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  • ovs vtep 源码


        def add_tunnel(self, tunnel, tunnel_key):
            global tun_id
            vlog.info("adding tunnel %s" % tunnel)
            encap, ip = tunnel.split("/")
            if encap != "vxlan_over_ipv4":
                vlog.warn("unsupported tunnel format %s" % encap)
            tun_id += 1
            tun_name = "vx" + str(tun_id)
            ovs_vsctl("add-port %s %s -- set Interface %s type=vxlan "
                      "options:key=%s options:remote_ip=%s"
                      % (self.short_name, tun_name, tun_name, tunnel_key, ip))
            for i in range(10):
                port_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % tun_name)
                if port_no != "-1":
                elif i == 9:
                    vlog.warn("couldn't create tunnel %s" % tunnel)
                    ovs_vsctl("del-port %s %s" % (self.short_name, tun_name))
                # Give the system a moment to allocate the port number
            self.tunnels[tunnel] = (port_no, tun_name, ip)
            ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s table=0,priority=1000,in_port=%s,"
                      % (self.short_name, port_no))
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# ./ovs-vtep -h
    usage: ovs-vtep [-h] [--root-prefix DIR] [--version] [--log-file [LOG_FILE]]
                    [-v [VERBOSE [VERBOSE ...]]] [--detach] [--no-chdir]
                    [--monitor] [--pidfile [PIDFILE]] [--overwrite-pidfile]
    positional arguments:
      PS-NAME               Name of physical switch.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --root-prefix DIR     Use DIR as alternate root directory (for testing).
      --version             show program's version number and exit
    Logging Options:
      --log-file [LOG_FILE]
                            Enables logging to a file. Default log file is used if
                            LOG_FILE is omitted.
      -v [VERBOSE [VERBOSE ...]], --verbose [VERBOSE [VERBOSE ...]]
                            Sets logging levels, see ovs-vswitchd(8). Defaults to
    Daemon Options:
      --detach              Run in background as a daemon.
      --no-chdir            Do not chdir to '/'.
      --monitor             Monitor ovs-vtep process.
      --pidfile [PIDFILE]   Create pidfile (default /var/run/ovs-vtep.pid).
      --overwrite-pidfile   With --pidfile, start even if already running.
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# 
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]#  vtep-ctl -h
    vtep-ctl: VTEP configuration utility
    usage: vtep-ctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]
    VTEP commands:
      show                        print overview of database contents
    Manager commands:
      get-manager                 print the managers
      del-manager                 delete the managers
      set-manager TARGET...       set the list of managers to TARGET...
    Physical Switch commands:
      add-ps PS                   create a new physical switch named PS
      del-ps PS                   delete PS and all of its ports
      list-ps                     print the names of all the physical switches
      ps-exists PS                exit 2 if PS does not exist
    Port commands:
      list-ports PS               print the names of all the ports on PS
      add-port PS PORT            add network device PORT to PS
      del-port PS PORT            delete PORT from PS
    Logical Switch commands:
      add-ls LS                   create a new logical switch named LS
      del-ls LS                   delete LS and all of its ports
      list-ls                     print the names of all the logical switches
      ls-exists LS                exit 2 if LS does not exist
      bind-ls PS PORT VLAN LS     bind LS to VLAN on PORT
      unbind-ls PS PORT VLAN      unbind logical switch on VLAN from PORT
      list-bindings PS PORT       list bindings for PORT on PS
      set-replication-mode LS MODE  set replication mode on LS
      get-replication-mode LS       get replication mode on LS
    Logical Router commands:
      add-lr LR                   create a new logical router named LR
      del-lr LR                   delete LR
      list-lr                     print the names of all the logical routers
      lr-exists LR                exit 2 if LR does not exist
    MAC binding commands:
      add-ucast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP   add ucast local entry in LS
      del-ucast-local LS MAC              del ucast local entry from LS
      add-mcast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP   add mcast local entry in LS
      del-mcast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP   del mcast local entry from LS
      clear-local-macs LS                 clear local mac entries
      list-local-macs LS                  list local mac entries
      add-ucast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP  add ucast remote entry in LS
      del-ucast-remote LS MAC             del ucast remote entry from LS
      add-mcast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP  add mcast remote entry in LS
      del-mcast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP  del mcast remote entry from LS
      clear-remote-macs LS                clear remote mac entries
      list-remote-macs LS                 list remote mac entries
    Database commands:
      list TBL [REC]              list RECord (or all records) in TBL
      find TBL CONDITION...       list records satisfying CONDITION in TBL
      get TBL REC COL[:KEY]       print values of COLumns in RECord in TBL
      set TBL REC COL[:KEY]=VALUE set COLumn values in RECord in TBL
      add TBL REC COL [KEY=]VALUE add (KEY=)VALUE to COLumn in RECord in TBL
      remove TBL REC COL [KEY=]VALUE  remove (KEY=)VALUE from COLumn
      clear TBL REC COL           clear values from COLumn in RECord in TBL
      create TBL COL[:KEY]=VALUE  create and initialize new record
      destroy TBL REC             delete RECord from TBL
      wait-until TBL REC [COL[:KEY]=VALUE]  wait until condition is true
    Potentially unsafe database commands require --force option.
    Database commands may reference a row in each table in the following ways:
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        as "."
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by "name"
        by UUID
        by "name"
        by UUID
        by "target"
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by "name"
        by UUID
        by "name"
        by UUID
        by UUID
        by UUID
      --db=DATABASE               connect to DATABASE
                                  (default: unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock)
      -t, --timeout=SECS          wait at most SECS seconds
      --dry-run                   do not commit changes to database
      --oneline                   print exactly one line of output per command
    Output formatting options:
      -f, --format=FORMAT         set output formatting to FORMAT
                                  ("table", "html", "csv", or "json")
      -d, --data=FORMAT           set table cell output formatting to
                                  FORMAT ("string", "bare", or "json")
      --no-headings               omit table heading row
      --pretty                    pretty-print JSON in output
      --bare                      equivalent to "--format=list --data=bare --no-headings"
    Logging options:
      -vSPEC, --verbose=SPEC   set logging levels
      -v, --verbose            set maximum verbosity level
      --log-file[=FILE]        enable logging to specified FILE
                               (default: /var/log/openvswitch/vtep-ctl.log)
                               specify how to send messages to syslog daemon
      --syslog-target=HOST:PORT  also send syslog msgs to HOST:PORT via UDP
      --no-syslog                 equivalent to --verbose=vtep_ctl:syslog:warn
    Active database connection methods:
      tcp:HOST:PORT           PORT at remote HOST
      ssl:HOST:PORT           SSL PORT at remote HOST
      unix:FILE               Unix domain socket named FILE
    Passive database connection methods:
      ptcp:PORT[:IP]          listen to TCP PORT on IP
      pssl:PORT[:IP]          listen for SSL on PORT on IP
      punix:FILE              listen on Unix domain socket FILE
    PKI configuration (required to use SSL):
      -p, --private-key=FILE  file with private key
      -c, --certificate=FILE  file with certificate for private key
      -C, --ca-cert=FILE      file with peer CA certificate
    SSL options:
      --ssl-protocols=PROTOS  list of SSL protocols to enable
      --ssl-ciphers=CIPHERS   list of SSL ciphers to enable
    Other options:
      -h, --help                  display this help message
      -V, --version               display version information
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]#
    vtep-ctl add  Logical_Switch ls2 tunnel_key=44
    vs-vsctl add-port vtep_bfd  bfd192.168.16.83 -- set interface bfd192.168.16.83 type=vxlan options:remote_ip=  options:key=44
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "br1"
            Port "br1"
                Interface "br1"
                    type: internal
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls1"
            Port "br0_vtep_ls1"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls1"
                    type: internal
            Port "vx1"
                Interface "vx1"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="33", remote_ip=""}
            Port "0100-tortap2-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-p"}
            Port "0000-tortap1-l"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-p"}
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls2"
            Port "0100-tortap3-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-p"}
            Port "br0_vtep_ls2"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls2"
                    type: internal
        Bridge vtep_bfd
            Port vtep_bfd
                Interface vtep_bfd
                    type: internal
            Port "bfd192.168.16.81"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.81"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
            Port "bfd192.168.16.83"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.83"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="44", remote_ip=""}
        Bridge "br0"
            Port "0100-tortap2-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-l"}
            Port "br0"
                Interface "br0"
                    type: internal
            Port "0100-tortap3-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-l"}
            Port "tortap1"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap1"
            Port "tortap3"
                Interface "tortap3"
            Port "0000-tortap1-p"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-l"}
            Port "tortap2"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap2"
        ovs_version: "2.12.0"
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl list-remote-macs ls0
      unknown-dst -> vxlan_over_ipv4/
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl list-local-macs ls0
      unknown-dst -> vxlan_over_ipv4/
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl add-ucast-remote ls0 d2:40:3e:24:38:f6 ----------------------添加一个单播地址
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "br1"
            Port "br1"
                Interface "br1"
                    type: internal
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls1"
            Port "br0_vtep_ls1"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls1"
                    type: internal
            Port "vx1"
                Interface "vx1"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="33", remote_ip=""}
            Port "0100-tortap2-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-p"}
            Port "vx2"
                Interface "vx2"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="33", remote_ip=""}                    ------------------加进来了 key 不是44
            Port "0000-tortap1-l"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-p"}
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls2"
            Port "0100-tortap3-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-p"}
            Port "br0_vtep_ls2"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls2"
                    type: internal
        Bridge vtep_bfd
            Port vtep_bfd
                Interface vtep_bfd
                    type: internal
            Port "bfd192.168.16.81"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.81"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
            Port "bfd192.168.16.83"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.83"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="44", remote_ip=""}
        Bridge "br0"
            Port "0100-tortap2-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-l"}
            Port "br0"
                Interface "br0"
                    type: internal
            Port "0100-tortap3-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-l"}
            Port "tortap1"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap1"
            Port "tortap3"
                Interface "tortap3"
            Port "0000-tortap1-p"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-l"}
            Port "tortap2"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap2"
        ovs_version: "2.12.0"
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# 
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl del-ucast-remote ls0 d2:40:3e:24:38:f6
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "br1"
            Port "br1"
                Interface "br1"
                    type: internal
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls1"
            Port "br0_vtep_ls1"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls1"
                    type: internal
            Port "vx1"
                Interface "vx1"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="33", remote_ip=""}
            Port "0100-tortap2-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-p"}
            Port "0000-tortap1-l"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-p"}
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls2"
            Port "0100-tortap3-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-p"}
            Port "br0_vtep_ls2"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls2"
                    type: internal
        Bridge vtep_bfd
            Port vtep_bfd
                Interface vtep_bfd
                    type: internal
            Port "bfd192.168.16.81"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.81"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}              // 另外一个192.168.16.83删了
        Bridge "br0"
            Port "0100-tortap2-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-l"}
            Port "br0"
                Interface "br0"
                    type: internal
            Port "0100-tortap3-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-l"}
            Port "tortap1"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap1"
            Port "tortap3"
                Interface "tortap3"
            Port "0000-tortap1-p"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-l"}
            Port "tortap2"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap2"
        ovs_version: "2.12.0"
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# 
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl add-ucast-remote ls2 d2:40:3e:24:38:f6
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "br1"
            Port "br1"
                Interface "br1"
                    type: internal
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls1"
            Port "br0_vtep_ls1"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls1"
                    type: internal
            Port "vx1"
                Interface "vx1"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="33", remote_ip=""}
            Port "0100-tortap2-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-p"}
            Port "0000-tortap1-l"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-p"}
        Bridge "br0_vtep_ls2"
            Port "vx3"
                Interface "vx3"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {key="44", remote_ip=""} ---------------------------vxlan44 
            Port "0100-tortap3-l"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-l"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-p"}
            Port "br0_vtep_ls2"
                Interface "br0_vtep_ls2"
                    type: internal
        Bridge vtep_bfd
            Port vtep_bfd
                Interface vtep_bfd
                    type: internal
            Port "bfd192.168.16.81"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.81"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
            Port "bfd192.168.16.83"
                Interface "bfd192.168.16.83"
                    type: vxlan
                    options: {remote_ip=""}
        Bridge "br0"
            Port "0100-tortap2-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap2-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap2-l"}
            Port "br0"
                Interface "br0"
                    type: internal
            Port "0100-tortap3-p"
                Interface "0100-tortap3-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0100-tortap3-l"}
            Port "tortap1"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap1"
            Port "tortap3"
                Interface "tortap3"
            Port "0000-tortap1-p"
                Interface "0000-tortap1-p"
                    type: patch
                    options: {peer="0000-tortap1-l"}
            Port "tortap2"
                tag: 0
                Interface "tortap2"
        ovs_version: "2.12.0"
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# 
    [root@kunpeng82 scripts]# vtep-ctl show
        Physical_Switch "br0"
            tunnel_ips: [""]            ----还是只有一个
            Physical_Port "tortap1"
            Physical_Port "tortap2"
            Physical_Port "tortap3"
     vtep-ctl set Physical_Switch br0 tunnel_ips=
     vtep-ctl add-ps br0 
      vtep-ctl set Physical_Switch br0 tunnel_ips=,…………
     可以添加多个logic switch
    vtep-ctl add-ls ls0
     vtep-ctl bind-ls br0 p0 100 ls0
     vtep-ctl set Logical_Switch ls0 tunnel_key=33
     vtep-ctl add-ucast-remote ls0 d2:40:3e:24:38:f6 
     添加一个单播地址,每添加一个形成一个Port "vx"
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/13273296.html
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