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  • C++时间格式数据及字符串的简单处理

    #include "stdafx.h"
    /// 判断文件格式
    const unsigned int GetFileFormat(TCHAR* sFileName)
    	unsigned int iRet = E_FileERR;
    	/// 0、判断文件名是否有效
    	//if (sFileName.IsEmpty() || 4 > sFileName.GetLength())
    	//	return iRet;
    	int iLenth = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, sFileName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
    	if (iLenth == 0 || 4 > iLenth)
    		return iRet;
    	string strFileName = C22<255>(sFileName);
    	size_t iLen = strFileName.length();
    	int iPos = strFileName.find_last_of('.');
    	if (iPos >= 0 && iPos < iLen)
    		string strSuff(strFileName.substr(iPos, iLen - iPos));
    		/// 转变为小写,方便比较扩展名
    		transform(strSuff.begin(), strSuff.end(), strSuff.begin(), tolower);
    		if (!(strSuff.compare(".csv")))
    			iRet = E_FileCSV;
    		else if (!(strSuff.compare(".txt")))
    			iRet = E_FileTXT;
    		else if (!(strSuff.compare(".xls")))
    			iRet = E_FileXLS;
    		else if (!(strSuff.compare(".xlsx")))
    			iRet = E_FileXLSX;
    		else if (!(strSuff.compare(".dbf")))
    			iRet = E_FileDBF;
    	return iRet;
    const SYSTEMTIME Time_tToSystemTime(time_t t)
    	tm temptm;
    	localtime_s(&temptm, &t);
    	SYSTEMTIME st = { 1900 + temptm.tm_year,
    		1 + temptm.tm_mon,
    		0 };
    	return st;
    const time_t SystemTimeToTime_t(const SYSTEMTIME& st)
    	struct tm gm = { st.wSecond, st.wMinute, st.wHour, st.wDay, st.wMonth - 1, st.wYear - 1900, st.wDayOfWeek, 0, 0 };
    	return mktime(&gm);
    const SYSTEMTIME GetTimeFromString(std::string szTime, std::string szGap, bool bOneDayTime)
    	SYSTEMTIME targetTime = { 0 };
    	int gapSize = szTime.find(szGap);
    	int pos0 = szTime.find_first_of(szGap);
    	int pos1 = szTime.find_last_of(szGap);
    	if (pos0 < 0 || pos1 < 0 || pos0 == pos1)
    		return targetTime;
    	string szHead(szTime.c_str(), pos0);
    	string szMiddle(szTime.c_str() + pos0 + 1, pos1 - pos0 - 1);
    	string szTail(szTime.c_str() + pos1 + 1, szTime.length() - pos1 - 1);
    	if (bOneDayTime) //HH:mm:ss
    		targetTime = { 0, 0, 0, 0, atoi(szHead.c_str()), atoi(szMiddle.c_str()), atoi(szTail.c_str()), 0 };
    	else			//YYYY:MM:DD
    		targetTime = { atoi(szHead.c_str()), atoi(szMiddle.c_str()), 0, atoi(szTail.c_str()), 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    	return targetTime;
    const unsigned int GetDaysInMonth(const unsigned int year, const unsigned int month)
    	unsigned int tmpDay;
    	const int day[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
    	if (month == 2)
    		tmpDay = ((0 == year % 4) && (0 != year % 100) || (0 == year % 400)) ? 29 : 28;
    	else if (month > 12)
    		tmpDay = 30;
    		tmpDay = day[month - 1];
    	return tmpDay;
    const SYSTEMTIME GetCurMonthLastWorkDay(SYSTEMTIME curTime)
    	unsigned int lastDay = GetDaysInMonth(curTime.wYear, curTime.wMonth);
    	time_t lastDaySecond = SystemTimeToTime_t(curTime) + (lastDay - curTime.wDay) * (24 * 3600);
    	SYSTEMTIME lastDayTime = Time_tToSystemTime(lastDaySecond);
    	return GetLastWorkDay(lastDayTime);
    const SYSTEMTIME GetLastWorkDay(const SYSTEMTIME& st)
    	int endSeconds = 0;
    	if (0 == st.wDayOfWeek % 6)
    		time_t selTime_t = SystemTimeToTime_t(st);
    		if (st.wDayOfWeek == 6)
    			endSeconds = (24 * 3600) * 1;
    			endSeconds = (24 * 3600) * 2;
    		return  Time_tToSystemTime(selTime_t - endSeconds);
    		return st;
    const SYSTEMTIME GetFirstWorkDay(const SYSTEMTIME& st, const unsigned int nDaysBefor)
    	int startSecond = 0;
    	int endSeconds = 0;
    	time_t selTime_t = SystemTimeToTime_t(st);
    	if (st.wDayOfWeek % 6 == 0)//当日为周末
    		if (st.wDayOfWeek == 6)
    			endSeconds = (24 * 3600) * 1;
    			endSeconds = (24 * 3600) * 2;
    		int nAddDay = nDaysBefor % 5 == 0 ? -1 : 0;
    		startSecond = (24 * 3600) * (nDaysBefor - 1) + (48 * 3600) * (nDaysBefor / 5 + nAddDay) + endSeconds;
    	else						//当日即为工作日						
    		if (st.wDayOfWeek > nDaysBefor)
    			startSecond = (24 * 3600) * (nDaysBefor - 1);
    			int nAddDay = (nDaysBefor - st.wDayOfWeek) % 5 == 0 ? 0 : 1;
    			startSecond = (24 * 3600) * (nDaysBefor - 1) + (48 * 3600) * ((nDaysBefor - st.wDayOfWeek) / 5 + nAddDay);
    	return Time_tToSystemTime(selTime_t - startSecond);		//第一个工作日
    static int IsLeapYear(int year)
    	if ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)
    		return 366;
    		return 365;
    const SYSTEMTIME GetFirstWorkDayOfOneYear(const WORD nYear)
    	int nTotalDays = 0;
    	for (int i = 1; i < nYear; i++)
    		nTotalDays += IsLeapYear(i);
    	int nDayOfWeek = (nTotalDays + 1) % 7;
    	int nStartDay = 1;
    	int nSetDayOfWeek = nDayOfWeek;
    	if (nDayOfWeek == 6)
    		nSetDayOfWeek = 1;
    		nStartDay += 2;
    	else if (nDayOfWeek == 0)
    		nSetDayOfWeek = 1;
    		nStartDay += 1;
    	SYSTEMTIME firstWorkDay = { nYear, 1, nSetDayOfWeek, nStartDay, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    	return firstWorkDay;
    const string GetFutureCode(SYSTEMTIME sysTm, E_FUTURECODE eType, E_FUTURETIME eMonth)
    	string szStr;
    	if (eType == TYPE_IFCODE)
    		szStr = "IF";
    	else if (eType == TYPE_IHCODE)
    		szStr = "IH";
    		szStr = "IC";
    	char szTime[5];
    	memset(szTime, 0, sizeof(szTime));
    	int year = sysTm.wYear % 100;
    	int month = sysTm.wMonth;
    	bool bNext = false;
    	int gapDay;
    	time_t selTime = SystemTimeToTime_t(sysTm);
    	SYSTEMTIME time_fir = Time_tToSystemTime(selTime - (sysTm.wDay - 1)  * 24 * 3600);
    	if (time_fir.wDayOfWeek % 6 == 0)			//周末
    		gapDay = 1 + (5 + time_fir.wDayOfWeek / 6) + 14;
    	else //第一天为周五
    		gapDay = 1 + (5 - time_fir.wDayOfWeek) + 14;
    	if (sysTm.wDay > gapDay)
    		if (month == 12)
    			month = 1;
    			year += 1;
    			month += 1;
    	if (eMonth == TIME_NEXTMONTH || bNext)
    		if (month == 12)
    			month = 1;
    			year += 1;
    			month += 1;
    	else if (eMonth == TIME_ENDOFSEASON)
    		month += 3 - month % 3;
    		if (month > 12)
    			year += 1;
    			month %= 12;
    	else if (eMonth == TIME_NEXTENDOFSEASON)
    		if (month % 3 == 0)
    			month += 6;
    		if (month > 12)
    			year += 1;
    			month %= 12;
    	sprintf_s(szTime, "%02d%02d", year, month);
    	return szStr;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/depend-wind/p/9638546.html
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