143. Reorder List
Given a singly linked list L: L0→L1→…→Ln-1→Ln,
reorder it to: L0→Ln→L1→Ln-1→L2→Ln-2→…
You may not modify the values in the list's nodes, only nodes itself may be changed.
Example 1:
Given 1->2->3->4, reorder it to 1->4->2->3.
Example 2:
Given 1->2->3->4->5, reorder it to 1->5->2->4->3.
//将链表分为前后两部分(使用fast和slow两个指针), 然后将后面的链表进行翻转,这样就可以按
//顺序将两个链表合并。(1. 链表翻转 2. 链表合并 3. 拆分两个链表)题目的结合.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct ListNode { int val; ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} }; class Solution { public: void reorderList(ListNode *head) { //将链表分为前后两部分(使用fast和slow两个指针), 然后将后面的链表进行翻转,这样就可以按 //顺序将两个链表合并。(1. 链表翻转 2. 链表合并 3. 拆分两个链表)题目的结合. if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return; } ListNode *slow = NULL, *fast = head->next; while (fast && fast->next) { slow = fast; fast = fast->next; } slow->next = NULL; ListNode *next = head->next; //翻转链表 reorderList(next); //链表合并 head->next = fast; fast->next = next; } //非递归 void reorderList_noRecive(ListNode *head) { if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return; } ListNode *slow = head, *fast = head->next, *second = NULL; while (fast && fast->next) { fast = fast->next->next; slow = slow->next; } second = slow->next; slow->next = NULL; //将后面链表翻转 ListNode *pre = NULL, *next = NULL; while (second != NULL) { next = second->next; //存储第一条链表上下一个节点 //头插法,生成一条新链表 second->next = pre; pre = second; second = next; } //将两个链表合并, 把第二个链表的每个元素插在第一个链表的后面 fast = head; while (pre != NULL) { next = pre; // next保持新链表pre的当前节点 pre = pre->next; next->next = fast->next; fast->next = next; fast = fast->next->next; } } }; void test_data() { ListNode *head = new ListNode(0); ListNode *p ; p = head; Solution s; int n = 0; int T = 5; while (T-- && cin >> n) { ListNode *q; q = new ListNode(n); p->next = q; p = q; } head = head->next; s.reorderList(head); while (head) { cout << head->val << " "; head = head->next; } } void test_data1() { ListNode *head = new ListNode(0); ListNode *p ; p = head; Solution s; int n = 0; int T = 5; while (T-- && cin >> n) { ListNode *q; q = new ListNode(n); p->next = q; p = q; } head = head->next; s.reorderList_noRecive(head); while (head) { cout << head->val << " "; head = head->next; } } int main() { test_data(); test_data1(); return 0; }