1 package 生成随机数; 2 public class Suiji { 3 private static final int N = 20;//生成随机数的个数 4 private static final int LEFT = 0;//生成随机数的左范围 5 private static final int RIGHT = 1000;//生成随机数的右范围 6 private static long x0 = 1L; 7 private long a = 1234567890L; 8 private long c = 12345L; 9 private long m = 2345678912L; 10 // 产生随机数 11 private long rand ( long r ) 12 { 13 // a,c,m为常数 14 r = ( r * a + c ) % m;//Xn+1=(aXn + c)mod m 15 return r; 16 } 17 private long little ( int L, int R, long rand ){ 18 return L + rand % ( R - L + 1 ); 19 } 20 int jishu=1; 21 private void recursion ( int count, long rand ){ 22 if (count >= N) { 23 return; 24 } 25 rand = rand (rand); 26 long r = little (LEFT, RIGHT, rand); 27 System.out.print (r + " "); 28 recursion (++count, rand); 29 } 30 public static void main(String[] args) { 31 Suiji a = new Suiji (); 32 a.recursion (0, x0); 33 } 34 }
1 /** 2 * Prints an integer and then terminate the line. This method behaves as 3 * though it invokes <code>{@link #print(int)}</code> and then 4 * <code>{@link #println()}</code>. 5 * 6 * @param x The <code>int</code> to be printed. 7 */ 8 public void println(int x) { 9 synchronized (this) { 10 print(x); 11 newLine(); 12 } 13 } 14 /** 15 * Prints a String and then terminate the line. This method behaves as 16 * though it invokes <code>{@link #print(String)}</code> and then 17 * <code>{@link #println()}</code>. 18 * 19 * @param x The <code>String</code> to be printed. 20 */ 21 public void println(String x) { 22 synchronized (this) { 23 print(x); 24 newLine(); 25 } 26 }