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  • github代码搜索技巧

    Search / Searching code


    Searching code


    To search for code, use the following search qualifiers in any combination.

    Tip: There's a list of search syntaxes you can add to any search qualifier to further improve your results.


    Considerations for code search

    Due to the complexity of searching code, there are a few restrictions on how searches are performed:

    • Only the default branch is considered. In most cases, this will be the master branch.
    • Only files smaller than 384 KB are searchable.
    • You must always include at least one search term when searching source code. For example, searching for language:go is not valid, while amazinglanguage:go is.
    • At most, search results can show two fragments from the same file, but there may be more results within the file.
    • You can't use the following wildcard characters as part of your search query:., : ; / ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } []. The search will simply ignore these symbols.




    搜索的时候必须包含至少一个搜索关键词 如amazing language:go

    搜索语句不能有特殊字符如., : ; / ` ' " = * ! ? # $ & + ^ | ~ < > ( ) { } [].



    Scope the search fields



    octocat in:file
    Matches code where "octocat" appears in the file contents.
    octocat in:path
    Matches code where "octocat" appears in the path name.
    octocat in:file,path
    Matches code where "octocat" appears in the file contents or the path name.
    display language:scss
    Matches code with the word "display," that's marked as being SCSS.
    Matches code with the word "Integer".

    Search by language


    You can search for code based on what language it's written in. For example:

    element language:xml size:100
    Matches code with the word "element" that's marked as being XML and has exactly 100 bytes.
    user:mozilla language:markdown
    Matches code from all @mozilla's repositories that's marked as Markdown.

    Search by the number of forks the parent repository has



    If you would like forked results to appear, add the fork:true qualifier. For example:


    android language:java fork:true
    Matches code in a forked repository with the word "android" that's written in Java.
    搜索用java写的 android相关的代码并且被fork过

    The size qualifier filters results based on the size of the file in which the code is found. For example:

    function size:>10000 language:python
    Matches code with the word "function," written in Python, in files that are larger than 10 KB.

    Search by the location of a file within the repository


    By including the path qualifier, you specify that resulting source code must appear at a specific location in a repository. Subfolders are considered during the search, so be as specific as possible. For example:

    console path:app/public language:javascript
    Finds JavaScript files with the word "console" in an app/public directory (even if they reside inapp/public/js/form-validators).
    app/public directory目录下搜索console关键字
    form path:cgi-bin language:perl
    Finds Perl files under cgi-bin with the word "form" in them.

    Search by filename


    You can use the filename qualifier if there's a specific file you're looking for. For example:

    filename:.vimrc commands
    Finds *.vimrc* files with the word "commands" in them.
    搜索 文件名匹配*.vimrc* 并且包含commands的代码
    minitest filename:test_helper path:test language:ruby
    Finds Ruby files containing the word "minitest" named *test_helper* within the *test* directory.

    Search by the file extension


    The extension qualifier matches code files with a certain extension. For example:

    form path:cgi-bin extension:pm
    Matches code with the word "form," under cgi-bin, with the .pm extension.
    icon size:>200000 extension:css
    Finds files larger than 200 KB that end in .css and have the word "icon" in them.

    Search within a user's or organization's repositories


    To grab a list of code from all repositories owned by a certain user or organization, you can use the usersyntax. For getting a list of code from a specific repository, you can use the repo syntax. For example:

    user:github extension:rb
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