Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
I am unique, in the way that all I do may have no results, in the way that all my interview may fail to pass, even at the beginning state, in the way that all my application may get no response.
It seems once I had some wrongdoings in the past, even tens of years ago, I couldn't make my life return to the right way, the upwards road, no matter what I have done to, no matter how hard I have strived for.
Things remain the same, the same way if I do nothing or do some evil.
Why? You always give me hope, just before the time I was about to lose hope, do you want to make me realize how despairing the life will be?
Yes, if there is no hope, I won't have the chance to lose hope.
Everyting is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
From Will Rogers.
When something embarrassing happened to others, we may laugh at their misdeeds.
However, when we are in the embarrassing situation, it may be difficult to put on a smile on our face.
Sometimes, we have to just laugh off the awkarded situation, otherwise we can't carry it off well.
Try to build the sense of empathy, try to have a consideration for others, try to think of what we will do if we are in the same awkarded situation.