data1 = data1; } public T getData2() { return data2; } public void setData2(T data2) { this.data2 = data2; } public static <V> void setData2(GenericInherit<Father> data2) { } public static void main(String[] args) { // Son 继承自 Father Father father = new Father(); Son son = new Son(); GenericInherit<Father> fatherGenericInherit = new GenericInherit<>(); GenericInherit<Son> sonGenericInherit = new GenericInherit<>(); SubGenericInherit<Father> fatherSubGenericInherit = new SubGenericInherit<>(); SubGenericInherit<Son> sonSubGenericInherit = new SubGenericInherit<>(); /** * 对于传递的泛型类型是继承关系的泛型类之间是没有继承关系的 * GenericInherit<Father> 与GenericInherit<Son> 没有继承关系 * Incompatible types. */ father = new Son(); // fatherGenericInherit=new GenericInherit<Son>(); /** * 泛型类可以继承其它泛型类,例如: public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E> */ fatherGenericInherit=new SubGenericInherit<Father>(); /** *泛型类的继承关系在使用中同样会受到泛型类型的影响 */ setData2(fatherGenericInherit); // setData2(sonGenericInherit); setData2(fatherSubGenericInherit); // setData2(sonSubGenericInherit); } private static class SubGenericInherit<T> extends GenericInherit<T> { }
1,<? extends Parent>
2,<? super Child>
3, <?>
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/10 19:51 * <p> * Description: 泛型通配符测试类 */ public class GenericByWildcard { private static void print(GenericClass<Fruit> fruitGenericClass) { System.out.println(fruitGenericClass.getData().getColor()); } private static void use() { GenericClass<Fruit> fruitGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); print(fruitGenericClass); GenericClass<Orange> orangeGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); //类型不匹配,可以使用<? extends Parent> 来解决 // print(orangeGenericClass); } /** * <? extends Parent> 指定了泛型类型的上届 */ private static void printExtends(GenericClass<? extends Fruit> genericClass) { System.out.println(genericClass.getData().getColor()); } public static void useExtend() { GenericClass<Fruit> fruitGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printExtends(fruitGenericClass); GenericClass<Orange> orangeGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printExtends(orangeGenericClass); GenericClass<Food> foodGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); //Food是Fruit的父类,超过了泛型上届范围,类型不匹配 // printExtends(foodGenericClass); //表示GenericClass的类型参数的上届是Fruit GenericClass<? extends Fruit> extendFruitGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); Apple apple = new Apple(); Fruit fruit = new Fruit(); /* * 道理很简单,? extends X 表示类型的上界,类型参数是X的子类,那么可以肯定的说, * get方法返回的一定是个X(不管是X或者X的子类)编译器是可以确定知道的。 * 但是set方法只知道传入的是个X,至于具体是X的那个子类,不知道。 * 总结:主要用于安全地访问数据,可以访问X及其子类型,并且不能写入非null的数据。 */ // extendFruitGenericClass.setData(apple); // extendFruitGenericClass.setData(fruit); fruit = extendFruitGenericClass.getData(); } /** * <? super Child> 指定了泛型类型的下届 */ public static void printSuper(GenericClass<? super Apple> genericClass) { System.out.println(genericClass.getData()); } public static void useSuper() { GenericClass<Food> foodGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printSuper(foodGenericClass); GenericClass<Fruit> fruitGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printSuper(fruitGenericClass); GenericClass<Apple> appleGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printSuper(appleGenericClass); GenericClass<HongFuShiApple> hongFuShiAppleGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); // HongFuShiApple 是Apple的子类,达不到泛型下届,类型不匹配 // printSuper(hongFuShiAppleGenericClass); GenericClass<Orange> orangeGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); // Orange和Apple是兄弟关系,没有继承关系,类型不匹配 // printSuper(orangeGenericClass); //表示GenericClass的类型参数的下界是Apple GenericClass<? super Apple> supperAppleGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); supperAppleGenericClass.setData(new Apple()); supperAppleGenericClass.setData(new HongFuShiApple()); /* * ? super X 表示类型的下界,类型参数是X的超类(包括X本身), * 那么可以肯定的说,get方法返回的一定是个X的超类,那么到底是哪个超类?不知道, * 但是可以肯定的说,Object一定是它的超类,所以get方法返回Object。 * 编译器是可以确定知道的。对于set方法来说,编译器不知道它需要的确切类型,但是X和X的子类可以安全的转型为X。 * 总结:主要用于安全地写入数据,可以写入X及其子类型。 */ // supperAppleGenericClass.setData(new Fruit()); //get方法只会返回一个Object类型的值。 Object data = supperAppleGenericClass.getData(); } /** * <?> 指定了没有限定的通配符 */ public static void printNonLimit(GenericClass<?> genericClass) { System.out.println(genericClass.getData()); } public static void useNonLimit() { GenericClass<Food> foodGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printNonLimit(foodGenericClass); GenericClass<Fruit> fruitGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printNonLimit(fruitGenericClass); GenericClass<Apple> appleGenericClass = new GenericClass<>(); printNonLimit(appleGenericClass); GenericClass<?> genericClass = new GenericClass<>(); //setData 方法不能被调用, 甚至不能用 Object 调用; // genericClass.setData(foodGenericClass); // genericClass.setData(new Object()); //返回值只能赋给 Object Object object = genericClass.getData(); } }
这里的Type指java.lang.reflect.Type, 是Java中所有类型的公共高级接口, 代表了Java中的所有类型. Type体系中类型的包括:数组类型(GenericArrayType)、参数化类型(ParameterizedType)、类型变量(TypeVariable)、通配符类型(WildcardType)、原始类型(Class)、基本类型(Class), 以上这些类型都实现Type接口.
参数化类型,就是我们平常所用到的泛型List、Map; 数组类型,并不是我们工作中所使用的数组String[] 、byte[],而是带有泛型的数组,即T[] ; 通配符类型, 指的是<?>, <? extends T>等等 原始类型, 不仅仅包含我们平常所指的类,还包括枚举、数组、注解等; 基本类型, 也就是我们所说的java的基本类型,即int,float,double等
public interface ParameterizedType extends Type { // 返回确切的泛型参数, 如Map<String, Integer>返回[String, Integer] Type[] getActualTypeArguments(); //返回当前class或interface声明的类型, 如List<?>返回List Type getRawType(); //返回所属类型. 如,当前类型为O<T>.I<S>, 则返回O<T>. 顶级类型将返回null Type getOwnerType(); }
/** * Author:Jay On 2019/5/11 22:41 * <p> * Description: 获取泛型类型测试类 */ public class GenericType<T> { private T data; public T getData() { return data; } public void setData(T data) { this.data = data; } public static void main(String[] args) { GenericType<String> genericType = new GenericType<String>() {}; Type superclass = genericType.getClass().getGenericSuperclass(); //getActualTypeArguments 返回确切的泛型参数, 如Map<String, Integer>返回[String, Integer] Type type = ((ParameterizedType) superclass).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; System.out.println(type);//class java.lang.String } }