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  • 另一套Oracle SQL练习题,更新参考答案


     1 create table student(
     2 sno varchar2(10) primary key,
     3 sname varchar2(20),
     4 sage number(2),
     5 ssex varchar2(5)
     6 );
     7 create table teacher(
     8 tno varchar2(10) primary key,
     9 tname varchar2(20)
    10 );
    11 create table course(
    12 cno varchar2(10),
    13 cname varchar2(20),
    14 tno varchar2(20),
    15 constraint pk_course primary key (cno,tno)
    16 );
    17 create table sc(
    18 sno varchar2(10),
    19 cno varchar2(10),
    20 score number(4,2),
    21 constraint pk_sc primary key (sno,cno)
    22 );
    23 /*******初始化学生表的数据******/
    24 insert into student values ('s001','张三',23,'');
    25 insert into student values ('s002','李四',23,'');
    26 insert into student values ('s003','吴鹏',25,'');
    27 insert into student values ('s004','琴沁',20,'');
    28 insert into student values ('s005','王丽',20,'');
    29 insert into student values ('s006','李波',21,'');
    30 insert into student values ('s007','刘玉',21,'');
    31 insert into student values ('s008','萧蓉',21,'');
    32 insert into student values ('s009','陈萧晓',23,'');
    33 insert into student values ('s010','陈美',22,'');
    34 commit;
    35 /******************初始化教师表***********************/
    36 insert into teacher values ('t001', '刘阳');
    37 insert into teacher values ('t002', '谌燕');
    38 insert into teacher values ('t003', '胡明星');
    39 commit;
    40 /***************初始化课程表****************************/
    41 insert into course values ('c001','J2SE','t002');
    42 insert into course values ('c002','Java Web','t002');
    43 insert into course values ('c003','SSH','t001');
    44 insert into course values ('c004','Oracle','t001');
    45 insert into course values ('c005','SQL SERVER 2005','t003');
    46 insert into course values ('c006','C#','t003');
    47 insert into course values ('c007','JavaScript','t002');
    48 insert into course values ('c008','DIV+CSS','t001');
    49 insert into course values ('c009','PHP','t003');
    50 insert into course values ('c010','EJB3.0','t002');
    51 commit;
    52 /***************初始化成绩表***********************/
    53 insert into sc values ('s001','c001',78.9);
    54 insert into sc values ('s002','c001',80.9);
    55 insert into sc values ('s003','c001',81.9);
    56 insert into sc values ('s004','c001',60.9);
    57 insert into sc values ('s001','c002',82.9);
    58 insert into sc values ('s002','c002',72.9);
    59 insert into sc values ('s003','c002',81.9);
    60 insert into sc values ('s001','c003','59');
    61 commit;


    注意:以下练习中的数据是根据初始化到数据库中的数据来写的SQL 语句,请大家务必注意。
    2、查询平均成绩大于60 分的同学的学号和平均成绩;
    9、查询所有课程成绩小于60 分的同学的学号、姓名;
    15、删除学习“谌燕”老师课的SC 表记录;
    16、向SC 表中插入一些记录,这些记录要求符合以下条件:没有上过编号“c002”课程的同学学号、“c002”号课的平均成绩;
    20、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
    27、1981 年出生的学生名单(注:Student 表中Sage 列的类型是number)
    29、查询平均成绩大于85 的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩
    30、查询课程名称为“数据库”,且分数低于60 的学生姓名和分数
    32、查询任何一门课程成绩在70 分以上的姓名、课程名称和分数;
    34、查询课程编号为c001 且课程成绩在80 分以上的学生的学号和姓名;
    40、统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过10 人的课程才统计)。要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列


      1 1.
      2 *********************************
      3 select a.* from
      4 (select * from sc a where a.cno='c001') a,
      5 (select * from sc b where b.cno='c002') b
      6 where a.sno=b.sno and a.score > b.score;
      7 *********************************
      8 select * from sc a
      9 where a.cno='c001'
     10 and  exists(select * from sc b where b.cno='c002' and a.score>b.score
     11 and a.sno = b.sno)
     12 *********************************
     13 2.
     14 *********************************
     15 select sno,avg(score) from sc  group by sno having avg(score)>60;
     16 *********************************
     17 3.
     18 *********************************
     19 select a.*,s.sname from (select sno,sum(score),count(cno) from sc group by sno) a ,student s where a.sno=s.sno
     20 *********************************
     21 4.
     22 *********************************
     23 select count(*) from teacher where tname like '刘%';
     24 *********************************
     25 5.
     26 *********************************
     27 select a.sno,a.sname from student a
     28 where a.sno
     29 not in
     30 (select distinct s.sno
     31  from sc s,
     32       (select c.*
     33        from course c ,
     34            (select tno
     35             from teacher t
     36             where tname='谌燕')t
     37        where c.tno=t.tno) b
     38   where s.cno = b.cno )
     39 *********************************
     40 select * from student st where st.sno not in
     41 (select distinct sno from sc s join course c on s.cno=c.cno
     42 join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno where tname='谌燕')
     43 *********************************
     44 6.
     45 *********************************
     46 select st.* from sc a
     47 join sc b on a.sno=b.sno
     48 join student st
     49 on st.sno=a.sno
     50 where a.cno='c001' and b.cno='c002' and st.sno=a.sno;
     51 *********************************
     52 7.
     53 *********************************
     54 select st.* from student st join sc s on st.sno=s.sno
     55 join course c on s.cno=c.cno
     56 join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno
     57 where t.tname='谌燕'
     58 *********************************
     59 8.
     60 *********************************
     61 select * from student st
     62 join sc a on st.sno=a.sno
     63 join sc b on st.sno=b.sno
     64 where a.cno='c002' and b.cno='c001' and a.score < b.score
     65 *********************************
     66 9.
     67 *********************************
     68 select st.*,s.score from student st
     69 join sc s on st.sno=s.sno
     70 join course c on s.cno=c.cno
     71 where s.score <60
     72 *********************************
     73 10.
     74 *********************************
     75 select stu.sno,stu.sname,count(sc.cno) from student stu
     76 left join sc on stu.sno=sc.sno
     77 group by stu.sno,stu.sname
     78 having count(sc.cno)<(select count(distinct cno)from course)
     79 ===================================
     80 select * from student where sno in
     81 (select sno from
     82         (select stu.sno,c.cno from student stu
     83         cross join course c
     84         minus
     85         select sno,cno from sc)
     86 )
     87 ===================================
     88 *********************************
     89 11.
     90 *********************************
     91 select st.* from student st,
     92 (select distinct a.sno from
     93 (select * from sc) a,
     94 (select * from sc where sc.sno='s001') b
     95 where a.cno=b.cno) h
     96 where st.sno=h.sno and st.sno<>'s001'
     97 *********************************
     98 12.
     99 *********************************
    100 select * from sc
    101 left join student st
    102 on st.sno=sc.sno
    103 where sc.sno<>'s001'
    104 and sc.cno in
    105 (select cno from sc
    106 where sno='s001')
    107 *********************************
    108 13.
    109 *********************************
    110 update sc c set score=(select avg(c.score)  from course a,teacher b
    111                             where a.tno=b.tno
    112                             and b.tname='谌燕'
    113                             and a.cno=c.cno
    114                             group by c.cno)
    115 where cno in(
    116 select cno from course a,teacher b
    117 where a.tno=b.tno
    118 and b.tname='谌燕')
    119 *********************************
    120 14.
    121 *********************************
    122 select* from sc where sno<>'s001'
    123 minus
    124 (
    125 select* from sc
    126 minus
    127 select * from sc where sno='s001'
    128 )
    129 *********************************
    130 15.
    131 *********************************
    132 delete from sc
    133 where sc.cno in
    134 (
    135 select cno from course c
    136 left join teacher t on  c.tno=t.tno
    137 where t.tname='谌燕'
    138 )
    139 *********************************
    140 16.
    141 *********************************
    142 insert into sc (sno,cno,score)
    143 select distinct st.sno,sc.cno,(select avg(score)from sc where cno='c002')
    144 from student st,sc
    145 where not exists
    146 (select * from sc where cno='c002' and sc.sno=st.sno) and sc.cno='c002';
    147 *********************************
    148 17.
    149 *********************************
    150 select cno ,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cno;
    151 *********************************
    152 18.
    153 *********************************
    154 select cno,avg(score),sum(case when score>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*)
    155 as 及格率
    156 from sc group by cno
    157 order by avg(score) , 及格率desc
    158 *********************************
    159 19.
    160 *********************************
    161 select max(t.tno),max(t.tname),max(c.cno),max(c.cname),c.cno,avg(score) from sc , course c,teacher t
    162 where sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno
    163 group by c.cno
    164 order by avg(score) desc
    165 *********************************
    166 20.
    167 *********************************
    168 select sc.cno,c.cname,
    169 sum(case  when score between 85 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[100-85]",
    170 sum(case  when score between 70 and 85 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[85-70]",
    171 sum(case  when score between 60 and 70 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[70-60]",
    172 sum(case  when score <60 then 1 else 0 end) AS "[<60]"
    173 from sc, course c
    174 where  sc.cno=c.cno
    175 group by sc.cno ,c.cname;
    176 *********************************
    177 21.
    178 *********************************
    179 select * from
    180 (select sno,cno,score,row_number()over(partition by cno order by score desc) rn from sc)
    181 where rn<4
    182 *********************************
    183 22.
    184 *********************************
    185 select cno,count(sno)from sc group by cno;
    186 *********************************
    187 23.
    188 *********************************
    189 select sc.sno,st.sname,count(cno) from student st
    190 left join sc
    191 on sc.sno=st.sno
    192 group by st.sname,sc.sno having count(cno)=1;
    193 *********************************
    194 24.
    195 *********************************
    196 select ssex,count(*)from student group by ssex;
    197 *********************************
    198 25.
    199 *********************************
    200 select * from student where sname like '张%';
    201 *********************************
    202 26.
    203 *********************************
    204 select sname,count(*)from student group by sname having count(*)>1;
    205 *********************************
    206 27.
    207 *********************************
    208 select sno,sname,sage,ssex from student t where to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')-sage =1988
    209 *********************************
    210 28.
    211 *********************************
    212 select cno,avg(score) from sc group by cno order by avg(score)asc,cno desc;
    213 *********************************
    214 29.
    215 *********************************
    216 select st.sno,st.sname,avg(score) from student st
    217 left join sc
    218 on sc.sno=st.sno
    219 group by st.sno,st.sname having avg(score)>85;
    220 *********************************
    221 30.
    222 *********************************
    223 select sname,score from student st,sc,course c
    224 where st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.cname='Oracle' and sc.score<60
    225 *********************************
    226 31.
    227 *********************************
    228 select st.sno,st.sname,c.cname from student st,sc,course c
    229 where sc.sno=st.sno and sc.cno=c.cno;
    230 *********************************
    231 32.
    232 *********************************
    233 select st.sname,c.cname,sc.score from student st,sc,course c
    234 where sc.sno=st.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and sc.score>70
    235 *********************************
    236 33.
    237 *********************************
    238 select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.score from sc,course c
    239 where sc.cno=c.cno and sc.score<60 order by sc.cno desc;
    240 *********************************
    241 34.
    242 *********************************
    243 select st.sno,st.sname,sc.score from sc,student st
    244 where sc.sno=st.sno and cno='c001' and score>80;
    245 *********************************
    246 35.
    247 *********************************
    248 select count(distinct sno) from sc;
    249 *********************************
    250 36.
    251 *********************************
    252 select st.sname,score from student st,sc ,course c,teacher t
    253 where
    254 st.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno
    255 and t.tname='谌燕' and sc.score=
    256 (select max(score)from sc where sc.cno=c.cno)
    257 *********************************
    258 37.
    259 *********************************
    260 select cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno;
    261 *********************************
    262 38.
    263 *********************************
    264 select a.* from sc a ,sc b where a.score=b.score and a.cno<>b.cno
    265 *********************************
    266 39.
    267 *********************************
    268 select * from (
    269 select sno,cno,score,row_number()over(partition by cno order by score desc) my_rn from sc t
    270 )
    271 where my_rn<=2
    272 *********************************
    273 40.
    274 *********************************
    275 select cno,count(sno) from sc group by cno
    276 having count(sno)>10
    277 order by count(sno) desc,cno asc;
    278 *********************************
    279 41.
    280 *********************************
    281 select sno from sc group by sno having count(cno)>1;
    282 ||
    283 select sno from sc group by sno having count(sno)>1;
    284 *********************************
    285 42.
    286 *********************************
    287 select distinct(c.cno),c.cname from course c ,sc
    288 where sc.cno=c.cno
    289 ||
    290 select cno,cname from course c
    291 where c.cno in
    292 (select cno from sc group by cno)
    293 *********************************
    294 43.
    295 *********************************
    296 select st.sname from student st
    297 where st.sno not in
    298 (select distinct sc.sno from sc,course c,teacher t
    299 where sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno and t.tname='谌燕')
    300 *********************************
    301 44.
    302 *********************************
    303 select sno,avg(score)from sc
    304 where sno in
    305 (select sno from sc where sc.score<60
    306 group by sno having count(sno)>1
    307 ) group by sno
    308 *********************************
    309 45.
    310 *********************************
    311 select sno from sc where cno='c004' and score<90 order by score desc;
    312 *********************************
    313 46.
    314 *********************************
    315 delete from sc where sno='s002' and cno='c001';
    316 *********************************


      1 SQL> --1、查询“c001”课程比“c002”课程成绩高的所有学生的学号;
      2 SQL> select a.sno from sc a, sc b where a.cno = 'c001' and b.cno = 'c002' and a.score > b.score and a.sno = b.sno;
      3 SNO
      4 ----------
      5 s002
      7 SQL> --2、查询平均成绩大于60 分的同学的学号和平均成绩;
      9 SQL> select sno, avg(score) from sc group by sno having avg(score) > 60;
     10 SNO        AVG(SCORE)
     11 ---------- ----------
     12 s003             81.9
     13 s004             60.9
     14 s001             73.6
     15 s002             76.9
     17 SQL> --3、查询所有同学的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩;
     18 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname, count(cno), sum(score) from sc c, student s where c.sno = s.sno group by s.sno, s.sname;
     19 SNO        SNAME                COUNT(CNO) SUM(SCORE)
     20 ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
     21 s001       张三                          3      220.8
     22 s003       吴鹏                          2      163.8
     23 s004       琴沁                          1       60.9
     24 s002       李四                          2      153.8
     26 SQL> ----4、查询姓“刘”的老师的个数;
     27 SQL> select count(1) from teacher where tname like '刘%' group by tname;
     28   COUNT(1)
     29 ----------
     30          1
     32 SQL> ----5、查询没学过“谌燕”老师课的同学的学号、姓名;
     33 SQL> select sno, sname from student where sno not in (select sno from  sc c, teacher t, course o where  c.cno = o.cno and o.tno = t.tno and t.tname = '谌燕');
     34 SNO        SNAME
     35 ---------- --------------------
     36 s005       王丽
     37 s006       李波
     38 s007       刘玉
     39 s008       萧蓉
     40 s009       陈萧晓
     41 s010       陈美
     42 6 rows selected
     44 SQL> --6、查询学过“c001”并且也学过编号“c002”课程的同学的学号、姓名
     45 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from sc a, sc b, student s where a.cno = 'c001' and b.cno = 'c002' and s.sno =a.sno;
     46 SNO        SNAME
     47 ---------- --------------------
     48 s001       张三
     49 s001       张三
     50 s001       张三
     51 s002       李四
     52 s002       李四
     53 s002       李四
     54 s003       吴鹏
     55 s003       吴鹏
     56 s003       吴鹏
     57 s004       琴沁
     58 s004       琴沁
     59 s004       琴沁
     60 12 rows selected
     62 SQL> select * from sc a, sc b where a.cno = 'c001' and b.cno = 'c002';
     63 SNO        CNO         SCORE SNO        CNO         SCORE
     64 ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------
     65 s001       c001        78.90 s001       c002        82.90
     66 s002       c001        80.90 s001       c002        82.90
     67 s003       c001        81.90 s001       c002        82.90
     68 s004       c001        60.90 s001       c002        82.90
     69 s001       c001        78.90 s002       c002        72.90
     70 s002       c001        80.90 s002       c002        72.90
     71 s003       c001        81.90 s002       c002        72.90
     72 s004       c001        60.90 s002       c002        72.90
     73 s001       c001        78.90 s003       c002        81.90
     74 s002       c001        80.90 s003       c002        81.90
     75 s003       c001        81.90 s003       c002        81.90
     76 s004       c001        60.90 s003       c002        81.90
     77 12 rows selected
     79 SQL> select * from sc a, sc b where a.cno = 'c001' and b.cno = 'c002' and a.sno = b.sno;
     80 SNO        CNO         SCORE SNO        CNO         SCORE
     81 ---------- ---------- ------ ---------- ---------- ------
     82 s001       c001        78.90 s001       c002        82.90
     83 s002       c001        80.90 s002       c002        72.90
     84 s003       c001        81.90 s003       c002        81.90
     86 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from sc a, sc b, student s where a.cno = 'c001' and b.cno = 'c002' and a.sno =b.sno and s.sno =a.sno;
     87 SNO        SNAME
     88 ---------- --------------------
     89 s001       张三
     90 s002       李四
     91 s003       吴鹏
     93 SQL> -- 7、查询学过“谌燕”老师所教的所有课的同学的学号、姓名;
     94 SQL> select o.cno from  teacher t, course o where o.tno = t.tno and t.tname = '谌燕';
     95 CNO
     96 ----------
     97 c001
     98 c002
     99 c007
    100 c010
    102 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from student s, teacher t, course o, sc c where o.tno = t.tno and s.sno = c.sno and c.cno = o.cno and t.tname = '谌燕';
    103 SNO        SNAME
    104 ---------- --------------------
    105 s001       张三
    106 s001       张三
    107 s002       李四
    108 s002       李四
    109 s003       吴鹏
    110 s003       吴鹏
    111 s004       琴沁
    112 7 rows selected
    114 SQL> -- 8、查询课程编号“c002”的成绩比课程编号“c001”课程低的所有同学的学号、姓名;
    115 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from student s, sc a, sc b where a.cno = 'c002' and b.cno = 'c001' and a.score < b.score and a.sno = b.sno
    116   2  and s.sno = a.sno;
    117 SNO        SNAME
    118 ---------- --------------------
    119 s002       李四
    121 SQL> -- 9、查询所有课程成绩小于60 分的同学的学号、姓名;
    122 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from student s, sc c where 
    123   2  c.score < 60 and s.sno = c.sno;
    124 SNO        SNAME
    125 ---------- --------------------
    126 s001       张三
    128 SQL> -- 10、查询没有学全所有课的同学的学号、姓名;
    129 SQL> select s.sno, s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    130   2  group by s.sno, s.sname having count (c.cno) < (select count(cno) from course);
    131 SNO        SNAME
    132 ---------- --------------------
    133 s001       张三
    134 s003       吴鹏
    135 s004       琴沁
    136 s002       李四
    138 SQL> -- 11、查询至少有一门课与学号为“s001”的同学所学相同的同学的学号和姓名;
    139 SQL> select s.sno s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    140   2  and c.cno in(select cno from sc where sno = 's001');
    141 select s.sno s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    142 and c.cno in(select cno from sc where sno = 's001')
    143 ORA-00923: 未找到要求的 FROM 关键字
    145 SQL> select distinct(s.sno), s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    146   2  and c.cno in(select cno from sc where sno = 's001');
    147 SNO        SNAME
    148 ---------- --------------------
    149 s001       张三
    150 s001       张三
    151 s001       张三
    152 s002       李四
    153 s002       李四
    154 s003       吴鹏
    155 s003       吴鹏
    156 s004       琴沁
    157 8 rows selected
    159 SQL> select distinct(s.sno), s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    160   2  and c.cno in(select cno from sc where sno = 's001');
    161 SNO        SNAME
    162 ---------- --------------------
    163 s001       张三
    164 s003       吴鹏
    165 s004       琴沁
    166 s002       李四
    168 SQL> -- 12、查询至少学过学号为“s001”同学所有一门课的其他同学学号和姓名;
    169 SQL> select distinct(s.sno), s.sname from student s, sc c where s.sno = c.sno
    170   2  and c.cno in(select cno from sc where sno = 's001') and s.sno <> 's001';
    171 SNO        SNAME
    172 ---------- --------------------
    173 s003       吴鹏
    174 s004       琴沁
    175 s002       李四
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