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  • C++友元函数和运算符重载










       (3) 一个函数可以是多个类的友元函数;



       (2) 两个类要共享数据的时候; 

    // OperatorOverload.cpp : 此文件包含 "main" 函数。程序执行将在此处开始并结束。
    #include "pch.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    class Time
        int hours;
        int minutes;
        Time();     //默认构造函数
        Time(int h, int m);  //重载构造函数
        void addHr(int h);
        void AddMin(int m);
        void reset(int h = 0, int m = 0);
    operator+(const Time &t) const; //+运算符重载,Time T1, T2; T1 + T2会编译为 T1.operator+(T2); Time operator-(const Time &t) const; //-运算符重载, Time T1, T2; T1 - T2会编译为T Time operator*(double n) const; friend Time operator*(double m, const Time &t); //友元函数(类的非成员函数) friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const Time &t); }; Time::Time() { hours = minutes = 0; } Time::Time(int h, int m) { hours = h; minutes = m; } void Time::AddMin(int m) { minutes += m; hours += minutes / 60; minutes %= 60; } void Time::addHr(int h) { hours += h; } void Time::reset(int h, int m) { hours = h; minutes = m; } /*重载运算符+ 1、也可以使用如下友元函数原型:friend Time Time::operator+(const Time &t1, cosnt Time &t2); 2、Time t1,t2; (1)运算符重载左侧的操作数为调用对象 (2)两个Time对象相加:t1 + t2,转换为下面两个的任意一个(两者只能选择其中一个): (3)t1.operator+(t2); //member function (4)operator+(t1,t2); //nomember function */ Time Time::operator+(const Time &t) const { Time sum; sum.minutes = minutes + t.minutes; sum.hours = hours + t.hours + sum.minutes/60; sum.minutes %= 60; return sum; } Time Time::operator-(const Time &t) const { Time diff; int tot1, tot2; tot1 = t.minutes + 60 * t.hours; tot2 = minutes + 60 * hours; diff.minutes = (tot2 - tot1) % 60; diff.hours = (tot2 - tot1) / 60; return diff; } Time Time::operator*(double mult) const { Time result; long totalMinutes = (minutes + 60 * hours) * mult; result.hours = totalMinutes / 60; result.minutes = totalMinutes % 60; return result; } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, const Time &t) { os << t.hours << "hours" << t.minutes << "minutes"; return os; } Time operator*(double m, const Time &t) { return t * m; } int main() { }


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