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  • Implements a 511x8 FIFO with independent read/write clocks(代码分析)



    --                                                                       --
    --  Module      : fifoctlr_ic.vhd                 Last Update: 12/13/99  --
    --                                                                       --
    --  Description : FIFO controller top level.                             --
    --                Implements a 511x8 FIFO with independent read/write    --
    --                clocks.                                                --
    --                                                                       --
    --  The following VHDL code implements a 511x8 FIFO in a Spartan-II      --
    --  device.  The inputs are a Read Clock and Read Enable, a Write Clock  --
    --  and Write Enable, Write Data, and a FIFO_gsr signal as an initial    --
    --  reset.  The outputs are Read Data, Full, Empty, and the FIFOstatus   --
    --  outputs, which indicate roughly how full the FIFO is.                --
    --                                                                       --

    library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

    entity fifoctlr_ic is
       port (read_clock_in:   IN  std_logic;
             write_clock_in:  IN  std_logic;
             read_enable_in:  IN  std_logic;
             write_enable_in: IN  std_logic;
             fifo_gsr_in:     IN  std_logic;
             write_data_in:   IN  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
             read_data_out:   OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
             full_out:        OUT std_logic;
             empty_out:       OUT std_logic;
             fifostatus_out:  OUT std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
    END fifoctlr_ic;

    architecture fifoctlr_ic_hdl of fifoctlr_ic is
       signal read_clock:            std_logic;
       signal write_clock:           std_logic;
       signal read_enable:           std_logic;
       signal write_enable:          std_logic;
       signal fifo_gsr:              std_logic;
       signal read_data:             std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
       signal write_data:            std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
       signal full:                  std_logic;
       signal empty:                 std_logic;
       signal read_addr:             std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal read_addrgray:         std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal read_nextgray:         std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal read_lastgray:         std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal write_addr:            std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal write_addrgray:        std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal write_nextgray:        std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal fifostatus:            std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
       signal read_allow:            std_logic;
       signal write_allow:           std_logic;
       signal ecomp:                 std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal aecomp:                std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal fcomp:                 std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal afcomp:                std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal emuxcyo:               std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal aemuxcyo:              std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal fmuxcyo:               std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal afmuxcyo:              std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
       signal emptyg:                std_logic;
       signal almostemptyg:          std_logic;
       signal fullg:                 std_logic;
       signal almostfullg:           std_logic;
       signal ecin:                  std_logic;
       signal aecin:                 std_logic;
       signal fcin:                  std_logic;
       signal afcin:                 std_logic;
       signal gnd:                   std_logic;
       signal gnd_bus:               std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
       signal pwr:                   std_logic;
    component BUFGP
       port (
          I: IN std_logic;
          O: OUT std_logic);
    END component;
    component MUXCY_L
       port (
          DI:  IN std_logic;
          CI:  IN std_logic;
          S:   IN std_logic;
          LO: OUT std_logic);
    END component;
    component RAMB4_S8_S8
       port (
          ADDRA: IN std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
          ADDRB: IN std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
          DIA:   IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
          DIB:   IN std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
          WEA:   IN std_logic;
          WEB:   IN std_logic;
          CLKA:  IN std_logic;
          CLKB:  IN std_logic;
          RSTA:  IN std_logic;
          RSTB:  IN std_logic;
          ENA:   IN std_logic;
          ENB:   IN std_logic;
          DOA:   OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
          DOB:   OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
    END component;
       read_enable <= read_enable_in;
       write_enable <= write_enable_in;
       fifo_gsr <= fifo_gsr_in;
       write_data <= write_data_in;
       read_data_out <= read_data;
       full_out <= full;
       empty_out <= empty;
       fifostatus_out <= fifostatus;
       gnd_bus <= "00000000";
       gnd <= '0';
       pwr <= '1';

    --                                                            --
    --  Allow flags determine whether FIFO control logic can      --
    --  operate.  If read_enable is driven high, and the FIFO is  --
    --  not Empty, then Reads are allowed.  Similarly, if the     --
    --  write_enable signal is high, and the FIFO is not Full,    --
    --  then Writes are allowed.                                  --
    --                                                            --

    read_allow <= (read_enable AND NOT empty);
    write_allow <= (write_enable AND NOT full);

    --                                                                      --
    -- Global input clock buffers are instantianted for both the read_clock --
    -- and the write_clock, to avoid skew problems.                         --
    --                                                                      --

    gclk1: BUFGP port map (I => read_clock_in, O => read_clock);
    gclk2: BUFGP port map (I => write_clock_in, O => write_clock);

    --                                                                      --
    -- Block RAM instantiation for FIFO.  Module is 512x8, of which one     --
    -- address location is sacrificed for the overall speed of the design.  --
    --                                                                      --

    bram1: RAMB4_S8_S8 port map (ADDRA => read_addr, ADDRB => write_addr,
                       DIB => write_data, DIA => gnd_bus, WEA => gnd,
                       WEB => write_allow, CLKA => read_clock, CLKB => write_clock,
                       RSTA => gnd, RSTB => gnd, ENA => read_allow, ENB => pwr,
                       DOA => read_data);
    --                                                           --
    --  Empty flag is set on fifo_gsr (initial), or when gray    --
    --  code counters are equal, or when there is one word in    --
    --  the FIFO, and a Read operation is about to be performed. --
    --                                                           --

    proc1: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          empty <= '1';
       ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((emptyg = '1') OR ((almostemptyg = '1') AND (read_enable = '1') AND
              (empty = '0'))) THEN
             empty <= '1';
             empty <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc1;
    --                                                           --
    --  Full flag is set on fifo_gsr (initial, but it is cleared --
    --  on the first valid write_clock edge after fifo_gsr is    --
    --  de-asserted), or when Gray-code counters are one away    --
    --  from being equal (the Write Gray-code address is equal   --
    --  to the Last Read Gray-code address), or when the Next    --
    --  Write Gray-code address is equal to the Last Read Gray-  --
    --  code address, and a Write operation is about to be       --
    --  performed.                                               --
    --                                                           --

    proc2: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          full <= '1';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((fullg = '1') OR ((almostfullg = '1') AND (write_enable = '1') AND
              (full = '0'))) THEN
             full <= '1';
             full <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc2;
    --                                                            --
    --  Generation of Read address pointers.  The primary one is  --
    --  binary (read_addr), and the Gray-code derivatives are     --
    --  generated via pipelining the binary-to-Gray-code result.  --
    --  The initial values are important, so they're in sequence. --
    --  Grey-code addresses are used so that the registered       --
    --  Full and Empty flags are always clean, and never in an    --
    --  unknown state due to the asynchonous relationship of the  --
    --  Read and Write clocks.  In the worst case scenario, Full  --
    --  and Empty would simply stay active one cycle longer, but  --
    --  it would not generate an error or give false values.      --
    --                                                            --

    proc3: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          read_addr <= "000000000";
       ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
             read_addr <= read_addr + 1;
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc3;
    proc4: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          read_nextgray <= "100000000";
       ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
             read_nextgray(8) <= read_addr(8);
             read_nextgray(7) <= read_addr(8) XOR read_addr(7);
             read_nextgray(6) <= read_addr(7) XOR read_addr(6);
             read_nextgray(5) <= read_addr(6) XOR read_addr(5);
             read_nextgray(4) <= read_addr(5) XOR read_addr(4);
             read_nextgray(3) <= read_addr(4) XOR read_addr(3);
             read_nextgray(2) <= read_addr(3) XOR read_addr(2);
             read_nextgray(1) <= read_addr(2) XOR read_addr(1);
             read_nextgray(0) <= read_addr(1) XOR read_addr(0);
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc4;
    proc5: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          read_addrgray <= "100000001";
       ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
             read_addrgray <= read_nextgray;
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc5;
    proc6: PROCESS (read_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          read_lastgray <= "100000011";
       ELSIF (read_clock'EVENT AND read_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (read_allow = '1') THEN
             read_lastgray <= read_addrgray;
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc6;
    --                                                            --
    --  Generation of Write address pointers.  Identical copy of  --
    --  read pointer generation above, except for names.          --
    --                                                            --

    proc7: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          write_addr <= "000000000";
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
             write_addr <= write_addr + 1;
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc7;
    proc8: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          write_nextgray <= "100000000";
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
             write_nextgray(8) <= write_addr(8);
             write_nextgray(7) <= write_addr(8) XOR write_addr(7);
             write_nextgray(6) <= write_addr(7) XOR write_addr(6);
             write_nextgray(5) <= write_addr(6) XOR write_addr(5);
             write_nextgray(4) <= write_addr(5) XOR write_addr(4);
             write_nextgray(3) <= write_addr(4) XOR write_addr(3);
             write_nextgray(2) <= write_addr(3) XOR write_addr(2);
             write_nextgray(1) <= write_addr(2) XOR write_addr(1);
             write_nextgray(0) <= write_addr(1) XOR write_addr(0);
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc8;
    proc9: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          write_addrgray <= "100000001";
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF (write_allow = '1') THEN
             write_addrgray <= write_nextgray;
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc9;
    --                                                            --
    --  Generation of FIFOstatus outputs.  Used to determine how  --
    --  full FIFO is, based on how far the Write pointer is ahead --
    --  of the Read pointer.  Additional precision can be gained  --
    --  by using additional (top) bits of Gray-code addresses.    --
    --                                                            --

    proc10: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
    -- for empty to 1/4 full  (quads are equal)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          fifostatus(0) <= '1';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7) = write_addrgray(8 downto 7))
             AND (fifostatus(3) = '0') AND (fifostatus(4) = '0')) THEN
             fifostatus(0) <= '1';
             fifostatus(0) <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc10;
    proc11: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
    -- for 1 byte to 1/2 full  (quad 1 ahead)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          fifostatus(1) <= '0';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00"))
               fifostatus(1) <= '1';
               fifostatus(1) <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc11;
    proc12: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
    -- for 1/4 to 3/4 full (quad 2 ahead)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          fifostatus(2) <= '0';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01"))
               fifostatus(2) <= '1';
               fifostatus(2) <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc12;
    proc13: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
    -- for 1/2 to full (quad 3 ahead)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          fifostatus(3) <= '0';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="00")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="01")
            OR (read_addrgray(8 downto 7)="10" AND write_addrgray(8 downto 7)="11"))
               fifostatus(3) <= '1';
               fifostatus(3) <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc13;
    proc14: PROCESS (write_clock, fifo_gsr)
    -- for 3/4 to full (quad 4 ahead/equal)
       IF (fifo_gsr = '1') THEN
          fifostatus(4) <= '0';
       ELSIF (write_clock'EVENT AND write_clock = '1') THEN
          IF ((read_addrgray(8 downto 7) = write_addrgray(8 downto 7))
             AND ((fifostatus(3) = '1') OR (fifostatus(4) = '1'))) THEN
             fifostatus(4) <= '1';
             fifostatus(4) <= '0';
          END IF;
       END IF;
    END PROCESS proc14;
    --                                                            --
    --  The four conditions decoded with special carry logic are  --
    --  Empty, AlmostEmpty, Full, and AlmostFull.  These are      --
    --  used to determine the next state of the Full/Empty        --
    --  flags.  Carry logic is used for optimal speed.            --
    --                                                            --
    --  When the Write/Read Gray-code addresses are equal, the    --
    --  FIFO is Empty, and emptyg (combinatorial) is asserted.    --
    --  When the Write Gray-code address is equal to the Next     --
    --  Read Gray-code address (1 word in the FIFO), then the     --
    --  FIFO potentially could be going Empty (if read_enable is  --
    --  asserted, which is used in the logic that generates the   --
    --  registered version of Empty).                             --
    --                                                            --
    --  Similarly, when the Write Gray-code address is equal to   --
    --  the Last Read Gray-code address, the FIFO is full.  To    --
    --  have utilized the full address space (512 addresses)      --
    --  would have required extra logic to determine Full/Empty   --
    --  on equal addresses, and this would have slowed down the   --
    --  overall performance.  Lastly, when the Next Write Gray-   --
    --  code address is equal to the Last Read Gray-code address  --
    --  the FIFO is Almost Full, with only one word left, and     --
    --  it is conditional on write_enable being asserted.         --
    --                                                            --

    ecomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_addrgray(0));
    ecomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_addrgray(1));
    ecomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_addrgray(2));
    ecomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_addrgray(3));
    ecomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_addrgray(4));
    ecomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_addrgray(5));
    ecomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_addrgray(6));
    ecomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_addrgray(7));
    ecomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_addrgray(8));

    emuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr,       S=>pwr,     LO=>ecin);
    emuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>ecin,      S=>ecomp(0),LO=>emuxcyo(0));
    emuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(0),S=>ecomp(1),LO=>emuxcyo(1));
    emuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(1),S=>ecomp(2),LO=>emuxcyo(2));
    emuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(2),S=>ecomp(3),LO=>emuxcyo(3));
    emuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(3),S=>ecomp(4),LO=>emuxcyo(4));
    emuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(4),S=>ecomp(5),LO=>emuxcyo(5));
    emuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(5),S=>ecomp(6),LO=>emuxcyo(6));
    emuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(6),S=>ecomp(7),LO=>emuxcyo(7));
    emuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>emuxcyo(7),S=>ecomp(8),LO=>emptyg);

    aecomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_nextgray(0));
    aecomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_nextgray(1));
    aecomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_nextgray(2));
    aecomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_nextgray(3));
    aecomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_nextgray(4));
    aecomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_nextgray(5));
    aecomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_nextgray(6));
    aecomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_nextgray(7));
    aecomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_nextgray(8));

    aemuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr,        S=>pwr,      LO=>aecin);
    aemuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aecin,      S=>aecomp(0),LO=>aemuxcyo(0));
    aemuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(0),S=>aecomp(1),LO=>aemuxcyo(1));
    aemuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(1),S=>aecomp(2),LO=>aemuxcyo(2));
    aemuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(2),S=>aecomp(3),LO=>aemuxcyo(3));
    aemuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(3),S=>aecomp(4),LO=>aemuxcyo(4));
    aemuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(4),S=>aecomp(5),LO=>aemuxcyo(5));
    aemuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(5),S=>aecomp(6),LO=>aemuxcyo(6));
    aemuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(6),S=>aecomp(7),LO=>aemuxcyo(7));
    aemuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>aemuxcyo(7),S=>aecomp(8),LO=>almostemptyg);

    fcomp(0) <= NOT (write_addrgray(0) XOR read_lastgray(0));
    fcomp(1) <= NOT (write_addrgray(1) XOR read_lastgray(1));
    fcomp(2) <= NOT (write_addrgray(2) XOR read_lastgray(2));
    fcomp(3) <= NOT (write_addrgray(3) XOR read_lastgray(3));
    fcomp(4) <= NOT (write_addrgray(4) XOR read_lastgray(4));
    fcomp(5) <= NOT (write_addrgray(5) XOR read_lastgray(5));
    fcomp(6) <= NOT (write_addrgray(6) XOR read_lastgray(6));
    fcomp(7) <= NOT (write_addrgray(7) XOR read_lastgray(7));
    fcomp(8) <= NOT (write_addrgray(8) XOR read_lastgray(8));

    fmuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr,       S=>pwr,     LO=>fcin);
    fmuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fcin,      S=>fcomp(0),LO=>fmuxcyo(0));
    fmuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(0),S=>fcomp(1),LO=>fmuxcyo(1));
    fmuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(1),S=>fcomp(2),LO=>fmuxcyo(2));
    fmuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(2),S=>fcomp(3),LO=>fmuxcyo(3));
    fmuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(3),S=>fcomp(4),LO=>fmuxcyo(4));
    fmuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(4),S=>fcomp(5),LO=>fmuxcyo(5));
    fmuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(5),S=>fcomp(6),LO=>fmuxcyo(6));
    fmuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(6),S=>fcomp(7),LO=>fmuxcyo(7));
    fmuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>fmuxcyo(7),S=>fcomp(8),LO=>fullg);

    afcomp(0) <= NOT (write_nextgray(0) XOR read_lastgray(0));
    afcomp(1) <= NOT (write_nextgray(1) XOR read_lastgray(1));
    afcomp(2) <= NOT (write_nextgray(2) XOR read_lastgray(2));
    afcomp(3) <= NOT (write_nextgray(3) XOR read_lastgray(3));
    afcomp(4) <= NOT (write_nextgray(4) XOR read_lastgray(4));
    afcomp(5) <= NOT (write_nextgray(5) XOR read_lastgray(5));
    afcomp(6) <= NOT (write_nextgray(6) XOR read_lastgray(6));
    afcomp(7) <= NOT (write_nextgray(7) XOR read_lastgray(7));
    afcomp(8) <= NOT (write_nextgray(8) XOR read_lastgray(8));

    afmuxcyi: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>pwr,CI=>pwr,        S=>pwr,      LO=>afcin);
    afmuxcy0: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afcin,      S=>afcomp(0),LO=>afmuxcyo(0));
    afmuxcy1: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(0),S=>afcomp(1),LO=>afmuxcyo(1));
    afmuxcy2: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(1),S=>afcomp(2),LO=>afmuxcyo(2));
    afmuxcy3: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(2),S=>afcomp(3),LO=>afmuxcyo(3));
    afmuxcy4: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(3),S=>afcomp(4),LO=>afmuxcyo(4));
    afmuxcy5: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(4),S=>afcomp(5),LO=>afmuxcyo(5));
    afmuxcy6: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(5),S=>afcomp(6),LO=>afmuxcyo(6));
    afmuxcy7: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(6),S=>afcomp(7),LO=>afmuxcyo(7));
    afmuxcy8: MUXCY_L port map (DI=>gnd,CI=>afmuxcyo(7),S=>afcomp(8),LO=>almostfullg);

    END fifoctlr_ic_hdl;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/djerly/p/2776126.html
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