2、class FightSystem()实在是太乱了,我都受不了了,可是又暂时不想花时间去完善,毕竟这个界面已经快看吐了。
- 函数命名的时候可以命名成一个动词
- 要让函数保持小巧精巧,看看你的FightIngSystem,成啥样了都。
- 类的命名使用驼峰式大小写:FightIngSystem;函数命名添加下划线:fighting_system;
- __init__函数不应该做太多事,越简单越好;
- 用一致的方式处理函数参数。如果类需要处理users、dogs、和cats,就保持这个顺序,所有函数的顺序都保持(users, dogs, cats)
- 永远使用 class Name (object) 的方式定义类,否则会遇到大麻烦(虽然我并不知道还能用什么方式来定义类)
- 为了方便阅读,要在自己的代码字符之间留下一些空白。方便大脑通过空白和垂直对齐的位置来扫描和区隔视觉元素。
- 一定要注意代码的易读性!如果一段代码你无法朗读出来,那么这个代码的可读性可能就有问题。
- 如果喜欢某个人的代码风格,可以试着去模仿,直到哪天找到自己的风格;
- 不要把风格太当回事儿,因为程序员工作的一部分就是和别人写的代码打交道。严以律己,宽以待人。
- 写注释的时候写清楚“为什么要这样做”
- 注释要短小精悍,并且在代码更改后记得更新。
- That'it .
1 #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 from random import randint 3 from sys import exit 4 import tips 5 import fighting_system 6 7 8 class Scene(object): 9 10 def enter(selt): 11 print "It's just a base class for for different scenes, to make them easy to recognize." 12 exit(1) 13 14 class Engine(object):#需要实例化并输入参数,启动对象是整个地图。#地图要有的功能:切换地图,打开地图 15 def __init__(self,scene_map): 16 self.scene_map = scene_map #这是要初始化的,规矩。 17 def play(self): 18 current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene()#对象是整个地图嘛,那么在通过实例化给scene_map之后,自然就是直接调用#那么自然最后就是返回到某个具体的scene了。 19 #play的作用在于在map不断切换地图之后,需要再切换之后随即打开 20 while True: 21 print " ------------" 22 next_scene_name = current_scene.enter() 23 current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name) 24 25 #遗留问题:1、以第一个场景子类为例,为什么后边调用的是enter函数,而不是直接进入。另外,为什么if语句什么的是放在定义的函数外面。放在函数中会出现什么情况? 26 27 28 class FigthingSystem(Scene): 29 30 31 def enter(self): 32 hero_skill_dict = {"A":2, 33 "B":4, 34 "C":6, 35 "D":8 36 } 37 Gothons_skill_dict = {"a":1, 38 "b":3, 39 "c":5, 40 "d":7 41 } 42 hero_skills_list = hero_skill_dict.keys() 43 Gothon_skills_list = Gothons_skill_dict.keys() 44 print "OK, now you can start fighting~~" 45 hero_blood = 10 46 Gothon_blood = 8 47 while hero_blood > 0 and Gothon_blood > 0: 48 print "Here are your skills: %s"%hero_skills_list 49 print "Your blood:%s ; Gothon's blood :%s" %(hero_blood,Gothon_blood) 50 hero_hit = raw_input(">") 51 if hero_hit in hero_skills_list: 52 Gothon_hit = Gothon_skills_list[randint(0,len(Gothon_skills_list)-1)] 53 print "Gothon:%s" %Gothon_hit 54 hero_value = hero_skill_dict[hero_hit] 55 Gothon_value = Gothons_skill_dict[Gothon_hit] 56 if hero_value > Gothon_value: 57 d = hero_value - Gothon_value 58 Gothon_blood = Gothon_blood - d 59 60 elif hero_value < Gothon_value: 61 d = Gothon_value - hero_value 62 hero_blood = hero_blood -d 63 print "Your blood:%s ; Gothon's blood :%s" %(hero_blood,Gothon_blood) 64 else: 65 print "Illeagle input, please try again." 66 67 if hero_blood > 0 and Gothon_blood <=0: 68 print "Hey,good job, you beats the Gothon,and you can go through the door now." 69 return 'weapon_aromory' 70 elif hero_blood <= 0 and Gothon_blood > 0: 71 print "I'm sorry you are defeated,game over." 72 print "GAME OVER!!!"*5 73 return 'death' 74 75 76 77 78 79 #打出来的情况比较糟糕,后期调试主意完善 80 class Death(Scene): 81 82 greeting = [ 83 "You really suck at this,maybe you can restart again.", 84 "You know what?You died hahahahaha,stand up and have a rest,if you wanna try it again,go ahead.", 85 "Your mom is calling you for dinner, put down your keyboard,cause you've already died.", 86 "Sing a song ,I'll let you back to the game.HAHAHA you know it's a joke,byebye." 87 ] 88 89 def enter(self): 90 print Death.greeting[randint(0,len(self.greeting)-1)] 91 exit(1) 92 93 class CentralCorridor(Scene): 94 #实现功能:1、介绍游戏背景;2、介绍本场景情况;3、进入格斗系统;4、能够调用秘笈 95 def enter(self): 96 print "The Gothons of planet #25 have invaded your ship and destored" 97 print "your entire crew.You are the last surviving member and your last"#每行不超过79个字符,这是规定 98 print "mission is to get the bomb from the weapons armory,put it in the" 99 print "bridge,destory the ship befor you escape with a escape pod." 100 print "OK,now start your journey,Bravo." 101 raw_input("Enter any key to continue >") 102 print "You are running down the centeral corridor to the weapons armory" 103 print "a Gothon jumps out,red scary skin, the same heght as humanbeing" 104 print "He's blocking the door to the weapons armory and about to pull" 105 print "a weapon to blast you." 106 nothing = raw_input(">") 107 print "If you don't know how to do,enter 'help',and you will get some tips."#Q:如果想要实现任何时候输入help都能调用tips,该怎么做? 108 ask = raw_input(">") 109 if ask == "help": 110 print tips.Centcoridor_tip() 111 else: 112 pass 113 action = raw_input ("run or fight>") 114 115 if action == "run": 116 print "You are scared,so just turn around and run desprately." 117 print "Oh the Gothon is gonna shoot you and 'BANG!', it missed the target." 118 print "How lucky are you ,so you can keep running,and......" 119 print " " 120 print "OMG, there is no more road tu run into,and the Gothon holds his weapon again." 121 print "Do you wanna ask for help,I'm sure you didn't forget how to do." 122 #个人认为这段有点啰嗦 123 ask = raw_input(">") 124 if ask == "help": 125 print tips.Centcoridor_tip() 126 else: 127 pass 128 #这里可以提示需不需要看下秘笈,然后调用秘笈模块 129 print "BANG!BANG,BANG,BANG!" 130 return "death" 131 elif action == "fight": 132 return 'fighting_system' 133 134 135 136 class WeaponAromory(Scene): 137 def enter(self): 138 print "You do a dive roll into the Weapon Aromory,crouch and scan the room." 139 print "for more Gothons that might be hiding. It's dead quiet, to quiet." 140 print "You stand up and run to the far side of the room and find the " 141 print "neutron bomb in its container. There is a keypad lock on the box" 142 print "and you need the code to get the bomb out.If you get the code" 143 print "Wrong for 10 times then the lock closes forever and you can't" 144 print "get the bomb.the code is 3 digit" 145 print "and you still got a chance to ask for help" 146 help = raw_input("help or not>") 147 if help == "yes": 148 print tips.weaponaromory_tip() 149 else: 150 pass 151 code = "%d%d%d" %(9,4,randint(1,9)) 152 guess = raw_input ("[keypad]>") 153 guesses = 0 154 155 while guess != code and guesses < 10: 156 guesses += 1 157 print "BZZZZEDDDD" 158 guess = raw_input ("[keypad]") 159 160 if guess == code: 161 print "The container is open and the seal breaks.Let the gas out." 162 print "You grab the neutron bomb and run as fast as you can to the" 163 print "bridge where you must place it in the right spot." 164 return 'the_bridge' 165 else: 166 print "The lock buzzes one last time and then you here a sickening." 167 print "melting sound as the mechanism is fuesd together." 168 print "You decide to sit there and finally the Gothon blow up the" 169 print "ship from their ship and you die." 170 return 'death' 171 172 class TheBridge(Scene): 173 def enter(self): 174 print "You burst onto the bridge with the bomb" 175 print "and surprise 5 Gothons who are trying to " 176 print "take control of the ship.They see your bomb and " 177 print "don't want to set it off." 178 179 action = raw_input(">") 180 if action == "throw the bomb": 181 print "In a panic you throw the bomb at the group of Gothons" 182 print "and make a leap to the door." 183 print "But a Gothon shots you as you trun your back and" 184 print "try to run away.You died, but the good thing is" 185 print "the ship will be blasted by the bommb." 186 return 'death' 187 elif action == "slowly place the bomb": 188 print "You point your blaster at your bomb and the Gothons" 189 print "put their hands up and start to sewat." 190 print "You jump back through the door punch the close" 191 print "button.Now the bomb is placed and you run to the escape pod." 192 return 'escape_pod' 193 else: 194 "illeagal inpout." 195 return'the_bridge' 196 197 198 class EscapePod(Scene): 199 def enter(self): 200 print "Now as you've blow up the bridege,your mission in completed." 201 print "You should take a escape pod to leave here.Now there parks 3 escape pod," 202 print "NO.1,NO.2 and NO.3. Two of them are broken and you need to " 203 print "choose the good one.Come on, make the choice." 204 right_pod = randint(1,3) 205 choice = int(raw_input("escape_pod>")) 206 if choice == right_pod: 207 print "Congratulations!You win!" 208 elif choice != right_pod: 209 print "Well ,you chose a bad escape pod and you just sank with it." 210 return 'death' 211 212 213 214 class Map: 215 scenes = { 216 'central_corridor': CentralCorridor(), 217 'weapon_aromory': WeaponAromory(), 218 'the_bridge': TheBridge(), 219 'escape_pod': EscapePod(), 220 'death': Death(), 221 'fighting_system': FigthingSystem() 222 } 223 224 def __init__(self,start_scene): 225 self.start_scene = start_scene 226 227 def next_scene(self,scene_name): 228 return Map.scenes.get(scene_name) 229 230 def opening_scene(self): 231 return self.next_scene(self.start_scene) 232 233 234 a_map = Map('central_corridor') 235 a_game = Engine(a_map) 236 a_game.play()
1 #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 2 3 def Centcoridor_tip(): 4 tip = open('tip_for_centeralcorridor.txt') 5 for line in tip.readlines(): 6 print line 7 #遗留问题:为什么最后会打印一个“none",如果想要去掉该怎么做? 8 9 10 11 12 def weaponaromory_tip(): 13 tip = open('tip_for_weaponaromory.txt') 14 for line in tip.readlines(): 15 print line 16