1、start.bat : 调用cleanall.bat脚本 ,从svn服务器中检出代码,并采用7-Zip工具进行压缩并调用teasefile.bat脚本和output_linux.bat脚本;
1.1、cleanall.bat: 清除环境 并利用secureCRT执行vbs脚本> aloneclean.vbs
1.2、teasefile.bat: 将压缩包利用secureCRT工具中的sfxcl命令发送到linux编译服务器中 并利用CRT执行解压> gunzupScript.vbs
1.3、output_linux.bat: 编译项目 >antcompilerScript.vbs,这里我也是采用的是ant进行编译java,c使用gcc编译,利用smb实现linux文件共享,将安装程序复制到svn服务器中,最后打开程序所在的位置即可;
rem clean D:ybworkspace* rem Create by dq rem Create date 2017/5/10 @echo off set _work=D:yb6.0workspace set _log=D: oolscompilerprojectalonecleanlog.txt set _console=%_work%console set _ldapserver=%_work%ldapserver set _package=%_work%package set _package(windxldap)=%_work%package(winxldap) set _trunk_win=%_work% runk_win.rar cd /d %_work% del /s /q %_trunk_win% rd /s /q %_work%.svn rd /s /q %_console% rd /s /q %_ldapserver% rd /s /q %_package% rd /s /q %_package(windxldap)%
rem clean source code and installation package rem Create by dq rem Create date 2017/4/30 set _work=D:ybQHLDAP6.0src set _setup=D:目录服务管理系统V6.0QH-LDAP_6.01.001安装包Linux rem clean* D:ybLog rd /q /s %_work%Linux rem clean installation package rd /q /s %_setup%* rem clean* cd /d D:ybSecureCRT SecureCRT.exe /LOG D:ybclean.txt /SCRIPT Scripts/aloneclean.vbs -2 root@ /password qihang
#$language = "VBScript" #$interface = "1.0" crt.Screen.Synchronous = True ' This automatically generated script may need to be ' edited in order to work correctly. Sub Main crt.Screen.Send "cd /" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /y" & chr(9) & "w" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm -rf s" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm 0" & chr(8) & "=-" & chr(8) & chr(8) & "=" & chr(8) & "-rf o" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm -rf o" & chr(8) & "p" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm -rf c" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Session.Disconnect crt.Quit End Sub
rem send source code rem Create by dq rem Create date 2017/5/10 rem send to Linux cd /d D:ybSecureCRT sfxcl "D:ybQHLDAP6.0src runk_lin.gzip" sftp://root:qihang@ rem run 'gunzipScript' script SecureCRT.exe /SCRIPT Scripts/gunzipScript.vbs -2 root@ /password qihang
#$language = "VBScript" #$interface = "1.0" crt.Screen.Synchronous = True ' This automatically generated script may need to be ' edited in order to work correctly. Sub Main crt.Screen.Send "cd /" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /yb/w" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "tar xvf t" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "ls" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString chr(27) & "[m[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm -rf t" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost work]# " crt.Screen.Send "ls" & chr(13) crt.Session.Disconnect crt.Quit End Sub
rem stop mstsc.exe; open release folder rem Create by dq rem Create date 2017/5/2 rem run 'compilerScript' scirpt cd /d D:ybSecureCRT SecureCRT.exe /SCRIPT Scripts/antcompilerScript.vbs -2 root@ /password qihang rem long-distance copy installation project net use * /del /y net use \ P@ssw0rd /user:root copy \* D:目录服务管理系统V6.0QH-LDAP_6.01.001安装包Linuxsetup rem open installation project dir D: start D:目录服务管理系统V6.0QH-LDAP_6.01.001安装包Linux @exit
#$language = "VBScript" #$interface = "1.0" crt.Screen.Synchronous = True ' This automatically generated script may need to be ' edited in order to work correctly. Sub Main crt.Screen.Send "cd /" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd" & chr(8) & chr(8) & "chmod -R 777 /y" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /yb" & chr(9) & "comp" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost compilerproject]# " crt.Screen.Send "ant -f init.xml" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost compilerproject]# " crt.Screen.Send "ant -f Ld" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost compilerproject]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "chmod -R 777 /y" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost /]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /yb/work/package-x/QHLdap-Web/WEB/web/webapp/LDAPProject/WEB-INF/classes" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost classes]# " crt.Screen.Send "rm -f *.jar" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost classes]# " crt.Screen.Send "chmod -R 777 /y" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost classes]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /yb" & chr(9) & "w" & chr(9) & "s" & chr(9) & "qh" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost qhldap-1.0]# " crt.Screen.Send "ls" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString chr(27) & "[m[root@localhost qhldap-1.0]# " crt.Screen.Send "./ldap-" & chr(9) & ".sh" & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost qhldap-1.0]# " crt.Screen.Send "cd /y" & chr(9) & "w" & chr(9) & "p" & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost package-x]# " crt.Screen.Send "./package." & chr(9) & chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost package-x]# " crt.Screen.Send chr(13) crt.Screen.WaitForString "[root@localhost package-x]# " crt.Screen.Send chr(13) crt.Session.Disconnect crt.Quit End Sub
1) 检查是否安装 rpm –qa | grep samba
2) 修改/etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = WORKGROUP
hosts allow=
3) 在文件的结尾加上
comment=Public Stuff
path = /yb/wroktest
public = yes
writable =yes
4) 重启服务: service smb restart
5) 创建samba客户:smbpasswd –a root回车后提示输入密码这里的root必须在系统已经存在
6) Windows下链接,启动运行,输入Linux的ip :\ 输入smb账号密码就可以了