Count the number of prime numbers less than a non-negative number, n
int countPrimes(int n) { if(n <= 2) return 0; bool * mark = new bool[n]; fill_n(mark, n, true); int primesNum = 1; int curpos = 2; while(curpos < n) { //把当前质数的倍数标记为不是质数 for(int i = 2 * curpos; i < n; i += curpos) { mark[i] = false; } //找下一个质数 int i; for(i = curpos + 1; i < n && !mark[i]; ++i); if(i == n) { delete [] mark; return primesNum; //没有多余的质数 返回答案 } else { curpos = i; primesNum++; } } }
int countPrimes(int n) { bool *pb = calloc(n-1,sizeof(bool)); int ret_c=0; // idx 0 represent 2 int idx=0; int pend=n-2; while(idx<pend){ if(0==pb[idx]){ ++ret_c; int op=idx; while(op<pend){ pb[op]=1; op+=(idx+2); } } ++idx; } free(pb); return ret_c; }