Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit.
Nothing is impossible, the world itself says: I am possible.
Quite right.
Only a few of talented ones can win all the time, the rest of us, the majority, may have to experience several times of failures before we can win.
In some extreme cases, the last success came just before one was about to give up.
If you quit, you have no chance to win; If you don't quit, even there are still too many failures and frustrations ahead the road, you may win eventually, just when one critical point comes.
Yesterday, I had an interview with the DJI, I applied the software engineer in C++ several days before.
Unfortunately, my performance was not good enough to pass the interview.
In the coming days, I will continue to have some interviews, I hope I can get one satisfying job.
Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
From Woody Allen.
In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.
Earning a life may bocome difficult when we get older if we don't have some unique skills.
Maybe the best way to assure a better old life is earning as much money as possible when we are still young.