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  • RabbitMQ中客户端的Channel类里各方法释义

    //  The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
    //  Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
    //  compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
    //  at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
    //  Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
    //  basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
    //  the License for the specific language governing rights and
    //  limitations under the License.
    //  The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
    //  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
    //  Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc.  All rights reserved.
    package com.rabbitmq.client;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Confirm;
    import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Channel.FlowOk;
     * Public API: Interface to an AMQ channel. See the <a href="http://www.amqp.org/">spec</a> for details.
     * <p>
     * To open a channel,
     * <pre>
     * {@link Connection} conn = ...;
     * {@link Channel} channel = conn.{@link Connection#createChannel createChannel}();
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Public API:
     * <ul>
     *  <li> getChannelNumber
     *  <li> close
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * While a Channel can be used by multiple threads, it's important to ensure
     * that only one thread executes a command at once. Concurrent execution of
     * commands will likely cause an UnexpectedFrameError to be thrown.
    public interface Channel extends ShutdownNotifier {
         * Retrieve this channel's channel number.
         * @return the channel number
        int getChannelNumber();
         * Retrieve the connection which carries this channel.
         * @return the underlying {@link Connection}
        Connection getConnection();
         * Close this channel with the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP#REPLY_SUCCESS} close code
         * and message 'OK'.
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void close() throws IOException;
         * Close this channel.
         * @param closeCode the close code (See under "Reply Codes" in the AMQP specification)
         * @param closeMessage a message indicating the reason for closing the connection
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void close(int closeCode, String closeMessage) throws IOException;
         * Set flow on the channel
         * @param active if true, the server is asked to start sending. If false, the server is asked to stop sending.
         * @throws IOException
        FlowOk flow(boolean active) throws IOException;
         * Return the current Channel.Flow settings.
        FlowOk getFlow();
         * Abort this channel with the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP#REPLY_SUCCESS} close code
         * and message 'OK'.
         * Forces the channel to close and waits for the close operation to complete.
         * Any encountered exceptions in the close operation are silently discarded.
        void abort() throws IOException;
         * Abort this channel.
         * Forces the channel to close and waits for the close operation to complete.
         * Any encountered exceptions in the close operation are silently discarded.
        void abort(int closeCode, String closeMessage) throws IOException;
         * Add a {@link ReturnListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to add
        void addReturnListener(ReturnListener listener);
         * Remove a {@link ReturnListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to remove
         * @return <code><b>true</b></code> if the listener was found and removed,
         * <code><b>false</b></code> otherwise
        boolean removeReturnListener(ReturnListener listener);
         * Remove all {@link ReturnListener}s.
        void clearReturnListeners();
         * Add a {@link FlowListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to add
        void addFlowListener(FlowListener listener);
         * Remove a {@link FlowListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to remove
         * @return <code><b>true</b></code> if the listener was found and removed,
         * <code><b>false</b></code> otherwise
        boolean removeFlowListener(FlowListener listener);
         * Remove all {@link FlowListener}s.
        void clearFlowListeners();
         * Add a {@link ConfirmListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to add
        void addConfirmListener(ConfirmListener listener);
         * Remove a {@link ConfirmListener}.
         * @param listener the listener to remove
         * @return <code><b>true</b></code> if the listener was found and removed,
         * <code><b>false</b></code> otherwise
        boolean removeConfirmListener(ConfirmListener listener);
         * Remove all {@link ConfirmListener}s.
        void clearConfirmListeners();
         * Get the current default consumer. @see setDefaultConsumer for rationale.
         * @return an interface to the current default consumer.
        Consumer getDefaultConsumer();
         * Set the current default consumer.
         * Under certain circumstances it is possible for a channel to receive a
         * message delivery which does not match any consumer which is currently
         * set up via basicConsume(). This will occur after the following sequence
         * of events:
         * ctag = basicConsume(queue, consumer); // i.e. with explicit acks
         * // some deliveries take place but are not acked
         * basicCancel(ctag);
         * basicRecover(false);
         * Since requeue is specified to be false in the basicRecover, the spec
         * states that the message must be redelivered to "the original recipient"
         * - i.e. the same channel / consumer-tag. But the consumer is no longer
         * active.
         * In these circumstances, you can register a default consumer to handle
         * such deliveries. If no default consumer is registered an
         * IllegalStateException will be thrown when such a delivery arrives.
         * Most people will not need to use this.
         * @param consumer the consumer to use, or null indicating "don't use one".
        void setDefaultConsumer(Consumer consumer);
         * Request specific "quality of service" settings.
         * These settings impose limits on the amount of data the server
         * will deliver to consumers before requiring acknowledgements.
         * Thus they provide a means of consumer-initiated flow control.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Qos
         * @param prefetchSize maximum amount of content (measured in
         * octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited
         * @param prefetchCount maximum number of messages that the server
         * will deliver, 0 if unlimited
         * @param global true if the settings should be applied to the
         * entire connection rather than just the current channel
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicQos(int prefetchSize, int prefetchCount, boolean global) throws IOException;
         * Request a specific prefetchCount "quality of service" settings
         * for this channel.
         * @see #basicQos(int, int, boolean)
         * @param prefetchCount maximum number of messages that the server
         * will deliver, 0 if unlimited
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicQos(int prefetchCount) throws IOException;
         * Publish a message with both "mandatory" and "immediate" flags set to false
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Publish
         * @param exchange the exchange to publish the message to
         * @param routingKey the routing key
         * @param props other properties for the message - routing headers etc
         * @param body the message body
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicPublish(String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body) throws IOException;
         * Publish a message
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Publish
         * @param exchange the exchange to publish the message to
         * @param routingKey the routing key
         * @param mandatory true if we are requesting a mandatory publish
         * @param immediate true if we are requesting an immediate publish
         * @param props other properties for the message - routing headers etc
         * @param body the message body
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicPublish(String exchange, String routingKey, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate, BasicProperties props, byte[] body)
                throws IOException;
         * Actively declare a non-autodelete, non-durable exchange with no extra arguments
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param type the exchange type
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type) throws IOException;
         * Actively declare a non-autodelete exchange with no extra arguments
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param type the exchange type
         * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart)
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
        Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type, boolean durable) throws IOException;
         * Declare an exchange.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param type the exchange type
         * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart)
         * @param autoDelete true if the server should delete the exchange when it is no longer in use
         * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the exchange
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type, boolean durable, boolean autoDelete,
                                           Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Declare an exchange, via an interface that allows the complete set of
         * arguments.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeclareOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param type the exchange type
         * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart)
         * @param autoDelete true if the server should delete the exchange when it is no longer in use
         * @param internal true if the exchange is internal, i.e. can't be directly
         * published to by a client.
         * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the exchange
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange,
                                                  String type,
                                                  boolean durable,
                                                  boolean autoDelete,
                                                  boolean internal,
                                                  Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Declare an exchange passively; that is, check if the named exchange exists.
         * @param name check the existence of an exchange named this
         * @throws IOException the server will raise a 404 channel exception if the named exchange does not exist.
        Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclarePassive(String name) throws IOException;
         * Delete an exchange
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Delete
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeleteOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param ifUnused true to indicate that the exchange is only to be deleted if it is unused
         * @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.DeleteOk exchangeDelete(String exchange, boolean ifUnused) throws IOException;
         * Delete an exchange, without regard for whether it is in use or not
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Delete
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.DeleteOk
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.DeleteOk exchangeDelete(String exchange) throws IOException;
         * Bind an exchange to an exchange, with no extra arguments.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.BindOk
         * @param destination: the name of the exchange to which messages flow across the binding
         * @param source: the name of the exchange from which messages flow across the binding
         * @param routingKey: the routine key to use for the binding
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.BindOk exchangeBind(String destination, String source, String routingKey) throws IOException;
         * Bind an exchange to an exchange.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.BindOk
         * @param destination: the name of the exchange to which messages flow across the binding
         * @param source: the name of the exchange from which messages flow across the binding
         * @param routingKey: the routine key to use for the binding
         * @param arguments: other properties (binding parameters)
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.BindOk exchangeBind(String destination, String source, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Unbind an exchange from an exchange, with no extra arguments.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.BindOk
         * @param destination: the name of the exchange to which messages flow across the binding
         * @param source: the name of the exchange from which messages flow across the binding
         * @param routingKey: the routine key to use for the binding
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.UnbindOk exchangeUnbind(String destination, String source, String routingKey) throws IOException;
         * Unbind an exchange from an exchange.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Exchange.BindOk
         * @param destination: the name of the exchange to which messages flow across the binding
         * @param source: the name of the exchange from which messages flow across the binding
         * @param routingKey: the routine key to use for the binding
         * @param arguments: other properties (binding parameters)
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Exchange.UnbindOk exchangeUnbind(String destination, String source, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Actively declare a server-named exclusive, autodelete, non-durable queue.
         * The name of the new queue is held in the "queue" field of the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk} result.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare() throws IOException;
         * Declare a queue
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param durable true if we are declaring a durable queue (the queue will survive a server restart)
         * @param exclusive true if we are declaring an exclusive queue (restricted to this connection)
         * @param autoDelete true if we are declaring an autodelete queue (server will delete it when no longer in use)
         * @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the queue
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare(String queue, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete,
                                     Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Declare a queue passively; i.e., check if it exists.  In AMQP
         * 0-9-1, all arguments aside from nowait are ignored; and sending
         * nowait makes this method a no-op, so we default it to false.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Declare
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeclareOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue exists
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered,
         * including if the queue does not exist and if the queue is
         * exclusively owned by another connection.
        Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclarePassive(String queue) throws IOException;
         * Delete a queue, without regard for whether it is in use or has messages on it
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Delete
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.DeleteOk queueDelete(String queue) throws IOException;
         * Delete a queue
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Delete
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.DeleteOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param ifUnused true if the queue should be deleted only if not in use
         * @param ifEmpty true if the queue should be deleted only if empty
         * @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.DeleteOk queueDelete(String queue, boolean ifUnused, boolean ifEmpty) throws IOException;
         * Bind a queue to an exchange, with no extra arguments.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.BindOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.BindOk queueBind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey) throws IOException;
         * Bind a queue to an exchange.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Bind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.BindOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
         * @param arguments other properties (binding parameters)
         * @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.BindOk queueBind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Unbinds a queue from an exchange, with no extra arguments.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Unbind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.UnbindOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
         * @return an unbinding-confirm method if the binding was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.UnbindOk queueUnbind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey) throws IOException;
         * Unbind a queue from an exchange.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Unbind
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.UnbindOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param exchange the name of the exchange
         * @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
         * @param arguments other properties (binding parameters)
         * @return an unbinding-confirm method if the binding was successfully deleted
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.UnbindOk queueUnbind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
         * Purges the contents of the given queue.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Purge
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.PurgeOk
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @return a purge-confirm method if the purge was executed succesfully
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Queue.PurgeOk queuePurge(String queue) throws IOException;
         * Retrieve a message from a queue using {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Get}
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Get
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetEmpty
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param autoAck true if the server should consider messages
         * acknowledged once delivered; false if the server should expect
         * explicit acknowledgements
         * @return a {@link GetResponse} containing the retrieved message data
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        GetResponse basicGet(String queue, boolean autoAck) throws IOException;
         * Acknowledge one or several received
         * messages. Supply the deliveryTag from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk}
         * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} method
         * containing the received message being acknowledged.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Ack
         * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver}
         * @param multiple true to acknowledge all messages up to and
         * including the supplied delivery tag; false to acknowledge just
         * the supplied delivery tag.
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) throws IOException;
         * Reject one or several received messages.
         * Supply the <code>deliveryTag</code> from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk}
         * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} method containing the message to be rejected.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Nack
         * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver}
         * @param multiple true to reject all messages up to and including
         * the supplied delivery tag; false to reject just the supplied
         * delivery tag.
         * @param requeue true if the rejected message(s) should be requeued rather
         * than discarded/dead-lettered
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicNack(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple, boolean requeue)
                throws IOException;
         * Reject a message. Supply the deliveryTag from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk}
         * or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} method
         * containing the received message being rejected.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Reject
         * @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver}
         * @param requeue true if the rejected message should be requeued rather than discarded/dead-lettered
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        void basicReject(long deliveryTag, boolean requeue) throws IOException;
         * Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer, with
         * explicit acknowledgement and a server-generated consumerTag.
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param callback an interface to the consumer object
         * @return the consumerTag generated by the server
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
         * @see #basicAck
         * @see #basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Map, Consumer)
        String basicConsume(String queue, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
         * Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer, with
         * a server-generated consumerTag.
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param autoAck true if the server should consider messages
         * acknowledged once delivered; false if the server should expect
         * explicit acknowledgements
         * @param callback an interface to the consumer object
         * @return the consumerTag generated by the server
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
         * @see #basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Map, Consumer)
        String basicConsume(String queue, boolean autoAck, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
         * Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer.
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param autoAck true if the server should consider messages
         * acknowledged once delivered; false if the server should expect
         * explicit acknowledgements
         * @param consumerTag a client-generated consumer tag to establish context
         * @param callback an interface to the consumer object
         * @return the consumerTag associated with the new consumer
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
         * @see #basicConsume(String, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Map, Consumer)
        String basicConsume(String queue, boolean autoAck, String consumerTag, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
         * Start a consumer. Calls the consumer's {@link Consumer#handleConsumeOk}
         * method.
         * @param queue the name of the queue
         * @param autoAck true if the server should consider messages
         * acknowledged once delivered; false if the server should expect
         * explicit acknowledgements
         * @param consumerTag a client-generated consumer tag to establish context
         * @param noLocal true if the server should not deliver to this consumer
         * messages published on this channel's connection
         * @param exclusive true if this is an exclusive consumer
         * @param callback an interface to the consumer object
         * @param arguments a set of arguments for the consume
         * @return the consumerTag associated with the new consumer
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
        String basicConsume(String queue, boolean autoAck, String consumerTag, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, Map<String, Object> arguments, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
         * Cancel a consumer. Calls the consumer's {@link Consumer#handleCancelOk}
         * method.
         * @param consumerTag a client- or server-generated consumer tag to establish context
         * @throws IOException if an error is encountered, or if the consumerTag is unknown
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Cancel
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.CancelOk
        void basicCancel(String consumerTag) throws IOException;
         * Ask the broker to resend unacknowledged messages.  In 0-8
         * basic.recover is asynchronous; in 0-9-1 it is synchronous, and
         * the new, deprecated method basic.recover_async is asynchronous.
         * <p/>
         * Equivalent to calling <code>basicRecover(true)</code>, messages
         * will be requeued and possibly delivered to a different consumer.
         * @see #basicRecover(boolean)
         Basic.RecoverOk basicRecover() throws IOException;
         * Ask the broker to resend unacknowledged messages.  In 0-8
         * basic.recover is asynchronous; in 0-9-1 it is synchronous, and
         * the new, deprecated method basic.recover_async is asynchronous.
         * @param requeue If true, messages will be requeued and possibly
         * delivered to a different consumer. If false, messages will be
         * redelivered to the same consumer.
        Basic.RecoverOk basicRecover(boolean requeue) throws IOException;
         * Ask the broker to resend unacknowledged messages.  In 0-8
         * basic.recover is asynchronous; in 0-9-1 it is synchronous, and
         * the new, deprecated method basic.recover_async is asynchronous
         * and deprecated.
         * @param requeue If true, messages will be requeued and possibly
         * delivered to a different consumer. If false, messages will be
         * redelivered to the same consumer.
        void basicRecoverAsync(boolean requeue) throws IOException;
         * Enables TX mode on this channel.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.Select
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.SelectOk
         * @return a transaction-selection method to indicate the transaction was successfully initiated
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Tx.SelectOk txSelect() throws IOException;
         * Commits a TX transaction on this channel.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.Commit
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.CommitOk
         * @return a transaction-commit method to indicate the transaction was successfully committed
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Tx.CommitOk txCommit() throws IOException;
         * Rolls back a TX transaction on this channel.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.Rollback
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Tx.RollbackOk
         * @return a transaction-rollback method to indicate the transaction was successfully rolled back
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Tx.RollbackOk txRollback() throws IOException;
         * Enables publisher acknowledgements on this channel.
         * @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Confirm.Select
         * @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
        Confirm.SelectOk confirmSelect() throws IOException;
         * When in confirm mode, returns the sequence number of the next
         * message to be published.
         * @return the sequence number of the next message to be published
        long getNextPublishSeqNo();
         * Wait until all messages published since the last call have been
         * either ack'd or nack'd by the broker.  Note, when called on a
         * non-Confirm channel, waitForConfirms returns true immediately.
         * @return whether all the messages were ack'd (and none were nack'd)
        boolean waitForConfirms() throws InterruptedException;
         * Wait until all messages published since the last call have been
         * either ack'd or nack'd by the broker; or until timeout elapses.
         * If the timeout expires a TimeoutException is thrown.  When
         * called on a non-Confirm channel, waitForConfirms returns true
         * immediately.
         * @return whether all the messages were ack'd (and none were nack'd)
        boolean waitForConfirms(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException;
        /** Wait until all messages published since the last call have
         * been either ack'd or nack'd by the broker.  If any of the
         * messages were nack'd, waitForConfirmsOrDie will throw an
         * IOException.  When called on a non-Confirm channel, it will
         * return immediately. */
        void waitForConfirmsOrDie() throws IOException, InterruptedException;
        /** Wait until all messages published since the last call have
         * been either ack'd or nack'd by the broker; or until timeout elapses.
         * If the timeout expires a TimeoutException is thrown.  If any of the
         * messages were nack'd, waitForConfirmsOrDie will throw an
         * IOException.  When called on a non-Confirm channel, it will
         * return immediately. */
        void waitForConfirmsOrDie(long timeout) throws IOException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException;
         * Asynchronously send a method over this channel.
         * @param method method to transmit over this channel.
         * @throws IOException Problem transmitting method.
        void asyncRpc(Method method) throws IOException;
         * Synchronously send a method over this channel.
         * @param method method to transmit over this channel.
         * @return command response to method. Caller should cast as appropriate.
         * @throws IOException Problem transmitting method.
        Command rpc(Method method) throws IOException;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dingjiaoyang/p/9606325.html
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