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  • Delphi中Class of

    ---------开发环境Delphi7 ----------




     1 unit Unit1;
     3 interface
     5 uses
     6   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
     7   Dialogs, StdCtrls;
     9 type
    10   TSysButton=class of Tbutton;
    11   TMyCustomerButton=class(TButton) //声明一个TMyCustomerButton类  Tbutton第一代继承’人‘
    12   private
    13     FStr:string;
    14   end;
    15   TMyButton= class of TMyCustomerButton; //声明一个类引用类型(类的类),具体啥的请搜一下
    17   TMyCustomerButton02=class(TMyCustomerButton) //Tbutton第二代继承’人‘
    18   private
    19     FStr02:string;
    20   end;
    22   TMyCustomerButton03=class(TMyCustomerButton02) //Tbutton第三代继承’人‘
    23   private
    24     FStr03:string;
    25   end;
    27   TForm1 = class(TForm)
    28     Button1: TButton;
    29     Button2: TButton;
    30     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    31     procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    32   private
    33     Procedure MyCreateButton(AOwner:TWinControl; AClass:TSysButton);  //AClass:TMyButton 这个也可以的
    34     { Private declarations }
    35   public
    36     { Public declarations }
    37   end;
    38 var
    39   Form1: TForm1;
    40 implementation
    42 var
    43   i:Integer=1;
    45 {$R *.dfm}
    46 { TForm1 }
    47 procedure TForm1.MyCreateButton(AOwner: TWinControl ; AClass:TSysButton); //AClass:TMyButton 这个也可以的
    48 var
    49   vButton:TButton;
    50 begin
    51   vButton:=AClass.Create(AOwner);
    52   vButton.Parent:=AOwner;
    53   vButton.Left :=100;
    54   vButton.Top :=10+30*(i-1);
    55   vButton.height:=20;
    56   vButton.Width:=80;
    57   vButton.Name:='MyButton_'+inttostr(i);
    58   Inc(i);
    59 end;
    61 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    62 begin
    63   {从这里可以看出,不管是TButton的第几代继承‘人’,
    64   都能创建该继承人类型的Button出来
    65   }
    66   //把这个TMyCustomerButton(Tbutton第一代继承人)传过去,就能创建TMyCustomerButton类型的Button出来
    67   //MyCreateButton(Self,TMyCustomerButton); //这里把类型(TMyCustomerButton)传过去了
    68   //MyCreateButton(Self,TMyCustomerButton02); //这里把类型(TMyCustomerButton02)传过去了
    69   MyCreateButton(Self,TMyCustomerButton03); //这里把类型(TMyCustomerButton03)传过去了
    70 end;
    72 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    73 var
    74   vButton:TMyCustomerButton; //vButton:TMyCustomerButton02; vButton:TMyCustomerButton03
    75 begin
    76   vButton:=TMyCustomerButton(FindComponent('MyButton_1')); //vButton:=TMyCustomerButton02(FindComponent('MyButton_1'))
    77   if vButton<>nil then
    78   begin
    79     vButton.FStr:='FStr_MyButton_1'; //TMyCustomerButton、TMyCustomerButton02、TMyCustomerButton03都有FStr,02和03是继承来的
    80     ShowMessage(vButton.FStr);
    81   end;
    82 end;
    84 end.



     1 object Form1: TForm1
     2   Left = 755
     3   Top = 481
     4   Width = 239
     5   Height = 269
     6   Caption = 'Form1'
     7   Color = clBtnFace
     8   Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
     9   Font.Color = clWindowText
    10   Font.Height = -11
    11   Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    12   Font.Style = []
    13   OldCreateOrder = False
    14   PixelsPerInch = 96
    15   TextHeight = 13
    16   object Button1: TButton
    17     Left = 8
    18     Top = 0
    19     Width = 75
    20     Height = 25
    21     Caption = 'Button1'
    22     TabOrder = 0
    23     OnClick = Button1Click
    24   end
    25   object Button2: TButton
    26     Left = 8
    27     Top = 64
    28     Width = 75
    29     Height = 25
    30     Caption = 'Button2'
    31     TabOrder = 1
    32     OnClick = Button2Click
    33   end
    34 end


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dmqhjp/p/15155742.html
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