LRU Cache
Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get
and set
- Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.set(key, value)
- Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.
- 题目大意:为LRU Cache设计一个数据结构,它支持两个操作:
- 解题思路:题目让设计一个LRU Cache,即根据LRU算法设计一个缓存。在这之前需要弄清楚LRU算法的核心思想,LRU全称是Least
Recently Used,即最近最久未使用的意思。在操作系统的内存管理中,有一类很重要的算法就是内存页面置换算法(包括FIFO,LRU,LFU等几种常见页面置换算法)。事实上,Cache算法和内存页面置换算法的核心思想是一样的:都是在给定一个限定大小的空间的前提下,设计一个原则如何来更新和访问其中的元素。下面说一下LRU算法的核心思想,LRU算法的设计原则是:如果一个数据在最近一段时间没有被访问到,那么在将来它被访问的可能性也很小。也就是说,当限定的空间已存满数据时,应当把最久没有被访问到的数据淘汰。
总结一下:根据题目的要求,LRU Cache具备的操作:
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct Node { int key; int value; Node *next; }; class LRUCache{ private: int count; int size ; map<int,Node *> mp; Node *cacheList; public: LRUCache(int capacity) { size = capacity; cacheList = NULL; count = 0; } int get(int key) { if(cacheList==NULL) return -1; map<int,Node *>::iterator it=mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //如果在Cache中不存在该key, 则返回-1 { return -1; } else { Node *p = it->second; pushFront(p); //将节点p置于链表头部 } return cacheList->value; } void set(int key, int value) { if(cacheList==NULL) //如果链表为空,直接放在链表头部 { cacheList = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); cacheList->key = key; cacheList->value = value; cacheList->next = NULL; mp[key] = cacheList; count++; } else //否则,在map中查找 { map<int,Node *>::iterator it=mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //没有命中 { if(count == size) //cache满了 { Node * p = cacheList; Node *pre = p; while(p->next!=NULL) { pre = p; p= p->next; } mp.erase(p->key); count--; if(pre==p) //说明只有一个节点 p=NULL; else pre->next = NULL; free(p); } Node * newNode = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newNode->key = key; newNode->value = value; newNode->next = cacheList; cacheList = newNode; mp[key] = cacheList; count++; } else { Node *p = it->second; p->value = value; pushFront(p); } } } void pushFront(Node *cur) //单链表删除节点,并将节点移动链表头部,O(n) { if(count==1) return; if(cur==cacheList) return; Node *p = cacheList; while(p->next!=cur) { p=p->next; } p->next = cur->next; //删除cur节点 cur->next = cacheList; cacheList = cur; } void printCache(){ Node *p = cacheList; while(p!=NULL) { cout<<p->key<<" "; p=p->next; } cout<<endl; } }; int main(void) { /*LRUCache cache(3); cache.set(2,10); cache.printCache(); cache.set(1,11); cache.printCache(); cache.set(2,12); cache.printCache(); cache.set(1,13); cache.printCache(); cache.set(2,14); cache.printCache(); cache.set(3,15); cache.printCache(); cache.set(4,100); cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cache.printCache();*/ LRUCache cache(2); cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cache.set(2,6); cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cache.set(1,5); cache.printCache(); cache.set(1,2); cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; return 0; }
但是 在已知要删除的节点的情况下,如何在O(1)时间复杂度内删除节点?
void pushFront(Node *cur) //单链表删除节点,并将节点移动链表头部,O(1) { if(count==1) return; //先删除cur节点 ,再将cur节点移到链表头部 Node *curNext = cur->next; if(curNext==NULL) //如果是最后一个节点 { Node * p = cacheList; while(p->next!=cur) { p=p->next; } p->next = NULL; cur->next = cacheList; cacheList = cur; } else //如果不是最后一个节点 { cur->next = curNext->next; int tempKey = cur->key; int tempValue = cur->value; cur->key = curNext->key; cur->value = curNext->value; curNext->key = tempKey; curNext->value = tempValue; curNext->next = cacheList; cacheList = curNext; mp[curNext->key] = curNext; mp[cur->key] = cur; } }
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct Node { int key; int value; Node *pre; Node *next; }; class LRUCache{ private: int count; int size ; map<int,Node *> mp; Node *cacheHead; Node *cacheTail; public: LRUCache(int capacity) { size = capacity; cacheHead = NULL; cacheTail = NULL; count = 0; } int get(int key) { if(cacheHead==NULL) return -1; map<int,Node *>::iterator it=mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //如果在Cache中不存在该key, 则返回-1 { return -1; } else { Node *p = it->second; pushFront(p); //将节点p置于链表头部 } return cacheHead->value; } void set(int key, int value) { if(cacheHead==NULL) //如果链表为空,直接放在链表头部 { cacheHead = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); cacheHead->key = key; cacheHead->value = value; cacheHead->pre = NULL; cacheHead->next = NULL; mp[key] = cacheHead; cacheTail = cacheHead; count++; } else //否则,在map中查找 { map<int,Node *>::iterator it=mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //没有命中 { if(count == size) //cache满了 { if(cacheHead==cacheTail&&cacheHead!=NULL) //只有一个节点 { mp.erase(cacheHead->key); cacheHead->key = key; cacheHead->value = value; mp[key] = cacheHead; } else { Node * p =cacheTail; cacheTail->pre->next = cacheTail->next; cacheTail = cacheTail->pre; mp.erase(p->key); p->key= key; p->value = value; p->next = cacheHead; p->pre = cacheHead->pre; cacheHead->pre = p; cacheHead = p; mp[cacheHead->key] = cacheHead; } } else { Node * p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); p->key = key; p->value = value; p->next = cacheHead; p->pre = NULL; cacheHead->pre = p; cacheHead = p; mp[cacheHead->key] = cacheHead; count++; } } else { Node *p = it->second; p->value = value; pushFront(p); } } } void pushFront(Node *cur) //双向链表删除节点,并将节点移动链表头部,O(1) { if(count==1) return; if(cur==cacheHead) return; if(cur==cacheTail) { cacheTail = cur->pre; } cur->pre->next = cur->next; //删除节点 if(cur->next!=NULL) cur->next->pre = cur->pre; cur->next = cacheHead; cur->pre = NULL; cacheHead->pre = cur; cacheHead = cur; } void printCache(){ Node *p = cacheHead; while(p!=NULL) { cout<<p->key<<" "; p=p->next; } cout<<endl; } }; int main(void) { LRUCache cache(3); cache.set(1,1); //cache.printCache(); cache.set(2,2); //cache.printCache(); cache.set(3,3); cache.printCache(); cache.set(4,4); cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(4)<<endl; cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(3)<<endl; cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cache.printCache(); cache.set(5,5); cache.printCache(); cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(3)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(4)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(5)<<endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <algorithm> #include <list> using namespace std; struct Node { int key; int value; }; class LRUCache{ private: int maxSize ; list<Node> cacheList; map<int, list<Node>::iterator > mp; public: LRUCache(int capacity) { maxSize = capacity; } int get(int key) { map<int, list<Node>::iterator >::iterator it = mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //没有命中 { return -1; } else //在cache中命中了 { list<Node>::iterator listIt = mp[key]; Node newNode; newNode.key = key; newNode.value = listIt->value; cacheList.erase(listIt); //先删除命中的节点 cacheList.push_front(newNode); //将命中的节点放到链表头部 mp[key] = cacheList.begin(); } return cacheList.begin()->value; } void set(int key, int value) { map<int, list<Node>::iterator >::iterator it = mp.find(key); if(it==mp.end()) //没有命中 { if(cacheList.size()==maxSize) //cache满了 { mp.erase(cacheList.back().key); cacheList.pop_back(); } Node newNode; newNode.key = key; newNode.value = value; cacheList.push_front(newNode); mp[key] = cacheList.begin(); } else //命中 { list<Node>::iterator listIt = mp[key]; cacheList.erase(listIt); //先删除命中的节点 Node newNode; newNode.key = key; newNode.value = value; cacheList.push_front(newNode); //将命中的节点放到链表头部 mp[key] = cacheList.begin(); } } }; int main(void) { LRUCache cache(3); cache.set(1,1); cache.set(2,2); cache.set(3,3); cache.set(4,4); cout<<cache.get(4)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(3)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cache.set(5,5); cout<<cache.get(1)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(2)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(3)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(4)<<endl; cout<<cache.get(5)<<endl; return 0; }