之前一直在windows下面写hexo博客,但是每次同步需要运行一大堆指令,于是想到用python 写一个脚本来自动同步,用到了os.chdir,因为直接os.system('cd xxx')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2017/8/10 19:42
import os
os.system('hexo d -g')
os.system(ur'git add .')
os.system("git commit -m 'Updated'")
os.system('git push origin source')
print 'done'
Run the below command in a command prompt to alias ls to run the command dir. The $* on the end are required so that any additional arguments are also passed to the dir command.
1 | doskey ls=dir $* |
The problem with this is that all of your alias commands will be lost when you close the cmd session. To make them persist we need to create a batch file and add the entry to the windows registry.
Create a new folder in the windows directory called bin and create a new batch file inside it.
12 | C:>mkdir c:windowsinC:>notepad.exe c:windowsindoskey.bat |
Add your entries to the batch file in the below format.
12345 | @echo offdoskey ls=dir $doskey mv=move $doskey cp=copy $doskey cat=type $ |
Next, open up regedit.exe and add an entry to the batch file to make the doskey commands permanent for each cmd session.
1 | HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand Processor |
Add a new String Value called AutoRun and set the absolute path in the value of c:windowsindoskey.bat.****
The doskey.bat file will now be executed before opening a new cmd session which will set all of your alias ready for you to use.