function features = harris_detector(input_image, varargin) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %input parameters: %input_image grayscale image %segment_length input the block size for weighting the image for filter %k determine the parameter of value k formula H = det(G)-k*tr(G)^2 G present the harris matrix %tau Threshold for H the point is a feature if H > tau % do_plot true indicate plot the corners on the image %min_dist the minimal distance of two feature points %tile_size the image will be divided into blocks with size tile_size, in one block int can only exist N features %N the maximal features in a block %output parameter: % features the locations of the features % the names and values of the parameters should be given in pairs %default value %'segment_length',15,'k',0,05,'tau',1000000,'do_plot',faluse,'min_dist',20,'tile_size',[200,200],'N',5 % by 南市吃主爷 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % set constraints of input values, defined as optioinal p = inputParser; addParameter(p,'segment_length',15,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'odd','>',1})) addParameter(p,'k',0.05,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'>',0,'<',1})) addParameter(p,'tau',1000000,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'>',0})) addParameter(p,'do_plot',false,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'logical'},{})) addParameter(p,'min_dist',20,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'>',1})); addParameter(p,'tile_size',[200,200],@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{})); addParameter(p,'N',5,@(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'>=',1})); parse(p,varargin{:}) % if tile_size has only one value, the height is equal to width if size(p.Results.tile_size) == [1,1] tile_size = [p.Results.tile_size, p.Results.tile_size]; else tile_size = p.Results.tile_size; end min_dist = p.Results.min_dist; N = p.Results.N; segment_length = p.Results.segment_length; k = p.Results.k; tau = p.Results.tau; do_plot = p.Results.do_plot; [len,col,de] = size(input_image); % test if the image is grayscale if de ~= 1 error('Image format has to be NxMx1'); end % Approximation of the image gradient input_image = double(input_image); sobel_x = [1,0,-1;2,0,-2;1,0,-1]; Ix = conv2(input_image,sobel_x,'same'); sobel_y = [1,2,1;0,0,0;-1,-2,-1]; Iy = conv2(input_image,sobel_y,'same'); % Weighting w = fspecial('gaussian',[1,segment_length],segment_length/3); w_2 = w'*w; % Harris Matrix G G11 = conv2(Ix.*Ix,w_2,'same'); G12 = conv2(Ix.*Iy,w_2,'same'); G22 = conv2(Iy.*Iy,w_2,'same'); det_G = G11.*G22-G12.^2; trace_G = G11+G22; % calculate the matrix H = det_G-k*trace_G.^2; [len_H,col_H] = size(H); % add a border of size segment_length/2 border_segment = ceil(segment_length/2); H = padarray(H,[border_segment,border_segment]); % extract the features which H > tau sub_H_lo = gt(H,tau); sub_H_lo1 = sub_H_lo(border_segment+1:border_segment+len_H,border_segment+1:border_segment+col_H); %[x,y] = find(sub_H_lo1); %features = [y';x']; corners = H.*sub_H_lo; corners = corners(border_segment+1:border_segment+len_H,border_segment+1:border_segment+col_H); [len_corners,col_corners] = size(corners); %add a border of size min_dist %corners_b = zeros(2*min_dist+len_corners,2*min_dist+col_corners); %corners_b(min_dist+1:min_dist+len_corners,min_dist+1:min_dist+col_corners) = corners; %corners = corners_b; corners = padarray(corners,[min_dist,min_dist]); %sort the corners by the intensities of features [sorted_corners,sorted_index] = sort(corners(:),'descend'); greater = find(sorted_corners); sorted_index = sorted_index(greater); % calculate the block size and divide the image into blocks num_x = ceil(len/tile_size(1)); num_y = ceil(col/tile_size(2)); acc_array = zeros(num_x,num_y); % linear index to 2-D index [ix,iy] = ind2sub(size(corners),sorted_index); ct = 1; %location of two features should be larger than min_dist Cakes = ones(min_dist*2+1,min_dist*2+1); for i = 1:min_dist*2+1 for j = 1:min_dist*2+1 dis = sqrt((min_dist+1-i)^2+(min_dist+1-j)^2); if dis <= min_dist Cakes(i,j) = 0; end end end Cakes = logical(Cakes); % the center feature can be kept. Cakes(min_dist+1,min_dist+1) = 1; for i = 1:numel(sorted_index) temp = corners(ix(i)-min_dist:ix(i)+min_dist,iy(i)-min_dist:iy(i)+min_dist); if corners(ix(i),iy(i) ) ~= 0 temp = temp.*Cakes; corners(ix(i)-min_dist:ix(i)+min_dist,iy(i)-min_dist:iy(i)+min_dist) = temp; end end corners = corners(min_dist+1:end-min_dist,min_dist+1:end-min_dist); %every block only contains N features [sorted_corners,sorted_index1] = sort(corners(:),'descend'); greater1 = find(sorted_corners); sorted_index1 = sorted_index1(greater1); [x1,y1] = ind2sub(size(corners),sorted_index1); for po = 1:numel(sorted_index1) block_x = ceil((x1(po))/tile_size(1)); block_y = ceil((y1(po))/tile_size(1)); if (acc_array(block_x,block_y) < N) if (corners(x1(po),y1(po)) ~= 0) acc_array(block_x,block_y) = acc_array(block_x,block_y)+1; features(1:2,ct) = [x1(po);y1(po)]; ct = ct+1; end else corners(x1(po),y1(po)) = 0; end end [x1,y1] = find(corners); features = [y1';x1']; if do_plot input_image = uint8(input_image); imshow(input_image); hold on plot(features(1,:),features(2,:),'go') end end