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      * @file    apdu.c

      * @author ding

      * @version V1.0.0

      * @date    2016-10-25

      * @brief   This file provides all the decode or encode functions.


      * @attention


      * FIX ME.


      * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2016 THIT</center></h2>



    /** @mainpage

      * <span style="color: red; font-size: 20pt; font-family: 脫脳脭虏">

      *    <CENTER>CRRC Information Technology Co.,Ltd</CENTER>

      * </span>

      * <span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: 驴卢脤氓_GB2312">

      *    <CENTER>Automatic Test Equipment</CENTER>

      *    <br/>

      * </span>


      *<span style="font-size:12pt;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>

      *This documents the automatic test equipment API and sample applications.


      * <br/>

      * <span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 潞脷脤氓">

      *    <CENTER>Advanced Research Institute</CENTER>

      * </span>

      * <br/>

      * <span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 潞脷脤氓">

      *    <CENTER>Advanced Research Institute</CENTER>

      *    <CENTER>Mu HongWei</CENTER>

      *    <CENTER>2016-10-25</CENTER>

      *<CENTER><a href="http://www.thit.com.cn/">Welcome To Visit THIT</a></CENTER>

      * </span>

      * <br/>



    /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    #include "encode.h"

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include "sent_request.h"

    #include "sent_ack.h"

    #include "sent_error.h"

    #include "sent_apdu.h"

    #include "request_handler.h"

    #include "tcp_setup.h"

    #include "decrypt.h"

    #include <sys/stat.h>

    //#include <sys/time.h> /* CLOCK_MONOTONIC */

    #include <time.h> /* clock_gettime() CLOCK_MONOTONIC*/

    #include <termios.h> /* struct termios */

    #include <string.h> /* strcasecmp() */

    #include <unistd.h> /* usleep() */

    #include <arpa/inet.h> /* htons() */

    #include <pthread.h>


    #include <sys/types.h>

    #include <sys/stat.h>

    #include <fcntl.h>

    #include <unistd.h>


    /* This provides a crude manner of testing the performance of a broker in messages/s. */

    #include <stdbool.h>

    #include <stdint.h>

    //#include <stdio.h>

    #include <sys/time.h>

    #include <mosquitto.h>


    #include "msgsps_common.h"


    #include <string.h>

    static unsigned char heart_num;

    static bool run = true;

    static int message_count = 0;

    static struct timeval start, stop;

    //static struct mosquitto *mosq;

    //static char *buf123="0123456789";

    //static unsigned int mqtt_num =0;

    //static unsigned int message_count=0;


    static unsigned int ip_addr;

    static unsigned short int port;




     Name        : mqtest.c

     Author      :

     Version     :

     Copyright   : Your copyright notice

     Description : Hello World in C, Ansi-style



    #include <stdio.h>

    #include <stdlib.h>

    #include <mosquitto.h>

    #include <string.h>
    static int x =1;

    /*static lgt*/ struct mosquitto *mosq = NULL;

    int i_count=0;//lgt

    void my_message_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, const struct mosquitto_message *message)



            printf("%s %s ", message->topic, message->payload);


            printf("%s (null) ", message->topic);




    void my_connect_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int result)


        int i;


            mosquitto_subscribe(mosq, NULL, "mqtt-test-queue", 2);


            /*int payloadlen, const void *payload, int qos, bool retain*/


            fprintf(stderr, "Connect failed ");



    void my_subscribe_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos)


        int i;

        printf("Subscribed (mid: %d): %d", mid, granted_qos[0]);

        for(i=1; i<qos_count; i++){

            printf(", %d", granted_qos[i]);


        printf(" ");


    void my_log_callback(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *userdata, int level, const char *str)


        /* Pring all log messages regardless of level.*/

        printf("%s ", str);


       static void MQTT_topic_data(unsigned char *data,int data_len)


        //puts("!!!Hello World!!!");

     //*    prints !!!Hello World!!!
            printf(" data-----------------------------------------------------MQTT----------------------------------------------------------------- ");


           char dst1[20];

           unsigned int i;

           unsigned char str[1024];

               unsigned char dst[1024];



            str[2*i] = data[i] >>4;

            str[2*i+1] = data[i] & 0xf;





            printf("%c ",dst[i]);




                    sprintf(dst1, "%d", i_count);

                    /**ddd=strcat(dst, dst1);*/


        //if (data_len>0)

        //   {

            mosquitto_publish(mosq, NULL, "topic-from-kenya",2*data_len, dst, 0, true);

         //  }

        //  {

            //mosquitto_publish(mosq, NULL, "mqtt-test-queue",strlen(dst1), dst1, 0, true);
                    // sleep(1);

        //  }




    //static struct circ_buf recv_queue = {PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, 0, 0};

    static packet_info recv_packet[TRAIN_TOTAL];

    static int cmp_addr(struct sockaddr_in dest, struct sockaddr_in src)




       port =src.sin_port;


     char dst[1000];


    //    printf("dest addr: %d--%d--%d ", dest.sin_family, dest.sin_addr.s_addr, dest.sin_port);


    //        printf("src addr: %d--%d--%d ", src.sin_family, src.sin_addr.s_addr, src.sin_port);



            printf("inet_ntop ");

        printf("dst=%s,sizeof(dst)=%d ",dst,sizeof(dst));


        if ((dest.sin_family != src.sin_family) || (dest.sin_addr.s_addr != src.sin_addr.s_addr) || (dest.sin_port != src.sin_port))

            return -1;


            return 0;


    static void int_packet(void)


        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_TOTAL; i++) {

            memset(&(recv_packet[i].dout), '', sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

            recv_packet[i].packet_total = 0;

            recv_packet[i].state = 0;



    static int set_packet_total(struct sockaddr_in addr)


        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_TOTAL; i++) {

            if ((cmp_addr(recv_packet[i].dout, addr) == 0) && (recv_packet[i].state == 1)) {


                printf("find sockaddr_in! ");

                return 1;



        for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_TOTAL; i++) {

            if (recv_packet[i].state == 0) {

                //memcpy(&(recv_packet[i].dout), &addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

                recv_packet[i].dout.sin_family = addr.sin_family;

                recv_packet[i].dout.sin_addr.s_addr = addr.sin_addr.s_addr;

                recv_packet[i].dout.sin_port = addr.sin_port;

                recv_packet[i].packet_total = 1;

                recv_packet[i].state = 1;

            //    printf("dest port: %d, src port: %d ", recv_packet[i].dout.sin_port, addr.sin_port);

                printf("can't find sockaddr_in! ");

                return 2;



        printf("find sockaddr_in fail! ");

        return -1;


    static unsigned int get_packet_total(struct sockaddr_in addr)


        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_TOTAL; i++) {

            if ((cmp_addr(recv_packet[i].dout, addr) == 0) && (recv_packet[i].state == 1)) {

                printf("packet total: %d ", recv_packet[i].packet_total);

                return recv_packet[i].packet_total;



        return -1;


    /** @defgroup APDU

      * @brief decode and encode APDU modules

      * @{


    /** @defgroup APDU_Defines

      * @{


    #if 0

    #define MY_BIG_ENDIAN 1 /* crd8362 test */

    #define COM1 0

    #define COM2 1

    #define COM_BUF_LEN 30


      * @}


    static request_function request_handler[CMD_MAX - 1];

    static ack_function ack_handler[CMD_MAX - 1];

    static error_function error_handler[CMD_MAX - 1];

    /** @defgroup APDU_Pubilc_Functions

      * @{


    /** Set request handler function.



     * @param number [in] .

     * @param pFunction [in] .


    void set_request_handler(CMD number, request_function p_function)


        if ((number > 0) && (number < CMD_MAX))

            request_handler[number - 1] = p_function;


    /** Set ack handler function.



     * @param number [in] .

     * @param pFunction [in] .


    void set_ack_handler(CMD number, request_function p_function)


        if ((number > 0) && (number < CMD_MAX))

            ack_handler[number - 1] = p_function;


    /** Set error handler function.



     * @param number [in] .

     * @param pFunction [in] .


    void set_error_handler(CMD number, request_function p_function)


        if ((number > 0) && (number < CMD_MAX))

            error_handler[number - 1] = p_function;




      * @}


    /** @defgroup APDU_ENCODE

      * @{


    /** Encode short functions.



     * @param value [in] .

     * @param buf [out] .

     * @return the number of buf octets, or 0 on failure.


    #if 0

    static int encode_short_into_buffer(unsigned short value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        buf[0] = (unsigned char)((value & 0xff00) >> 8);

        buf[1] = (unsigned char)(value & 0x00ff);

        return 2;


    static int encode_int_into_buffer(unsigned int value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        buf[0] = (unsigned char) ((value & 0xff000000) >> 24);

        buf[1] = (unsigned char) ((value & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);

        buf[2] = (unsigned char) ((value & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);

        buf[3] = (unsigned char) (value & 0x000000ff);

        return 4;



    #if 0

    static int encode_float_into_buffer(float value, unsigned char *buf)


        union {

            unsigned char byte[4];

            float real_value;

        } my_data;


        if  (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        my_data.real_value = value;


        buf[0] = my_data.byte[0];

        buf[1] = my_data.byte[1];

        buf[2] = my_data.byte[2];

        buf[3] = my_data.byte[3];


        buf[0] = my_data.byte[3];

        buf[1] = my_data.byte[2];

        buf[2] = my_data.byte[1];

        buf[3] = my_data.byte[0];


        return 4;


    static int encode_channel(channel_data_function value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        buf[0] = value.first_channel;

        buf[1] = value.channel_num;

        return 2;


    static int encode_uart(uart_data_function value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        buf[0] = value.uart_index;

        buf[1] = value.board_addr;

        encode_short_into_buffer(value.reg_addr, &buf[2]);

        buf[4] = value.reg_num;

        return 5;


    static int encode_test_com(com_test_data_function value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        buf[0] = value.from_com;

        buf[1] = value.to_com;

        return 2;


    static int encode_multiple_float(unsigned short num, float *value, unsigned char *buf)


        unsigned short i, encode_len = 0;


        if ((value == NULL) || (buf == NULL))

            return 0;

        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {

            encode_len += encode_float_into_buffer(*value, &buf[encode_len]);



        return encode_len;



    static unsigned short update_crc_ccitt(unsigned short crc, char c)


        unsigned short q;

        int j;


        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {

            q = (crc & 0x0001) ^ (c & 0x0001);

            if (q == 0x0001) {

                crc = crc >> 1;

                crc = crc ^ 0x8408;

            } else

                crc = crc >> 1;

            c = c >> 1;


        return crc;


    static unsigned short calc_crc(char *str, int len)


        unsigned short crc_ccitt/*, low_byte, high_byte*/;

        int i;

        crc_ccitt = 0xffff;

        i = 0;

        while (i < len) {

            crc_ccitt = update_crc_ccitt(crc_ccitt, str[i]);



        return crc_ccitt;



      * @}


    /** Decode



    /** @defgroup APDU_DECODE

      * @{



    int decode_short_from_buffer(unsigned short *value, const unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        *value = ((unsigned short)buf[0] << 8) & 0xff00;

        *value |= (unsigned short)buf[1] & 0x00ff;

        return 2;


    #if 0

    static int decode_int_from_buffer(unsigned int *value, unsigned char *buf)


        if (buf == NULL)

            return 0;

        if (value) {

            *value = ((unsigned int) ((((unsigned int) buf [0]) << 24) & 0xff000000));

            *value |= ((unsigned int) ((((unsigned int) buf [1]) << 16) & 0x00ff0000));

            *value |= ((unsigned int) ((((unsigned int) buf [2]) << 8) & 0x0000ff00));

            *value |= ((unsigned int) (((unsigned int) buf [3]) & 0x000000ff));

                return 4;

        } else

            return 0;



    static int decode_float_from_buffer(float *value, const unsigned char *buf)


        union {

            unsigned char byte[4];

            float real_value;

        } my_data;


        if ((buf == NULL) || (value ==NULL))

            return 0;


        my_data.byte[0] = buf[0];

        my_data.byte[1] = buf[1];

        my_data.byte[2] = buf[2];

        my_data.byte[3] = buf[3];


        my_data.byte[0] = buf[3];

        my_data.byte[1] = buf[2];

        my_data.byte[2] = buf[1];

        my_data.byte[3] = buf[0];


        *value = my_data.real_value;

        return 4;


    int decode_multiple_float(unsigned short num, float *value, const unsigned char *buf)


        unsigned short i, encode_len = 0;


        if ((value == NULL) || (buf == NULL))

            return 0;

        for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {

            encode_len += decode_float_from_buffer(value, &buf[encode_len]);



        return encode_len;


    static int decode_head(head_s *recv_head, const unsigned char *buf, int len)


        int value = -1;


        if (len < HEAD_LEN)

            return value;


            return value;

        else {

            recv_head->type = buf[HEAD_TPYE_INDEX];

            value = (int)buf[HEAD_TPYE_INDEX];


        recv_head->device = (unsigned int)buf[HEAD_DEVICE_INDEX];

        recv_head->device = (recv_head->device << 8) | (unsigned int)buf[HEAD_DEVICE_INDEX + 1];

        recv_head->device = (recv_head->device << 8) | (unsigned int)buf[HEAD_DEVICE_INDEX + 2];

        if (buf[HEAD_NUM_INDEX] != 0x01) {

            value = -2;

            return value;

        } else

            recv_head->index = buf[HEAD_NUM_INDEX];

        recv_head->message = buf[HEAD_MESSAGE_INDEX];

        recv_head->host = buf[HEAD_HOST_ID_INDEX];

        decode_short_from_buffer(&recv_head->port, &buf[HEAD_PORT_INDEX]);

        if (buf[HEAD_NETGATE_INDEX] != 0x00) {

            value = -3;

            return value;

        } else

            recv_head->netgate = buf[HEAD_NETGATE_INDEX];

        return value;


    static int decode_train_num(unsigned char *train_num, unsigned char *buf, int len)


        int i, value = -1;

        if (len < TRAIN_NUM_LEN)

            return value;

        //memcpy(train_num, buf, TRAIN_NUM_LEN);

        printf("train num:");

        for(i = 0; i < TRAIN_NUM_LEN; i++) {

            train_num[i] = buf[i];

            printf("%02x ", buf[i]);


        printf(" ");

        value = TRAIN_NUM_LEN;


        return value;


    static int decode_message_id(unsigned short *message_id, unsigned char *buf, int len)


        int value = -1;

        if (len < MESSAGE_ID_LEN)

            return value;

        decode_short_from_buffer(message_id, buf);

        value = 2;

        printf("message id: %02x ", *message_id);

        return value;


    static int check_message_id(unsigned short message_id)


        int value = -1;


        switch (message_id) {

            case CMD_RECV_WORK_MESSAGE:



            case CMD_RECV_CONFIG_MESSAGE:

            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_FAULT:

            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_TOTAL:

            case CMD_RECV_ID_VERIFICATION:

            case CMD_RECV_HEARTBEAT:

                value = 1;





        return value;


    static int check_crc(const unsigned char *head, const unsigned char *buf, int len)


        int value = -1;

        unsigned short packet_len, temp_crc, recv_crc;


        if ((len < PACKET_LENGTH_LEN) || (head == NULL) || (buf == NULL)) {

            printf("len is %d ", len);

            return value;



        decode_short_from_buffer(&packet_len, buf);

        if (packet_len > len) {

            printf("packet_len is %d ", packet_len);

            return value;



        //temp_crc = calc_crc(buf, len - TAIL_LEN);


            temp_crc = calc_crc(head, packet_len + HEAD_LEN + TRAIN_NUM_LEN);


            temp_crc = calc_crc(head, packet_len + HEAD_LEN+ 6 + TRAIN_NUM_LEN);


        decode_short_from_buffer(&recv_crc, &buf[packet_len - TAIL_LEN]);

        printf("crc buf: %02x %02x ", buf[packet_len - TAIL_LEN], buf[packet_len - TAIL_LEN + 1]);

        printf("packet_len: %d recv crc: %04x calc crc: %04x ", packet_len, recv_crc, temp_crc);

        if (temp_crc == recv_crc)

            value = 1;


        return value;

    //    return 1;


    static int sent_heartbeat(unsigned int device, unsigned char num, int socket_fd, struct sockaddr_in dout)


        unsigned char temp[17];

        unsigned short crc;

        temp[0] = 0x30;

        temp[1] = (unsigned char)(device >> 16 & 0x000000ff);

        temp[2] = (unsigned char)(device >> 8 & 0x000000ff);

        temp[3] = (unsigned char)(device & 0x000000ff);

        temp[4] = 0x01;

        temp[5] = 0x00;

        temp[6] = 0x6A;

        temp[7] = 0x1A;

        temp[8] = 0x85;

        temp[9] = 0x00;

        temp[10] = 0x10;

        temp[11] = 0x00;

        temp[12] = 0x00;

        temp[13] = 0x05;

        temp[14] = num;

        crc = calc_crc(temp, 15);

        temp[15] = (unsigned char)(crc >> 8);

        temp[16] = (unsigned char)(crc & 0x00ff);

        return tcp_sent(socket_fd, temp, 17, dout);


    static void recv_handler(head_s head, unsigned short message_id, const unsigned char *data, int data_len, int socket_fd, struct sockaddr_in dout)


        switch (message_id) {

            case CMD_RECV_WORK_MESSAGE:






            case CMD_RECV_CONFIG_MESSAGE:


            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_FAULT:


            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_TOTAL:


            case CMD_RECV_ID_VERIFICATION:


            case CMD_RECV_HEARTBEAT:

                sent_heartbeat(head.device, data[21], socket_fd, dout);






    static char* get_data_time(void)


        static char now_time[20];

        time_t raw_time;

        struct tm* l_time;



        l_time = localtime(&raw_time);

        strftime(now_time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l_time);

        return now_time;


    static char *dir = "./log";

    static char *file_name = "/message.log";

    static char* create_train_dir(char *p)


        static char train_dir[50];

        char temp[30];

        int i;

        if (p == NULL)

            return NULL;

        memset(train_dir, '', sizeof(train_dir));

        memset(temp, '', sizeof(temp));

        //if (NULL == opendir(dir)) {

        if (access(dir, F_OK) != 0) {

            if (mkdir(dir, 0755) == -1) {

                perror("mkdir error");

                return NULL;



        for (i = 0; i < TRAIN_NUM_LEN; i++) {

            if (p[i] == '')

                temp[i] = '_';


                temp[i] = p[i];


        strcpy(train_dir, dir);

        strcat(train_dir, "/");

        strcat(train_dir, temp);

        if(access(train_dir, F_OK) != 0) {

            if(mkdir(train_dir, 0755) == -1) {

                perror("mkdir error");

                return NULL;



        printf("%s ", temp);

        printf("%s ", train_dir);

        return train_dir;


    static int write_head(FILE *p, head_s h_data)


        if (p == NULL)

            return -1;

        fprintf(p, "head: type=0x%02x device=%d index=%d message=%d host=%d port=%d netgate=%d ", h_data.type, h_data.device, h_data.index, h_data.message, h_data.host, h_data.port, h_data.netgate);

        return 1;


    static int write_message_id(FILE *p, unsigned short message_id)


        if (p == NULL)

            return -1;

        fprintf(p, "message id: 0x%04x ", message_id);

        return 1;


    #if 0

    static void disp_temperature(FILE *p, unsigned char data)


        char temp;

        temp = data;

        if (data == 0x81)

            fprintf(p, "error ");

        else if (data == 0x82)

            fprintf(p, "none ");


            fprintf(p, "%d ", (int)temp);



    static int write_work_body(FILE *p, unsigned char *data, int len)


        int i;

        char t_num[T_NUM_LEN + 1];

        char temp;

        //bearing_s bearing_data[7];

        //alarm_data_s alarm_data;

        //status_s status_data;

        gps_s gps_data;

        char now_time[20];

        //char train_info[TRAIN_INFO_LIN + 1];

        time_t raw_time;

        unsigned int recv_time;

        struct tm* l_time;

        int c_len;

        if ((p == NULL) || (data == NULL))

            return -1;

        if (len < WORK_LEN) {

            fprintf(p, "data error, len is: %d less than %d ", len, WORK_LEN);

            return -2;


        memset(t_num, '', sizeof(t_num));

        memcpy(t_num, &data[2], T_NUM_LEN);

        fprintf(p, "train num:%s ", t_num);

        temp = data[2 + T_NUM_LEN + RESERVE_LEN];

        fprintf(p, "temperature_env1=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = data[2 + T_NUM_LEN + RESERVE_LEN + 1];

        fprintf(p, "temperature_env2=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = data[2 + T_NUM_LEN + RESERVE_LEN + 2];

        fprintf(p, "temperature_main_generator=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = data[2 + T_NUM_LEN + RESERVE_LEN + 3];

        fprintf(p, "temperature_fan1=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = data[2 + T_NUM_LEN + RESERVE_LEN + 4];

        fprintf(p, "temperature_fan2=%d ", (int)temp);


        for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

            fprintf(p, "bearing %d data: ", i + 1);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 0];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_1=%d ", (int)temp);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 1];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_2=%d ", (int)temp);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 2];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_3=%d ", (int)temp);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 3];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_4=%d ", (int)temp);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 4];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_5=%d ", (int)temp);

            temp = data[c_len + i * 6 + 5];

            fprintf(p, "temperature_6=%d ", (int)temp);



        temp = data[c_len];

        fprintf(p, "alarm data: ");

        fprintf(p, "temperature_max=%d ", (int)temp);

        fprintf(p, "max_num=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 1]);

        fprintf(p, "alarm_identifier=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 2]);

        fprintf(p, "current_alarm_num=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 3]);

        recv_time = (unsigned int)data[c_len + 4];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[c_len + 5];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[c_len + 6];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[c_len + 7];

        raw_time = (time_t)recv_time;

        l_time = localtime(&raw_time);

        strftime(now_time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l_time);

        fprintf(p, "alarm_time=%s ", now_time);

        fprintf(p, "alarm_code=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 8]);

        temp = data[c_len + 9];

        fprintf(p, "alarm_test_temperature=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = data[c_len + 10];

        fprintf(p, "alarm_temperature_ref=%d ", (int)temp);


        fprintf(p, "gps_data: ");

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.east, &data[c_len]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east=%f ", gps_data.east);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 4]);

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.north, &data[c_len + 5]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north=%f ", gps_data.north);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 9]);

        gps_data.speed = data[c_len + 10];

        fprintf(p, "gps_speed=%d ", (int)gps_data.speed);

        fprintf(p, " ");

        return 1;


    static int write_reconnect_message(FILE *p, unsigned char *data, int len)


        int i;

        unsigned short temp;

        short temp_t;

        unsigned int recv_time;

        char now_time[20];

        time_t raw_time;

        struct tm* l_time;

        gps_s gps_data;

        int c_len;


        if ((p == NULL) || (data == NULL))

            return -1;

        if (len < RECONNECT_MESSAGE_MAX) {

            fprintf(p, "data error, len is: %d less than %d ", len, RECONNECT_MESSAGE_MAX);

            return -2;


        fprintf(p, "reconnect message data: ");

        for (i = 0; i < RECONNECT_MESSAGE; i = i + 2) {

            if (i < 82) {

                temp = (unsigned short)data[2 + i];

                temp = (temp << 8) | (unsigned short)data[2 + i + 1];

                fprintf(p, "(%d~%d)=%d ", i+1, i+2, (int)temp);

             } else if (i < 96) {

                 if (i == 82)

                    fprintf(p, " ");

                temp = (unsigned short)data[2 + i];

                temp = (temp << 8) | (unsigned short)data[2 + i + 1];

                temp_t = temp;

                fprintf(p, "(%d~%d)=%d ", i+1, i+2, (int)temp_t);

             } else if (i < 98){

                fprintf(p, " ");

                fprintf(p, "(%d)=0x%02x ", i+1, data[2 + i]);

                fprintf(p, "(%d)=0x%02x ", i+2, data[2 + i + 1]);

             } else if (i < 104) {

                 temp = (unsigned short)data[2 + i];

                temp = (temp << 8) | (unsigned short)data[2 + i + 1];

                fprintf(p, "(%d~%d)=%d ", i+1, i+2, (int)temp);

             } else if (i == 104) {

                 fprintf(p, " ");

                 recv_time = (unsigned int)data[2 + i];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 1];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 2];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 3];

                raw_time = (time_t)recv_time;

                l_time = localtime(&raw_time);

                strftime(now_time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l_time);

                fprintf(p, "time=%s ", now_time);




        c_len = 2 + RECONNECT_MESSAGE;

        fprintf(p, "gps_data: ");

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.east, &data[c_len]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east=%f ", gps_data.east);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 4]);

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.north, &data[c_len + 5]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north=%f ", gps_data.north);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 9]);

        gps_data.speed = data[c_len + 10];

        fprintf(p, "gps_speed=%d ", (int)gps_data.speed);

        fprintf(p, " ");

        return 1;


    static int write_reconnect_fault(FILE *p, unsigned char *data, int len)


        int i;

        //unsigned short train_num, ticket_num;

        unsigned int recv_time;

        char now_time[20];

        time_t raw_time;

        struct tm* l_time;

        int c_len;

        gps_s gps_data;


        if ((p == NULL) || (data == NULL))

            return -1;

        if (len < RECONNECT_FAULT_MAX) {

            fprintf(p, "data error, len is: %d less than %d ", len, RECONNECT_FAULT_MAX);

            return -2;


        fprintf(p, "reconnect fault data: ");

        //train_num = (unsigned short)data[2];

        //train_num = (train_num << 8) | (unsigned short)data[3];

        //fprintf(p, "train_num=%d ", (int)train_num);

        //ticket_num = (unsigned short)data[4];

        //ticket_num = (ticket_num << 8) | (unsigned short)data[5];

        //fprintf(p, "ticket_num=%d ", (int)ticket_num);

        for (i = 0; i < RECONNECT_FAULT; i++) {

            if (i < 45) {

                if (data[2 + i] == 0xff)

                    fprintf(p, "(%d)=fault ", i+1);

                else if (data[2 + i] == 0)

                    fprintf(p, "(%d)=normal ", i+1);


                    fprintf(p, "(%d)=error ", i+1);

            } else if (i == 45) {

                fprintf(p, " ");

                recv_time = (unsigned int)data[2 + i];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 1];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 2];

                recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + i + 3];

                raw_time = (time_t)recv_time;

                l_time = localtime(&raw_time);

                strftime(now_time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l_time);

                fprintf(p, "time=%s ", now_time);




        c_len = 2 + RECONNECT_FAULT;

        fprintf(p, "gps_data: ");

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.east, &data[c_len]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east=%f ", gps_data.east);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 4]);

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.north, &data[c_len + 5]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north=%f ", gps_data.north);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 9]);

        gps_data.speed = data[c_len + 10];

        fprintf(p, "gps_speed=%d ", (int)gps_data.speed);

        fprintf(p, " ");

        return 1;


    static int write_reconnect_total(FILE *p, unsigned char *data, int len)


        int i;

        unsigned short temp;

        unsigned int recv_time, temp_32;

        char now_time[20];

        time_t raw_time;

        struct tm* l_time;

        int c_len;

        gps_s gps_data;


        if ((p == NULL) || (data == NULL))

            return -1;

        if (len < RECONNECT_TOTAL_MAX) {

            fprintf(p, "data error, len is: %d less than %d ", len, RECONNECT_TOTAL_MAX);

            return -2;


        fprintf(p, "reconnect total data: ");

        fprintf(p, "protocol version=%.2f ", (float)data[2] / 10.0);

        fprintf(p, "software slave=%d ", (int)data[2 + 1]);

        fprintf(p, "software master=%d ", (int)data[2 + 2]);

        temp = (unsigned short)data[2 + 3];

        temp = (temp << 8) | (unsigned short)data[2 + 4];

        fprintf(p, "train_num=%d ", (int)temp);

        temp = (unsigned short)data[2 + 5];

        temp = (temp << 8) | (unsigned short)data[2 + 6];

        fprintf(p, "train_type=0x%02x ", (int)temp);

        if (data[2 + 7] == 0x01)

            fprintf(p, "A or B=A ");

        else if (data[2 + 7] == 0x02)

            fprintf(p, "A or B=B ");

        else if (data[2 + 7] == 0xff)

            fprintf(p, "A or B=none ");


            fprintf(p, "A or B=error ");

        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {

            temp_32 = (unsigned int)data[2 + 8 + i * 4];

            temp_32 = (temp_32 << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 9 + i * 4];

            temp_32 = (temp_32 << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 10 + i * 4];

            temp_32 = (temp_32 << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 11 + i * 4];

            fprintf(p, "(%d~%d)=%d ", 9 + i * 4, 12 + i * 4, temp_32);


        fprintf(p, " ");

        recv_time = (unsigned int)data[2 + 45];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 46];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 47];

        recv_time = (recv_time << 8) | (unsigned int)data[2 + 48];

        raw_time = (time_t)recv_time;

        l_time = localtime(&raw_time);

        strftime(now_time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", l_time);

        fprintf(p, "time=%s ", now_time);

        c_len = 2 + RECONNECT_TOTAL;

        fprintf(p, "gps_data: ");

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.east, &data[c_len]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east=%f ", gps_data.east);

        fprintf(p, "gps_east_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 4]);

        decode_float_from_buffer(&gps_data.north, &data[c_len + 5]);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north=%f ", gps_data.north);

        fprintf(p, "gps_north_minute=%d ", (int)data[c_len + 9]);

        gps_data.speed = data[c_len + 10];

        fprintf(p, "gps_speed=%d ", (int)gps_data.speed);

        fprintf(p, " ");

        return 1;


    #define NUM_PER_LINE 20

    static int write_body(FILE *p, unsigned char *data, int len, unsigned short message_id)


        int i, j, line;

    // data++;

      // data++;

          unsigned char * data1;



        if ((p == NULL) || (data == NULL))

            return -1;

        switch (message_id) {

            case CMD_RECV_WORK_MESSAGE:

                return write_work_body(p, data, len);



                return write_reconnect_message(p, data, len);




            case CMD_RECV_CONFIG_MESSAGE:


            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_FAULT:

                return write_reconnect_fault(p, data, len);


            case CMD_RECV_RECONNECT_TOTAL:

                return write_reconnect_total(p, data, len);


            case CMD_RECV_ID_VERIFICATION:


            case CMD_RECV_HEARTBEAT:



                printf("error!! unrecognized message id! ");

                return -2;



    #if 1

    //    if (len <= 0) {

    //        return 2;

    //    }

        fprintf(p, "data1:");


        line = len / NUM_PER_LINE;

        if ((len % NUM_PER_LINE) != 0)

            line += 1;


        for (j = 0; j < line - 1; j++) {

            for (i = 0; i < NUM_PER_LINE; i++)

                fprintf(p, " 0x%02x", data[i]);

            fprintf(p, " ");


        for (j = j * NUM_PER_LINE; j < len; j++)

            fprintf(p, " 0x%02x", data[j]);

        fprintf(p, " ");

        return 1;



    static int write_message_to_file(char *train_dir, char *file_name, head_s h_data, unsigned short message_id, unsigned char *data, int len, unsigned int  total)


        char file_path[100];

        FILE *file_p;

        static unsigned int packet_num;

          static unsigned int current_packet_num;

          static unsigned int pre_packet_num;

        current_packet_num = total;

           if (pre_packet_num<=current_packet_num)







            pre_packet_num =current_packet_num;


        if (train_dir == NULL || file_name == NULL || data == NULL)

            return -1;

        memset(file_path, '', sizeof(file_path));

        strcpy(file_path, train_dir);

        strcat(file_path, file_name);

        /*if (packet_num == 1) {

            if((file_p = fopen(file_path, "w+")) == NULL) {

                perror("fopen file error");

                return -1;


        } else */


            if((file_p = fopen(file_path, "a+")) == NULL) {

                perror("fopen file error");

                return -1;


    //    }

              packet_num= current_packet_num;


        fprintf(file_p, "------------------ pakcet %d ------------------- ", packet_num);

        fprintf(file_p, "%s ", get_data_time());

        if (write_head(file_p, h_data) < 0) {


            return -2;


        if (write_message_id(file_p, message_id) < 0) {


            return -3;


        if (write_body(file_p, data, len, message_id) < 0) {


            return -4;


        fprintf(file_p, " ");



        return 1;



      * @}


    void decode_apdu_handler(int socket_fd, unsigned char *apdu, int apdu_len, struct sockaddr_in dout)


        unsigned char type;

        head_s recv_head;

        unsigned char train_num[TRAIN_NUM_LEN];

        unsigned short message_id;

        unsigned char data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];

           unsigned char data1[PACKET_MAX_LEN];


        unsigned char encrypted_data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];

        unsigned char decrypted_data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];


        unsigned char handle_data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];

        int decode_len, temp, data_len,decode_len1;

        int recv_crc = 0;

        char *p;

        int i= 0;


         unsigned char str[1024];

         unsigned char dst[1024];

            int data_fd;

            int data_fd1;

            int data_fd2;

        int res;

        int bytes_write=0;

        int bytes_read = 0;  



          static unsigned char trans_mode;



        if (apdu && (socket_fd != -1) && apdu_len >= PACKET_MIN_LEN) {

            type = (unsigned char)decode_head(&recv_head, apdu, apdu_len);


            decode_len= HEAD_LEN;

    //    else

    //        decode_len= HEAD_LEN+ID_CARD;


     memcpy(data1, apdu, apdu_len);

     data_fd1 = open("apdu_data.txt",O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,0644);




                    str[2*i] = data1[i] >>4;

                    str[2*i+1] = data1[i] & 0xf;





                    printf("%c ",dst[i]);




               res = write(data_fd1, dst, 600);  

               bytes_write += res;  


             printf("Process %d finished, %d bytes read ", getpid(), bytes_write);    


            switch (type)   


                case APDU_TYPE_REQUEST:

                    temp = decode_train_num(train_num, &apdu[decode_len], apdu_len - decode_len);

                    if (temp > 0)


                        decode_len+= temp;


                    //printf("temp:%s ",temp);

                    else {

                        printf("decode train num error! ");




                        decode_len= HEAD_LEN+13;

                    //decode_len= HEAD_LEN;


                    temp = decode_message_id(&message_id, &apdu[decode_len], apdu_len - decode_len);

                    if (temp > 0)

                        decode_len += temp;


                    else {

                        printf("decode message id error! ");





                    if (check_message_id(message_id) < 0) {

                        printf("decode message id out of range! ");



                    if (check_crc(apdu, &apdu[decode_len], apdu_len - decode_len) < 0) {

                        printf("crc error! ");



                    recv_crc = (apdu[apdu_len-2] <<8 ) | apdu[apdu_len-1];

                    if(calc_crc(apdu,apdu_len-2)  != recv_crc)


                        printf("crc error!%d ");





                printf("start ");


                        printf("%02x ",apdu[i]);

                    printf(" end ");







                        memcpy(data, apdu, apdu_len);





                                            memcpy(data1, apdu, apdu_len);


                        printf(" heart is : ");


                            printf("%02x ",apdu[i]);

                        printf(" ");




                                          //trans_mode =0x10;















                                       //  mqtt_num++;

                                       // memcpy(&data1[0],&mqtt_num,4);

                                       // memcpy(&data1[4],&message_count,4);






                data_fd2 = open("encrypted_data.txt",O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,0644);




                    str[2*i] = encrypted_data[i] >>4;

                    str[2*i+1] = encrypted_data[i] & 0xf;





                    printf("%c ",dst[i]);




                res = write(data_fd2, dst,600);  

                bytes_write += res;  


                printf("Process %d finished, %d bytes read ", getpid(), bytes_write);            



                printf(" 脢媒鸥脻鲁鈧�睹埪B�%d ",apdu_len-23);

                if(server_decrypt(encrypted_data,decrypted_data,apdu_len-23) == 0)



                printf("%02x ",decrypted_data[i]);







                printf("data------------------------------------------------------------- ");



                printf(" end ");


                        MQTT_topic_data(data,apdu_len - 25);


        data_fd = open("DataFormFIFO.log",O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,0644);



                    str[2*i] = data[i] >>4;

                    str[2*i+1] = data[i] & 0xf;





                    printf("%c ",dst[i]);



                            res = write(data_fd, dst,600);  

                            bytes_write += res;  




                        printf("Process %d finished, %d bytes read ", getpid(), bytes_write);




                        printf("kaishi: ");


                            printf("%02x ",data[i]);

                        printf(" ");  


                    //memcpy(data, &apdu[decode_len1], apdu_len - decode_len1);

                    data_len = apdu_len - decode_len;


                    recv_handler(recv_head, message_id, data, data_len,socket_fd, dout);



                    if ((p = create_train_dir(train_num)) == NULL)

                        printf("create dir error! ");

                    if (write_message_to_file(p, file_name, recv_head, message_id, data, data_len, get_packet_total(dout)) < 0)

                        printf("write file error! ");



                case APDU_TYPE_ACK:

                    printf("recv ack data!!!!!! ");



                    printf("decode type-(%d)  error! ", type);




        } else

            printf("decode apdu error! ");


    void udp_thread(void)


        unsigned char data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];

        int data_len = 0;

        int socket_fd = -1;

        //char test_flag = 0;

        struct sockaddr_in dout;

        unsigned short i = 0;
           bool quiet = false;

    //    unsigned char sent_data[PACKET_MAX_LEN];

        //int j;

    #if 0

        unsigned short xxx;

        unsigned char zzz[74] = {

            0x30, 0x6b, 0x00, 0xa8, 0x01, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x23, 0x31, 0x00, 0x30,

            0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x2c, 0x10, 0x00,

            0x00, 0x05, 0x80, 0xd9, 0x00};

        xxx = calc_crc(zzz, 22);

        printf("crc %04x ", xxx);


        /* Initialize sent_apdu_function pointer */



        /* TCP socket server setup */


        printf("set udp port is 6789! ");


        if (tcp_init())

            printf("udp server socket opened! ");



                int k=0;
                    char *username="thit";
                     char *password="qwe!@#";

            char *host = "";

            int port = 1883;

            int keepalive = 60;

            bool clean_session = true;


            mosq = mosquitto_new("track01", clean_session, NULL);


            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Out of memory. ");

                /*return 0;*/


            mosquitto_log_callback_set(mosq, my_log_callback);

               //*mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, my_connect_callback);

            mosquitto_message_callback_set(mosq, my_message_callback);

            mosquitto_subscribe_callback_set(mosq, my_subscribe_callback);
                //----return :------------------
                   // x= mosquitto_username_pw_set(mosq, username, password);
                     //printf("----------------------------------------------data= %d ",x);
                         //printf("username= %s ",username);
                     if(username && mosquitto_username_pw_set(mosq, username, password)){
             printf("---------------------------------UUUUUUU-------------------------------------------------------------username= %s ",(*mosq).username);
                       {        //设置用户名,密码  
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error: Problem setting username and password. ");  
                          // return 1;  


                         if(mosquitto_connect(mosq,host, port, keepalive))


                     fprintf(", %d", k);

                       /*    return 1;*/



        while (1) {


                 if (heart_num <255)

                 {    heart_num++;







            /* Initialize test board */


            /* TCP process */

            socket_fd = tcp_get_socket();

    #if 0

            decode_apdu_handler(socket_fd, zzz, 74, dout);



    #if 0

            data_len = 32;

            printf("------------------start--------------------- ");

            if (decrypt(data, handle_data, data_len) == 0) {

                printf("decrypt len = %d ", data_len);

                printf("unsigned char decrypt_data = { ");

                for (j = 0; j < data_len; j++) {

                    if (j != data_len - 1)

                        printf("0x%02x, ", handle_data[j]);


                        printf("0x%02x}; ", handle_data[j]);


            } else

                printf("decrypt error!!! ");

            for (j = 0; j < 13; j++) {

                sent_data[j] = j;


            apdu_sent(socket_fd, sent_data, 13, dout);

            printf("-------------------------------------------- ");



              // printf ("s2 ");

            data_len = tcp_receive(socket_fd, data, PACKET_MAX_LEN, 10, &dout);


            if (data_len > 0) {

                printf("RX: ");

                for (i = 0; i < data_len; i++) //test

                    printf("%02x ", data[i]);

                printf(" ");

                decode_apdu_handler(socket_fd, data, data_len, dout);

                //apdu_sent(socket_fd, handle_data, data_len, dout);

                data_len = 0;



            mosquitto_loop_forever(mosq, -1, 1);






    void java_udp_init(void)


        pthread_t thread_id;

        pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, (void *)udp_thread, NULL);




      * @}


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