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  • February 4th, 2018 Week 6th Sunday

    Hope clouds observation.


    Almost every of us thinks we would be the master of our lives and live the life we are longing to live.

    I used to think in that way so.

    But that was the past.

    Because I have learned that I am just an ordinary man with poor abilities, low IQ and low EQ.

    Every time when I was expectant about the future, life would make me know who I am.

    Maybe I have my head too high in the clouds, and fail to see what the reality is.

    So, just be realistic, and make some down-to-earth decisions.

    Remember, success comes through self-confidence, hard work and tireless efforts, sometimes good luck.

    Aha, let's have a break and read several pages of the book I haven't finished yet.

    It is not ture that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.


    From Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

    Recently I felt very tired after work, I think the very reason may be the lack of accomplishments after a day-long hardworking.

    Really frustrated, but I still believe that something wonderful will come to my life in the near future, maybe just next few days.

    I know the secret of eternal youth is to be a serious and deligent dreamer.

    No, no, I don't intend to just follow dreams, I would make them happen.

    And I know life is a process of consistantly pursuing dreams and compromising, that is the reality.

    I know that I would meet with many difficulities while I chase my dreams, if I don't have enough passions in life and work, I would give up easily and finally have nothing.

    Perhaps during my pursuit of dreams, I would have some unexpected gains, which may be the very things that will lead me to what I have always dreamed of.

    Who knows? The future is full of endless possibilities.

    Let's find out the best ones and start an ear of ourselves.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dengwenwu/p/8553488.html
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