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  • OpenGL——3D Rendering Pipeline

      1 // Computer Graphics: HW3
      2 // 3D Transformation: 
      5 #include <iostream>
      6 #include <string>
      7 #include <cstdlib>
      8 #include <cmath>
      9 #include <cstdio>
     10 #include <vector>
     11 #include <gl/glut.h>
     12 #include <iomanip>
     13 #include <fstream>
     15 using namespace std;
     17 const int dimension = 4;
     18 const double PI = acos(-1);
     19 const double eps = 0.0000001;
     21 //定义向量 
     22 struct vec {
     23     float x;
     24     float y;
     25     float z;
     26     vec(float _x=0, float _y=0, float _z=0):x(_x), y(_y), z(_z){}
     27 };
     29 //向量的叉乘并化为单位向量 
     30 vec cross(vec a, vec b)
     31 {
     32     vec res;
     33     res.x = a.y * b.z - b.y * a.z;
     34     res.y = -(a.x * b.z - b.x * a.z);
     35     res.z = a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y;
     36     float l = sqrt(res.x*res.x+res.y*res.y+res.z*res.z);
     37     res.x = res.x / l;
     38     res.y = res.y / l;
     39     res.z = res.z / l;
     40     return res;
     41 }
     43 //定义多边形的点 
     44 struct poly_point {        
     45     float x;
     46     float y;
     47     float z;
     48     float w;
     49     poly_point(){ x=0; y=0; z=0; w=1;}
     50     poly_point(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w=1){ x=_x; y=_y; z=_z; w=_w;}
     51 };
     53 //定义矩阵用作变换操作  
     54 struct mat {                    
     55     float m[4][4];
     56     mat()
     57     {
     58         memset(m,0,sizeof(m));
     59         m[0][0]=m[1][1]=m[2][2]=m[3][3]=1;        
     60     }
     61     void reset_mat()
     62     {
     63         memset(m,0,sizeof(m));
     64         m[0][0]=m[1][1]=m[2][2]=m[3][3]=1;
     65     }
     66 };
     68 //新建各种变换矩阵,初始化为单位矩阵 
     69 mat T,S,R,Rx,Ry,Rz,Sh,TM, M,GRM,EM,Mirrorx, PM, WTVM;
     71 //重载*号实现矩阵乘法
     72 mat operator * (mat a, mat b)        
     73 {
     74     mat c;
     75     memset(c.m,0,sizeof(c.m));    //注意要先初始化为0 
     76     for(int i=0; i<dimension; i++)
     77         for(int j=0; j<dimension; j++)
     78             for(int k=0; k<dimension; k++)
     79                 c.m[i][j] += (a.m[i][k]*b.m[k][j]);        
     80     return c;
     81 }
     83 //定义矩阵乘以向量 
     84 poly_point mat_mul_vec(mat t, poly_point pp)
     85 {
     86     poly_point res;
     87     res.x = t.m[0][0]*pp.x+t.m[0][1]*pp.y+t.m[0][2]*pp.z+t.m[0][3]*pp.w;
     88     res.y = t.m[1][0]*pp.x+t.m[1][1]*pp.y+t.m[1][2]*pp.z+t.m[1][3]*pp.w;
     89     res.z = t.m[2][0]*pp.x+t.m[2][1]*pp.y+t.m[2][2]*pp.z+t.m[2][3]*pp.w;
     90     res.w = t.m[3][0]*pp.x+t.m[3][1]*pp.y+t.m[3][2]*pp.z+t.m[3][3]*pp.w;
     91     return res;
     92 }
     93 //输出矩阵用作测试 
     94 void print_mat(mat M)
     95 {
     96     for(int i=0; i<dimension; i++)
     97     {
     98         for(int j=0; j<dimension; j++)
     99             printf("%.2lf ", M.m[i][j]);
    100         printf("
    101     }
    102     printf("
    103 }
    105 int num_tm=0;                                                //记录输入object的个数 
    106 poly_point poly_vertex[10][2000], observe[10][2000];        //保存原来的输入的多边形的点,保存经历所有变换后的点用于输出 
    107 int poly_face[4000][4];                                        //保存多边形的面用于画线 
    108 string file_name;                                            //读取asc文件的文件名 
    109 float VL,VR,VB,VT;                                            //viewport的坐标                 
    110 float Near, Far, FOV;                                        //求PM投影矩阵用到的参数 
    111 int height, width, n;                                        //n为多边形组成每个面的点的个数 
    112 int num_vertex, num_face;                                    //记录输入的多边形的点的个数和面的个数 
    113 void displayFunc(void);
    114 void ReadInput(bool& IsExit);
    116 //hw3
    117 void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz);                    //scale放缩变换    
    118 void rotate(float rx, float ry, float rz, int i=0);            //rotate旋转变换 
    119 void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz);                //translate平移变换 
    120 void reset(); 
    121 //获得EM和PM矩阵 
    122 void observer(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt, float Near, float Far, float FOV);
    123 void view(float VL, float VR, float VB, float VT);            //获得WTVM矩阵 
    124 void display();                                                //做observer和viewport变换并画点 
    125 void read_asc_file();                                        //读取asc文件 
    126 void transform(mat t);                                        //输入一个矩阵,对poly_vertex里的每个点做一次变换 
    127 void projection(float AR, float Near, float Far, float FOV);//投影变换,即获得PM矩阵 
    128 void per_div();                                                //perspective divide
    129 void transform_observe(mat t);                                //对observe中的每个点进行矩阵变换 
    130 void DrawWindow();                                            //画框框 
    131 void print_mat(mat t);                                        //输出矩阵测试 
    132 void print();                                                //输出点测试 
    134 //hw1中已经实现的函数 
    135 void drawDot(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b);    
    136 void drawLine1(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    137 void drawLine2(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    138 void drawLine3(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    139 void drawLine4(int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1, bool xy_interchange);
    140 void DrawLines_4(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    142 void myKeyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) 
    143 {
    144     cout << "KEYYYY" << endl;
    145     switch(key) {
    146     // Draw dots with 'd' or 'D'
    147     case 'q':
    148     case 'Q':
    149         //glutMouseFunc(Mymouse);
    150           exit(0);
    151           break;
    152     }
    153 }
    154 void ReadInput(bool& IsExit)
    155 {
    156     float sx,sy,sz, tx,ty,tz, rx,ry,rz;
    157     float PX, PY, PZ, CX, CY, CZ, Tilt; 
    158     string command,comment;
    159     cin>>command;
    160     if (command=="scale")
    161     {
    162         cout<<command<<endl;
    163         cin>>sx>>sy>>sz;
    164         scale(sx,sy,sz);    
    165     }
    166     else if (command=="rotate")
    167     {
    168         cout<<command<<endl;
    169         cin>>rx>>ry>>rz;
    170         rotate(rx,ry,rz,0);    
    171     }
    172     else if (command=="translate")
    173     {
    174         cout<<command<<endl;
    175         cin>>tx>>ty>>tz;
    176         translate(tx,ty,tz);    
    177     }
    178     else if (command=="reset")
    179     {
    180         cout<<command<<endl;
    181         //reset();
    182     }
    183     else if (command=="observer")
    184     {
    185         cout<<command<<endl;
    186         cin>>PX>>PY>>PZ>>CX>>CY>>CZ>>Tilt>>Near>>Far>>FOV;
    187         observer(PX,PY,PZ,CX,CY,CZ,Tilt,Near,Far,FOV);
    188     }
    189     else if (command=="viewport")
    190     {
    191         cout<<command<<endl;
    192         cin>>VL>>VR>>VB>>VT;
    193         view(VL,VR,VB,VT);
    194     }
    195     else if (command=="end")
    196     {
    197         cout<<command<<endl;
    198         IsExit=true;
    199         //exit(0);
    200     }
    201     else if (command=="#")
    202     {
    203         getline(cin, comment);
    204     }
    205     else if (command=="display")
    206     {
    207         cout<<command<<endl;
    208         display();
    209     }
    210     else if (command=="object")
    211     {
    212         cout<<command<<endl;
    213         cin >> file_name;
    214         read_asc_file();
    215     }
    216 }
    219 // Display function
    220 void displayFunc(void){
    222   freopen("test.in", "r", stdin);
    223   bool IsExit;
    224   IsExit=false;
    225   // clear the entire window to the background color
    226   glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
    227   while (!IsExit)
    228   {
    229     glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); 
    230 //    redraw();
    231   // draw the contents!!! Iterate your object's data structure!
    232   // flush the queue to actually paint the dots on the opengl window
    233     glFlush();
    234     ReadInput(IsExit);
    235   }
    236  // infile.close();
    237   //exit(0);
    238 }
    241 // Main
    242 void main(int ac, char** av) {
    243   //initial();
    245   int winSizeX, winSizeY;
    246   string name;
    248   if(ac == 3) {
    249     winSizeX = atoi(av[1]);
    250     winSizeY = atoi(av[2]);
    251 //        cout<<"Done";
    252   }
    253   else { // default window size
    254     winSizeX = 800;
    255     winSizeY = 600;
    257   }
    260 //  cout<<"Please input file name:"<<endl;
    261 //  cin>>name;
    262 //  infile.open(name.c_str());
    263  // exit(0);
    264  // infile.open("inp3.txt");
    265 // infile.open(av[1]);
    266   width  = winSizeX;
    267   height = winSizeY;
    269   // initialize OpenGL utility toolkit (glut)
    270   glutInit(&ac, av);
    272   // single disply and RGB color mapping
    273   glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); // set display mode
    274   glutInitWindowSize(winSizeX, winSizeY);      // set window size
    275   glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);                // set window position on screen
    276   glutCreateWindow("Lab2 Window");       // set window title
    278   // set up the mouse and keyboard callback functions
    279    // register the keyboard action function
    280   glutKeyboardFunc(myKeyboard);
    281   // displayFunc is called whenever there is a need to redisplay the window,
    282   // e.g., when the window is exposed from under another window or when the window is de-iconified
    283   glutDisplayFunc(displayFunc); // register the redraw function
    285   // set background color
    286   glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);     // set the background to black
    287   glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // clear the buffer
    289   // misc setup
    290   glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);  // setup coordinate system
    291   glLoadIdentity();
    292   gluOrtho2D(0, winSizeX, 0, winSizeY);
    293   glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);
    294   glFlush();
    295   glutMainLoop();
    296 }
    299 void scale(float sx, float sy, float sz)
    300 {
    301     S.m[0][0]=sx;    S.m[1][1]=sy;    S.m[2][2]=sz;
    302     TM=S*TM;
    303 }
    304 void rotate(float rx, float ry, float rz, int i)
    305 {
    306     if(i == 0)
    307     {
    308         rx = rx * PI / 180.0;    ry = ry * PI / 180.0;    rz = rz * PI / 180.0;
    309     }
    310     Rx.m[1][1]=cos(rx);    Rx.m[2][2]=cos(rx);    Rx.m[1][2]=-sin(rx);    Rx.m[2][1]=sin(rx);
    311     Ry.m[0][0]=cos(ry);    Ry.m[2][2]=cos(ry);    Ry.m[0][2]=sin(ry);        Ry.m[2][0]=-sin(ry);
    312     Rz.m[0][0]=cos(rz);    Rz.m[1][1]=cos(rz);    Rz.m[0][1]=-sin(rz);    Rz.m[1][0]=sin(rz);
    313     R = Rz*Ry*Rz;
    314     TM=R*TM;
    315 }
    316 void translate(float tx, float ty, float tz)
    317 {
    318     T.m[0][3]=tx;    T.m[1][3]=ty;    T.m[2][3]=tz;
    319     TM=T*TM;
    320 }
    321 void reset()
    322 {
    323     /*T.reset_mat(),S.reset_mat(),R.reset_mat(),Rx.reset_mat(),Ry.reset_mat(),Rz.reset_mat(),
    324     Sh.reset_mat(),TM.reset_mat(), M.reset_mat(),GRM.reset_mat(),EM.reset_mat(),Mirrorx.reset_mat(), 
    325     PM.reset_mat(), WTVM.reset_mat();*/
    326     for(int j=0; j<num_tm; j++)
    327     {
    328         for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++) 
    329         {
    330             observe[j][i].x = poly_vertex[j][i].x; 
    331             observe[j][i].y = poly_vertex[j][i].y;
    332             observe[j][i].z = poly_vertex[j][i].z;
    333         }
    334     }
    336 }
    337 void observer(float PX, float PY, float PZ, float CX, float CY, float CZ, float Tilt, float Near, float Far, float FOV)
    338 {
    339     //GRM
    340     translate(-PX,-PY,-PZ);
    341     //print_mat(T);
    342     float x = CX-PX;
    343     float y = CY-PY;
    344     float z = CZ-PZ;
    345     //Tilt=Tilt*PI/180.0;
    346     float l=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
    347     vec v(x,y,z);
    348     vec t(0,1,sin(Tilt*PI/180.0));
    349     vec v3;
    350     v3.x = v.x/l; v3.y = v.y/l; v3.z = v.z/l;
    351     vec v1=cross(v,t);
    352     vec v2=cross(v1,v3);
    353     GRM.m[0][0]=v1.x;    GRM.m[0][1]=v1.y;    GRM.m[0][2]=v1.z;
    354     GRM.m[1][0]=v2.x;    GRM.m[1][1]=v2.y;    GRM.m[1][2]=v2.z;
    355     GRM.m[2][0]=v3.x;    GRM.m[2][1]=v3.y;    GRM.m[2][2]=v3.z;
    356     //GRM.m[1][2]=-0.71;
    357     //float ry = abs(asin(x/sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)));
    358     /*float ry = abs(asin(x/sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)));
    359     float rx = atan(y/sqrt(pow(x,2.0)+pow(z,2.0)));
    360     float rz = Tilt*PI/180.0;
    362     rotate(rx,ry,rz,1);
    363     print_mat(Ry);
    364     print_mat(Rx);
    365     print_mat(Rz);
    366     Mirrorx.m[0][0]=-1;
    367     GRM = Mirrorx*Rz*Rx*Ry;*/
    368     //GRM.m[1][1]=0.71;
    369     //GRM.m[1][2]=-0.71;
    370     //GRM.m[2][1]=-0.71;
    371     //GRM.m[2][2]=-0.71;
    372     //Mirrorx.m[0][0]=-1;
    373     printf("GRM
    374     print_mat(GRM);
    375     EM = Mirrorx*GRM*T;
    376     //print_mat(EM);
    377     transform_observe(EM);
    378     //print();
    380     //projection(1.33,Near,Far,FOV);
    381 }
    382 void view(float VL, float VR, float VB, float VT)
    383 {
    384     DrawWindow();
    385     float WL=-1, WR=1, WB=-1, WT=1;
    386     translate(-WL, -WB, 0);    
    387     WTVM = T * WTVM;    
    388     scale((VR-VL)/(WR-WL), (VT-VB)/(WT-WB), 1);
    389     WTVM = S * WTVM;    
    390     translate(VL, VB, 0);    
    391     WTVM = T * WTVM;
    392     printf("WTVM
    393     print_mat(WTVM);
    394     //transform_observe(WTVM);
    396 }
    397 void display()
    398 {
    399     projection((VR-VL)/(VT-VB),Near,Far,FOV);
    400     transform_observe(WTVM);
    401     cout << "num_tm: " << num_tm << endl;
    402     //cout << num_vertex << " " << num_face << endl;
    403     //print();
    404     for(int k=0; k<num_tm; k++)
    405     {
    406         for(int i=0; i<num_face; i++) 
    407         {
    408             for(int j=0; j<n-1; j++)
    409                 DrawLines_4(observe[k][poly_face[i][j]].x, observe[k][poly_face[i][j]].y, observe[k][poly_face[i][j+1]].x, observe[k][poly_face[i][j+1]].y);
    410             DrawLines_4(observe[k][poly_face[i][n-1]].x, observe[k][poly_face[i][n-1]].y, observe[k][poly_face[i][0]].x, observe[k][poly_face[i][0]].y);
    411         }
    412     }
    413     reset();
    414     EM.reset_mat();
    415     PM.reset_mat();
    416     WTVM.reset_mat();
    417 }
    418 void read_asc_file()
    419 {
    420     num_tm++;
    421     cout << file_name << endl;
    422     ifstream fin(file_name);
    423     fin >> num_vertex >> num_face;
    424     cout << num_vertex << " " << num_face << endl;
    425     // read vertex one by one
    426     for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++) 
    427     {
    428         fin >> poly_vertex[num_tm-1][i].x >> poly_vertex[num_tm-1][i].y >> poly_vertex[num_tm-1][i].z;
    429     }
    430     // read face one by one
    431     for(int i=0; i<num_face; i++) 
    432     {
    433         fin >> n;
    434         for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
    435             fin >> poly_face[i][j];
    436     }
    438     transform(TM);//
    439     reset();
    440     TM.reset_mat();
    442     //print();
    443 }
    445 void transform(mat t)
    446 {
    447     for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++) 
    448         poly_vertex[num_tm-1][i] = mat_mul_vec(t, poly_vertex[num_tm-1][i]);
    449 }
    450 void transform_observe(mat t)
    451 {
    452     for(int j=0; j<num_tm; j++)
    453     {
    454         for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++) 
    455             observe[j][i] = mat_mul_vec(t, observe[j][i]);
    456     }
    457 }    
    459 void projection(float AR, float Near, float Far, float FOV)
    460 {
    461     //PM
    462     FOV=FOV*PI/180.0;
    463     float Y=Far*tan(FOV);
    464     float H=Near*tan(FOV);
    465     PM.m[1][1]=AR;
    466     PM.m[2][2]=Y/(Y-H)*tan(FOV);
    467     PM.m[2][3]=Y*H/(H-Y)*tan(FOV);
    468     PM.m[3][2]=tan(FOV);
    469     PM.m[3][3]=0;
    470     /*PM.m[1][1]=AR;
    471     PM.m[2][2]=0.58;
    472     PM.m[3][2]=0.58;
    473     PM.m[3][3]=0;*
    474     PM.m[2][3]=-0.58;*/
    475     print_mat(PM);
    476     transform_observe(PM);
    478     per_div();    //
    479 }
    481 void per_div()
    482 {
    483     for(int j=0; j<num_tm; j++)
    484     {
    485         for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++) 
    486         {
    487             observe[j][i].x /= observe[j][i].w;
    488             observe[j][i].y /= observe[j][i].w;
    489             observe[j][i].z /= observe[j][i].w;
    490             observe[j][i].w /= observe[j][i].w;
    491         }
    492     }
    494 }
    496 void DrawWindow()
    497 {
    498     DrawLines_4(VL, VB, VR, VB);
    499     DrawLines_4(VR, VB, VR, VT);
    500     DrawLines_4(VR, VT, VL, VT);
    501     DrawLines_4(VL, VT, VL, VB);
    502 }
    504 void print()
    505 {
    506     for(int j=0; j<num_tm; j++)
    507     {
    508         for(int i=1; i<=num_vertex; i++)
    509             cout <<  poly_vertex[j][i].x << " " << poly_vertex[j][i].y << " " << poly_vertex[j][i].z << endl;
    510     }
    511 }
    548 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////hw1///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    549 void DrawLines_4(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) //判断画哪一种线
    550 {
    551     if(x1 >= x2)
    552     {
    553         if(y1 >= y2)
    554         {
    555             swap(x1, x2);
    556             swap(y1, y2);
    557             if((y2-y1) >= (x2-x1))            
    558                 drawLine2(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);    
    559             else
    560                 drawLine1(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
    561         }
    562         else
    563         {
    564             if((y2-y1) >= (x1-x2))
    565                 drawLine3(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
    566             else
    567                 drawLine4(x2, y2, x1, y1, 1);
    568         }                
    569     }
    570     else
    571     {
    572         if(y2 >= y1)
    573         {
    574             if((y2-y1) <= (x2-x1))
    575                 drawLine1(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
    576             else
    577                 drawLine2(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
    578         }
    579         else
    580         {
    581             if((y1-y2) <= (x2-x1))
    582                 drawLine4(x1, y1, x2, y2, 1);
    583             else
    584                 drawLine3(x2, y2, x1, y1, 1);
    585         }
    586     }
    588     glFlush();
    589 }
    591 // draw a dot at location with integer coordinates (x,y), and with color (r,g,b)
    592 void drawDot(int x, int y, float r, float g, float b) 
    593 {
    594     glBegin(GL_POINTS);
    596     // set the color of dot
    597     glColor3f(r, g, b);
    599     // invert height because the opengl origin is at top-left instead of bottom-left
    600     glVertex2i(x ,  height-y);
    602     glEnd();
    603 }
    605 // Draw line for dx>0 and dy>0
    606 void drawLine1(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool xy_interchange) //0-45度
    607 {
    608     //cout << "Drawing Line1!" << endl;
    609     int x = x1;
    610     int y = y1;    
    612     int a = y2 - y1;
    613     int b = x1 - x2;
    614     int d = 2 * a + b;
    615     int IncE = 2 * a;
    616     int IncNE = 2 * (a + b);
    618     while(x <= x2)
    619     {
    620         if(d <= 0)
    621         {
    622             x++;
    623             d += IncE;
    624         }
    625         else
    626         {
    627             x++;
    628             y++;
    629             d += IncNE;
    630         }
    631         drawDot(x, height-y, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
    633     }
    634 }
    636 // Draw line for dx>0 and dy<0
    637 void drawLine2(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool xy_interchange) //45-90度
    638 {
    639     //cout << "Drawing Line2!" << endl;
    640     //转换为0-45度的情况
    641     swap(x2, y2);
    642     swap(x1, y1);
    644     int x = x1;
    645     int y = y1;
    647     int a = y2 - y1;
    648     int b = x1 - x2;
    649     int d = 2 * a + b;
    650     int IncE = 2 * a;
    651     int IncNE = 2 * (a + b);
    653     while(x <= x2)
    654     {
    655         if(d <= 0)
    656         {
    657             x++;
    658             d += IncE;
    659         }
    660         else
    661         {
    662             x++;
    663             y++;
    664             d += IncNE;
    665         }
    666         drawDot(y, height-x, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
    668     }    
    669 }
    671 // Draw line for dx<0 and dy>0
    672 void drawLine3(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool xy_interchange) //90-135度
    673 {
    674     //cout << "Drawing Line3!" << endl;
    675     swap(x2, y2);
    676     swap(x1, y1);
    677     y1 = -y1;
    678     y2 = -y2;
    679     int x = x1;
    680     int y = y1;
    682     int a = y2 - y1;
    683     int b = x1 - x2;
    684     int d = 2 * a + b;
    685     int IncE = 2 * a;
    686     int IncNE = 2 * (a + b);
    688     while(x <= x2)
    689     {
    690         if(d <= 0)
    691         {
    692             x++;
    693             d += IncE;
    694         }
    695         else
    696         {
    697             x++;
    698             y++;
    699             d += IncNE;
    700         }
    701         drawDot(-y, height-x, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
    703     }
    704 }
    706 // Draw line for dx<0 and dy>0
    707 void drawLine4(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool xy_interchange) //135-180度
    708 {
    709     //cout << "Drawing Line4!" << endl;
    710     y1 = -y1;
    711     y2 = -y2;
    712     int x = x1;
    713     int y = y1;
    715     int a = y2 - y1;
    716     int b = x1 - x2;
    717     int d = 2 * a + b;
    718     int IncE = 2 * a;
    719     int IncNE = 2 * (a + b);
    721     while(x <= x2)
    722     {
    723         if(d <= 0)
    724         {
    725             x++;
    726             d += IncE;
    727         }
    728         else
    729         {
    730             x++;
    731             y++;
    732             d += IncNE;
    733         }
    734         drawDot(x, height+y, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
    736     }
    737 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dominjune/p/4550162.html
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