#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> //1提供strlen()的函数原型 #define DENSITY 62.4 //2预处理命令 int main(void) { float weight,volume; int size,letters; char name[40]; //3定义一个长度为40的数组 printf("Hi! What's your first name? "); scanf("%s",name); printf("%s,What's your weight in pounds? ",name); scanf("%f",&weight); size=sizeof name; //4 数组name[]的长度 letters=strlen(name);//5 调用函数strlen() volume=weight/DENSITY; printf("well,%s,your volume is %2.2f cubic feet. ",name,volume);//%2.2f表示字符宽度为2,精确到小数点后两位 printf("Also,your first name has %d letters, ",letters); printf("and we have %d bytes to store it in. ",size); return 0; }
(1)字符串是一个或多个字符的序列。如"I am a student!"。
(3)字符串和字符。'x'和"x"的区别(后者是一个字符串由'x'和' '组成)。
- 同一个字符串,sizeof()把标志字符串结尾的空字符计算在内,长度比strlen()大1.
- strlen()以字符为单位给出字符串的长度。sizeof()给出数组的长度(分配的内存单元)。
- 获取一个类型大大小~获取一个具体量的大小。sizeof(char)和sizeof (name)=sizeof name。
sizeof()和strlen() #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define PRAISE "What a super marvelous name!" int main(void) { char name[40]; printf("What's your name? "); scanf("%s",name); printf("Hello,%s.%s ",name,PRAISE); printf("Your name of %d letrers occupies %d memory cells. ", strlen(name),sizeof(name));//sizeof name printf("The phrase of praise has %d letters", strlen(PRAISE)); printf("and occupies %d memory cells. ",sizeof(PRAISE));//sizeof PRAISE return 0; }
(1)常量如0.015。float taxrate=0.015。把常量0.015赋值给变量taxrate,但程序可能意外的改变它的值。
- const int MONTHS=12;
- #define MONTHS +12;(#define TEE 'T')(#define OOPS "Now you have it!")
- 请避免不匹配的转换。
- 打印一个字符串的前8个字符,字段宽度为8字符(%8.8s)
- 打印双引号"...."
- 打印一个字段宽度在参数列表中给定的八进制整数(%*0).
- %5d(00006)
- 指定固定字段宽度(有效防止溢出)
printf()打印较长字符串 #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Here's one way to print a "); printf("long string. ");//a printf("Here's another way to print a long string. ");//b printf("Here's the newest way to print a " "long string. ");//c return 0; }
printf()的返回值 #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { int bph2o=212; int rv; rv=printf("%d F is water's boiling point. ",bph2o); printf("The printf()function printed %d characters. ",rv); return 0; }
(3)scanf("%d,%d",&n,&m)接受输入 1,2 {scanf("%c",&ch)读取在输入中遇到的第一个字符}
- printf()中在字段宽度部分使用*来代替数字
使用可变宽度的输出字段 #include<stdio.h> int main(void) { unsigned width,precision; int number=256; double weight=242.5; printf("What field width? "); scanf("%d",&width); printf("The number is :%*d: ",width,number); printf("Now enter a width and a precision: "); scanf("%d%d",&width,&precision); printf("Weight=%*.*f ",width,precision,weight); return 0; }
- scanf()中*使函数跳过相应的输出项目(scanf("%*d%*d%d",&n);前两个跳过)