Clide, an “Enjoyable Visual Studio Automation API”
- https://www.nuget.org/packages/clide
- First Floor Software, makers of XAML Spy, is now offering a free version of their flagship product. Known as XAML Spy Express, this product allows developers to browse the visual tree of a running application.
- http://xamlspy.com/learn/xaml-spy-express
- http://snoopwpf.codeplex.com/
SQL Makes a Comeback through NewSQL
- F1, http://static.googleusercontent.com/external_content/untrusted_dlcp/research.google.com/en/us/pubs/archive/41344.pdf
- http://www.memsql.com/
- http://www.clustrix.com/
- http://ceylon-lang.org/
Html html = Html { Head { title = "Ceylon: home page"; }; Body { H2 ( "Welcome to Ceylon, ``user.name``!" ), P ( "Now get your code on :)" ) };
- RAML来源于RESTful API建模语言,它是一种让人们易于阅读并且能让机器对特定的文档能解析的语言。RAML是基于YAML,符合1.2版本规范,能帮助设计RESTful API和鼓励对API的发掘和重用,依靠标准和最佳实践从而编写更高质量的API。
- http://raml.org/index.html