delphi 写日志文件的一个类, 从网上查找的资料, 然后按自己的需求修正了下.
使用: 引用本单元后, 调用WriteLog函数即可. 默认31天清理一次日志.
unit uProgLog; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, SyncObjs; type TLogFile = class private FLogKeepDays: Integer; //日志保存时间 FLogPath: string; //日志保存路径 FCsWriteLogFile: TCriticalSection; FLogFile: TextFile; //日志文件句柄 FLogOpened: Boolean; //日志文件是否打开 FFileTime: TDateTime; //当前日志文件创建或打开时间 protected public function WriteLogFile(const szFormat: string;const Args: array of const): Boolean; function DeleteLogFile(): Boolean; constructor Create(); Destructor Destroy(); override; end; procedure WriteLog(const szFormat: string; const Args: array of const); var gLog: TLogFile=nil; implementation uses DateUtils; procedure WriteLog(const szFormat: string; const Args: array of const); begin if gLog = nil then gLog := TLogFile.Create(); gLog.WriteLogFile(szFormat,Args); end; { TLogFile } constructor TLogFile.Create(); var sLogName: string; begin FLogOpened := False; FCsWriteLogFile := TCriticalSection.Create; FLogKeepDays := 31; sLogName := ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)); sLogName := Copy(sLogName,1,Pos('.',sLogName)-1); // if sLogName <> '' then //eg; D:\MYfile\myexelog\2009-03-05.log //防止同一系统中模块过多, 路径混乱 FLogPath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+ 'Log\'+sLogName+'\' // else FLogPath := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+ 'Log\'; end; function TLogFile.DeleteLogFile(): Boolean; var SearchRec: TSearchRec; FileMask: string; LocalFileTime: TFileTime; FileTime: Integer; begin FileMask := FLogPath + '*.log'; Result := FindFirst(FileMask, faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0; try if Result then begin repeat if (SearchRec.Name[1] <> '.') and (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory <> faDirectory) then begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime(SearchRec.FindData.ftCreationTime, LocalFileTime); FileTimeToDosDateTime(LocalFileTime, LongRec(FileTime).Hi, LongRec(FileTime).Lo); // 按照文件创建日期删除文件 if FileDateToDateTime(FileTime) <= (Now() - FLogKeepDays) then DeleteFile(FLogPath + SearchRec.Name); end; until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0; end; finally FindClose(SearchRec); end; end; destructor TLogFile.Destroy; begin if (FLogOpened) then CloseFile(FLogFile); FCsWriteLogFile.Free(); inherited; end; function TLogFile.WriteLogFile(const szFormat: string; const Args: array of const): Boolean; var sFileName: string; dtCurrent: TDateTime; sBuffer: string; szDate: string; begin Result := false; FCsWriteLogFile.Enter(); try dtCurrent := Now(); //注意这里得到的是local time szDate := FormatDateTime('YYYYMMDD',dtCurrent); try if (FLogOpened) and (DateOf(dtCurrent) <> DateOf(FFileTime)) then begin CloseFile(FLogFile); FLogOpened := False; //每月15日 清理日志 if Copy(szDate,7,2) = '15' then DeleteLogFile(); end; if (not FLogOpened) then begin if not DirectoryExists(FLogPath) then if not ForceDirectories(FLogPath) then exit; sFileName := FLogPath + szDate+'.log'; Assignfile(FLogFile, sFileName); try if FileExists(sFileName) then append(FLogFile) else rewrite(FLogFile); FLogOpened := True; except FLogOpened := False; Exit; end; FFileTime := dtCurrent; end; if FLogOpened then begin sBuffer := FormatDateTime('HH:MM:SS',dtCurrent) + ' ' +szFormat; sBuffer := Format(sBuffer, Args); writeln(FLogFile, sBuffer); end; except OutputDebugString('Write Log Exception'); end; finally FCsWriteLogFile.Leave; //离开临界区 end; Result := true; end; initialization finalization if gLog <> nil then FreeAndNil(gLog); end.