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  • 你的大学会有模拟面试吗?一些常见面试问题背后的逻辑是什么?



    这次模拟面试主要是Behavioral Based,和专业无关,每个学生大约45分钟时间,其中30分钟面试,15分钟针对面试结果给出反馈,当然根据面试官的风格可以自己调整。

    在面试前一天,面试官把第二天要面试的学生简历和安排发过来,一起的有详细的交通路线如何停车等,为了防止面试官准备不充分,还附了一份常见的Behavioral Based面试问题列表。





    1. 在项目中独立完成了哪些事,取得了什么成绩
    2. 在项目中是如何和其他人团队协作的
















    Common Interview Questions

    Questions that could be asked by the interviewer/recruiter

    Personal and Motivational Factors:

    • Tell me about yourself.
    • What three words best describe you?
    • How would you describe yourself?
    • What motivates you?
    • How do you measure success?
    • How do you handle failure?
    • Why should I hire you?
    • What would you like us to know about you?
    • What do you want us to remember about you?
    • What separates you from the other candidates?
    • How would your friends/teachers/employers describe you?

    Skills and Abilities:

    • What is your greatest strength/weakness?
    • How do you try to strengthen your weakness?
    • How would you define analytical skills? Discuss yours.
    • Can you give an example where you had to persuade someone to do something?
    • Can you give an example where you worked on a team and had to confront/persuade a team member?
    • Do you consider yourself a team player, team leader, or independent worker? Explain.
    • How would you describe your time management skills?
    • How do you keep track of multiple projects so that you will meet deadlines?
    • How would you describe your communication skills?
    • How would you describe your problem solving skills?
    • Tell me about a time when you discovered a problem and had to chose one solution over another one?
    • Give me an example when someone confronted you in front of others. How did you respond? What did you learn from that situation?
    • Describe your leadership style.
    • How would you handle difficult people?
    • What frustrates you?

    Career Goals and Objectives:

    • What are your career goals? How have you ‘mapped’ out your career path?
    • If you could learn one thing from your co-op experience, what would you want it to be?
    • Why do you want to co-op?

    Extracurricular Activities and College Experiences:

    • How do you spend your spare time?
    • What personal accomplishment has given you the most satisfaction? Why?
    • If you wish you could rewind time, what would you do differently in your past?
    • What was your biggest success?
    • Explain your duties as the (president, secretary, publicity/recruitment chair, etc.), of this organization (i.e. fraternity/sorority/band/professional organization, etc.)?
    • What challenges did you face in this position?
    • What has been your best/worst experience in college? Why?

    Academic Programs and Achievements:

    • Why did you decide to come to University?
    • Why did you decide to major in your chosen field of engineering (i.e. chemical, industrial, mechanical, etc.)? 
    • What high school/college course(s) did you like the most/least? Why?
    • Explain your grade performance levels.
    • Do you think your previous quarter grades are a good indication of your academic abilities? Explain.
    • What courses are you currently taking? Identify a few major concepts/theories you have learned so far.

    Work Experience

    • Explain your duties while working at _____?
    • Describe your work environment? Did you like it? What would you change if given the opportunity?

    Knowledge of Position and Company/Organization:

    • In what two ways do you feel you can contribute to this company as a co-op?
    • If you could construct your own co-op position, what factors would you include? 
    • What type of work environment do you like?


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dotey/p/10266187.html
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