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  • 模仿Word中组织结构图的特点生成流程图

     // 1. 从下往上计算位置   
     // 2. 模仿Word中组织结构图的特点   
    Tree<string> tree = new Tree<string>(null, "董事会");   
                   Bitmap bmp = tree.DrawAsImage();   
    using System;   
    using System.Collections.Generic;   
    using System.Text;   
    using System.Drawing;   
    namespace Test   
       /// <summary>   
       /// 用来输出组织结构图的类   
      /// </summary>   
       /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>   
       public class Tree<T>   
            Tree<T> _Parent = null;   
          T _Content;   
           List<Tree<T>> _Childs = new List<Tree<T>>();   
            SizeF _Size;   
            Rectangle _Rec;   
           public Tree(Tree<T> parent, T content)   
               _Parent = parent;   
                _Content = content;   
           public Tree<T> Add(T content)   
               Tree<T> tree = new Tree<T>(this, content);   
              return tree;   
           public Tree<T> Parent { get { return _Parent; } }   
          public T Content { get { return _Content; } }   
           public List<Tree<T>> Childs { get { return _Childs; } }   
            public SizeF Size { get { return _Size; } set { _Size = value; } }   
           public Rectangle Rec { get { return _Rec; } set { _Rec = value; } }   
           void MeatureAllSize(Graphics g, Font font, int addWidth)   
               _Size = g.MeasureString(_Content.ToString(), font);   
                _Size.Width += addWidth;   
              foreach (Tree<T> tree in Childs)   
                   tree.MeatureAllSize(g, font, addWidth);   
           List<List<Tree<T>>> GetTreeLayers()   
                List<List<Tree<T>>> layers = new List<List<Tree<T>>>();   
              GetTreeLayers(layers, new List<Tree<T>>(new Tree<T>[] { this }), 0);   
              return layers;   
           void GetTreeLayers(List<List<Tree<T>>> layers, List<Tree<T>> childs, int level)   
               if (childs.Count == 0) return;   
               if (layers.Count <= level) layers.Add(new List<Tree<T>>());   
              for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++)   
                   GetTreeLayers(layers, childs[i].Childs, level + 1);   
            /// <summary>   
          /// 设置显示区域(从最后一层最左开始)   
           /// </summary>   
            /// <param name="level"></param>   
           /// <param name="height"></param>   
           /// <param name="interval"></param>   
           /// <param name="left"></param>   
            void SetRectangle(int level, int height, int hInterval, int vInterval, int left)   
               int index = 0;   
               if (Parent != null) index = Parent.Childs.IndexOf(this);   
              if (Childs.Count == 0)   
                   // 没有儿子,就向前靠   
                   if (left > 0) left += hInterval;   
                   // 有儿子,就在儿子中间   
                   int centerX = (Childs[0].Rec.Left + Childs[Childs.Count - 1].Rec.Right) / 2;   
                   left = centerX - (int)_Size.Width / 2;   
                  // 并且不能和前面的重复,如果重复,联同子孙和子孙的右边节点右移   
                  if (Parent != null && index > 0)   
                       int ex = (Parent.Childs[index - 1].Rec.Right + hInterval) - left;   
                      if (index > 0 && ex > 0)   
                          for (int i = index; i < Parent.Childs.Count; i++)   
                           left += ex;   
               _Rec = new Rectangle(left, (height + vInterval) * level, (int)_Size.Width, height);   
           /// <summary>   
           /// 所有子孙向右平移   
           /// </summary>   
           /// <param name="ex"></param>   
           void RightChilds(int ex)   
                Rectangle rec;   
                for (int i = 0; i < _Childs.Count; i++)   
                  rec = _Childs[i].Rec;   
                   rec.Offset(ex, 0);   
                  _Childs[i].Rec = rec;   
          void Offset(int x, int y)   
                _Rec.Offset(x, y);   
               for (int i = 0; i < _Childs.Count; i++)   
                   _Childs[i].Offset(x, y);   
           public Bitmap DrawAsImage()   
               return DrawAsImage(Pens.Black, new Font("宋体", 10.5f), 26, 20, 5, 20, 26);   
           public Bitmap DrawAsImage(Pen pen, Font font, int h, int horPadding,   
               int horInterval, int verInterval, int borderWidth)   
               Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1);   
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);   
                // 把树扁平化   
               List<List<Tree<T>>> layers = GetTreeLayers();   
             // 算出每个单元的大小   
               MeatureAllSize(g, font, horPadding);   
               // 从最后一层开始排列   
              int left = 0;   
              for (int i = layers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)   
                   for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].Count; j++)   
                       layers[i][j].SetRectangle(i, h, horInterval, verInterval, left);   
                        left = layers[i][j].Rec.Right;   
              Offset(borderWidth, borderWidth);   
               // 获取画布需要的大小   
               int maxHeight = (h + verInterval) * layers.Count - verInterval + borderWidth * 2;   
               int maxWidth = 0;   
                for (int i = layers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)   
                   for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].Count; j++)   
                      if (layers[i][j].Rec.Right > maxWidth)   
                           maxWidth = layers[i][j].Rec.Right;   
              maxWidth += borderWidth; // 边宽   
               bmp = new Bitmap(maxWidth, maxHeight);   
                g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);   
               StringFormat format = (StringFormat)StringFormat.GenericDefault.Clone();   
                format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;   
               format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;   
               Rectangle rec, recParent;   
                for (int i = 0; i < layers.Count; i++)   
                   for (int j = 0; j < layers[i].Count; j++)   
                       // 画字   
                      rec = (Rectangle)layers[i][j].Rec;   
                       g.DrawRectangle(pen, rec);   
                       g.DrawString(layers[i][j].Content.ToString(), font, new SolidBrush(pen.Color),   
                           rec, format);   
                       // 画到父亲的线   
                      if (layers[i][j].Parent != null)   
                            recParent = layers[i][j].Parent.Rec;   
                           g.DrawLine(pen, rec.Left + rec.Width / 2, rec.Top,   
                              rec.Left + rec.Width / 2, rec.Top - verInterval / 2);   
                           g.DrawLine(pen, recParent.Left + recParent.Width / 2, recParent.Bottom,   
                              recParent.Left + recParent.Width / 2, rec.Top - verInterval / 2);   
                           g.DrawLine(pen, rec.Left + rec.Width / 2, rec.Top - verInterval / 2,   
                               recParent.Left + recParent.Width / 2, rec.Top - verInterval / 2);   
              return bmp;   
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/donchen/p/4180066.html
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