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  • 网易云课堂_C++程序设计入门(上)_第5单元:万类霜天竞自由 – 对象和类的更多内容






    第6节:vector 类



    4. Variable names must be in mixed case starting with lower case.

    4. 变量名必须混合大小写且以小写字母开头

    例如:line, savingsAccount

    How to make a class immutable? ( 让类成为“不可变类”)

    Mark all data fields private (所有数据域 均设置为“私有”属性)


    No mutator functions (没有更改器函数)


    No accessor that would return a reference/pointer to a mutable data field object ( 也没有能够返回可变数据域对象的 引用 或指针的访问器)

    偷摸碰也不 行! 

    用于多线程编程immutable object: thread-safe

    Preventing Multiple Declarations ( 避免多次声明)

    1. Put "#pragma once" in the first line of .h file ( 使用“杂注”)



    2. Use #ifndef preprocessing instructions in .h file ( 使用“宏”)

    #ifndef FILENAME_H

    #define FILENAME_H

    // The contents of the header file

    #endif FILENAME_H


    Rules for Static member function ( 使用静态成员函数的规则)

    Rules1: How to invoke Static member function: (调用静态成员函数)

    Rules2: Static member functions access other members: (静态成员函数访问 其他成员)

    主调函数    静态        非静态
    静态    通过类名/对象名  只能通过对象名
    非静态   只能通过对象名
    Use Class Name (for readablity) ( 使用类名访问静态变量/函数)
    Use ClassName::functionName(arguments) to invoke a static function and ClassName::staticVariable.
    #include <iostream>
    class A
    	A(int a = 0)//构造函数
    		x = a;
    	static void f1();//静态成员函数
    	static void f2(A a);//静态成员函数
    	int x;
    	static int y;//静态数据成员
    void A::f1()
    	std::cout << A::y << std::endl;
    void A::f2(A a)
    	std::cout << A::y << std::endl;
    	std::cout << a.x << std::endl;
    int A::y = 25;//初始化静态数据成员
    void main()
    	A mA(3);

    Instance or Static? ( 实例还是静态)

    When to use STATIC in class? (何时在类中使用静态成员)

    A variable or function that is not dependent on a specific instance of the class should be a static variable or function. ( 变量和函数不依赖于类的实例时)

    For example

    every circle has its own radius. Radius is dependent on a specific circle. Therefore, radius is an instance variable of the Circle class. Since the getArea function is dependent on a specific circle, it is an instance function.

    Since numberOfObjects is not dependent on any specific instance, it should be declared static.


    Destructors ( 析构函数)

    Destructors are the opposite of constructors. (dtor vs ctor)

                                  Destructor        Constructor
    When to invoke(何时调用)            when the object is destroyed  when an object is created
    Prototype(原型)                      C::~C( )         C::C(arguments)
    Default prototype(默认函数的原型)             C::~C( )           C::C( )
    What if no explicit decl? (没有显式声明怎么办)  Compiler will create a default one (编译器会生成默认函数)
    Overloadable(可否重载)                  No, only 1           Yes


    Copy Constructors

    class X
    { //C++03/11: 12.8
      // ...
    	X(const X&, int = 1);
    X a(1); // calls X(int);
    X b(a, 0); // calls X(const X&, int);
    X c = b; // calls X(const X&, int);

    Shallow Copy vs. Deep Copy ( 浅拷贝和深拷贝)

    Shallow copy: if the field is a pointer to some object, the address of the pointer is copied rather than its contents. ( 拷指针,而非指针指向的内容)

    Deep copy: Copy the contents that pointed by the pointer (拷指针指向的内容)

    Customizing Copy Constructor( 定制拷贝构造函数)

    Shallow copy:

    default copy constructor (默认构造函 数)

    assignment operator for copying = (用 于拷贝对象的赋值运算符)

    Deep copy: you should implement the copy ctor. ( 自行编写拷贝构造 函数)


    第6节:vector 类

    The C++ vector Class

    Limitation of using array to store values: the array size is fixed in the class declaration. ( 用数组存放数据时,容量大小不可变)

    The vector object can increase its size if needed.(vector对象容量可自动增大)


    	std::vector<int> intVector;
    	// Store numbers 1, ..., 10 to the vector
    	for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
    		intVector.push_back(i + 1);

    25. Iterator variables should be called i, j, k etc.

    25. 迭代变量名应该用 i, j, k 等

    此外,变量名 j, k应只被用于嵌套循环




    Two basic guidelines ( 两个最基础的规范)

    1. Any violation to the guide is allowed if it enhances readability.

    1. 只要能增强可读性,你在编码时可以不遵守这些编程风格指南


    2. The rules can be violated if there are strong personal objections against them.

    2. 如果你有很好的个人理由的话,可以不遵守这些规范

    Why do I violate the rules? ( 为嘛我要违反规则)

    46. Variables should be initialized where they are declared.

    46. 变量应在其声明处初始化

    71. Basic indentation should be 2.

    Indentation of 1 is too small to emphasize the logical layout of the code. Indentation larger than 4 makes deeply nested code difficult to read and increases the chance that the lines must be split. Choosing between indentation of 2, 3 and 4, 2 and 4 are the more common, and 2 chosen to reduce the chance of splitting code lines.

    73. The class declarations should have the following form :

    class SomeClass : public BaseClass

    Layouts for loop statements ( 循环语句的布局)

    74. Method definitions should have the following form :
    74. 方法定义应遵循如下形式

    void someMethod()
    76. A for statement should have the following form :
    for (initialization; condition; update)
    77. An empty for statement should have the following form :
    for (initialization; condition; update)
    This emphasizes the fact that the for statement is empty and it makes it obvious for the reader that this is intentional.Empty loops should be avoided however.
    78. A while statement should have the following form :
    while (condition)
    79. A do - while statement should have the following form :
    } while (condition);

    About white space ( 关于空格)

    ‐ Conventional operators should be surrounded by a space character. (运算符前后应有空格)
    ‐ C++ reserved words should be followed by a white space.(C++ 保留字后边应有空格)
    ‐ Commas should be followed by a white space. (逗号后面跟空格)
    ‐ Colons should be surrounded by white space.(冒号前后有空格)
    ‐ Semicolons in for statments should be followed by a space character.(for 语句的分号后有空格)

    	a = (b + c) * d; // NOT: a=(b+c)*d
    	while (true) // NOT: while(true)
    			doSomething(a, b, c, d); // NOT: doSomething(a,b,c,d);
    	case 100: // NOT: case 100:
    	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    		// NOT: for(i=0;i<10;i++){ ...
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/denggelin/p/5903524.html
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