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  • Openstack L2GW Plugin installation

    Openstack L2GW Plugin installation
    If you've been working with Openstack, you'll know that sometimes it's hard to find documentation specific to your deployment and when you do find it, it doesn't always work as expected. Or you'll encounter a problem and see that other people have encountered the same problem, but there are no solutions. I encountered a lot of this with my L2GW installation, so I will share some of the common problems people have encountered and what I did to resolve them. I'm hoping the sharing of my journey will help someone else expedite their installation. No point in the greater community coming across the same problems without solving them together and sharing the answers.
    First up, install the neutron-l2gateway-agent and python-networking-l2gw packages from the Xenial repositories.
    apt install neutron-l2gateway-agent python-networking-l2gw
     Next up, edit your neutron.conf file to add the service plugin "networking_l2gw.services.l2gateway.plugin.L2GatewayPlugin"
    vi /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 
    service_plugins = router,networking_l2gw.services.l2gateway.plugin.L2GatewayPlugin
     Then you need to edit your l2gateway_agent.ini file to add the ip address of your OVSDB. This is the ip address you assigned to the VXSwitch in the previous section.
    vi /etc/neutron/l2gateway_agent.ini
    ovsdb_hosts = 'ovsdb1:'
    # Example: ovsdb_hosts = 'ovsdb1:,ovsdb2:'
    WARNING! You'll notice the the example provided in the config file, they use port 6632 to connect to the VTEP OVSDB. But if you do a "netstat-a" on the VXSwitch, you'll notice that the switch is listening on port 6640. This tripped me up in the beginning and I wasted a fair amount of time chasing "connection refused messages" all over the Openstack deployment.
     Now we need to stop the Neutron service, update the database with the information in the l2gw_plugin.ini file and then start Neutron again.
    service neutron-server stop
    neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf 
    --config-file /etc/neutron/l2gw_plugin.ini  upgrade head
    service neutron-server start
    The next step in the installation gave me a lot of problems. Most installation instructions say that you need to configure the neutron-server.service file to load the /etc/neutron/l2gw_plugin.ini config file on start. This is supposed to feed Neutron the Service Provider information it needs to load the plugin. However, this doesn't work and you get the following errors in your /etc/var/neutron/neutron-server.log file
    INFO neutron.manager    Loading Plugin: networking_l2gw.services.l2gateway.plugin.L2GatewayPlugin
    ERROR neutron.services.service_base    No providers specified for 'L2GW' service, exiting
    To resolve this you need to explicitly define the service providers in your neutron.conf file.
    Once you've done this, you'll see the following in your neutron-server.log
    INFO neutron.api.extensions Loaded extension: l2-gateway
    INFO neutron.api.extensions Loaded extension: l2-gateway-connection
     Next, you can start restart the Neutron-Server service and start the Neutron-L2gateway-Agent service
    systemctl daemon-reload
    service neutron-server restart
    service neutron-l2gateway-agent start
    At this point, source the saved admin credentials and check to see that the Neutron-L2gateway-Agent is running.
    openstack network agent list -c "Agent Type" -c Host -c Alive -c State
    | Agent Type         | Host       | Alive | State |
    | Metadata agent     | controller | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | compute    | :-)   | UP    |
    | L3 agent           | controller | :-)   | UP    |
    | L2 Gateway agent   | controller | :-)   | UP    |
    | DHCP agent         | controller | :-)   | UP    |
    | Open vSwitch agent | controller | :-)   | UP    |
    Now it's just a case of creating a L2 Gateway device and creating the connection between the Openstack tenant network and the external vlan network.
    To create the L2 Gateway device, enter into the neutron configuration mode and enter the following command:
    l2-gateway-create --device name="vxswitch",interface_names="swp1" CUMULUS-L2GW
    It is important to note what interface on the VXSwitch connects to the host you're trying to connect to. In this instance its switchport "swp1".
     Lastly let's set up the connection between the tenant network and the VLAN network. To do this, you'll need to know the name of the Openstack tenant network that you want to bridge to the outside. In this case we want to bridge the "selfservice3" network.
    openstack network list -c Name -c Subnets
    | Name         | Subnets                              |
    | external-net | 7942d261-c15b-4aa6-b5e7-e9895f15d070 |
    | selfservice3 | a7d5a449-a097-40d5-a85d-011afdb35a83 |
    | selfservice2 | a32c53ae-f219-478f-b3ac-73e174228600 |
    | selfservice1 | 34bdfd01-c9cf-4096-9f78-23bb6b4fb3a6 |
    openstack network show selfservice3
    | Field                     | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up            | UP                                   |
    | availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
    | availability_zones        | nova                                 |
    | created_at                | 2018-01-15T17:00:06Z                 |
    | description               |                                      |
    | dns_domain                | None                                 |
    | id                        | 71b65a58-4635-470c-ba1d-66776e666602 |
    | ipv4_address_scope        | None                                 |
    | ipv6_address_scope        | None                                 |
    | is_default                | None                                 |
    | is_vlan_transparent       | None                                 |
    | mtu                       | 1450                                 |
    | name                      | selfservice3                         |
    | port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
    | project_id                | f2fd567fb52c4da5ac8b806a2fb8b89d     |
    | provider:network_type     | vxlan                                |
    | provider:physical_network | None                                 |
    | provider:segmentation_id  | 74                                   |
    | qos_policy_id             | None                                 |
    | revision_number           | 3                                    |
    | router:external           | Internal                             |
    | segments                  | None                                 |
    | shared                    | False                                |
    | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
    | subnets                   | a7d5a449-a097-40d5-a85d-011afdb35a83 |
    | tags                      |                                      |
    | updated_at                | 2018-01-15T17:00:07Z                 |
    We also need to know what the Vlan number is on the data centre network that the host is connected to. In this case we're using Vlan 114.
    l2-gateway-connection-create --default-segmentation-id 114 CUMULUS-L2GW selfservice3
    Created a new l2_gateway_connection:
    | Field           | Value                                |
    | id              | 2268f9d9-8617-4a02-9eea-47fa5aa7c482 |
    | l2_gateway_id   | 1adf7124-da1b-4265-96bb-1fbfe371e322 |
    | network_id      | 71b65a58-4635-470c-ba1d-66776e666602 |
    | segmentation_id | 114                                  |
    | tenant_id       | 5326fb7f7a844bff931ae9205b20f799     |
    If you go back to your VXswitch you will see that a new virtual port has been created called vxln74 along with a bridge called br-vxln74.
    brctl show
    bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
    br-vxln74        8000.829608997b08    no        vxln74
    But, there is something missing from the bridge. We need the swp1 to be included in the bridge. But looking a little closer, the port is in a DOWN state.
    ip link show
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default 
        link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 52:54:00:57:69:0f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    3: swp1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 52:54:00:0d:3f:90 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    4: br-vxln74: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default 
        link/ether 82:96:08:99:7b:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    5: vxln74: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master br-vxln74 state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default 
        link/ether 82:96:08:99:7b:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    6: swp1.114@swp1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default 
        link/ether 52:54:00:0d:3f:90 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    You'll also notice that a new subinterface has been created for us "swp1.114". This is the vlan interface on swp1.
    Let's bring up swp1
    sudo ifconfig swp1 up
    And now we have a switchport in br-vxln74
    brctl show
    bridge name    bridge id        STP enabled    interfaces
    br-vxln74        8000.5254000d3f90    no        swp1.114
     For completeness sake here is the /etc/network/interfaces config for the external VM host
    auto ens6
    iface ens6 inet static
    auto ens6.114
    iface ens6.114 inet static
    So, you're really excited, you hop onto your Openstack VM's and you can ping the external VM from VM1. Then you ping from the external VM to the Openstack VM1. Life has never been better. And then you decide to ping Openstack VM2 from the external VM and it doesn't work. You open the console of Openstack VM2 and you ping the external VM AND IT WORKS!?!?!
    Something isn't quite right. But we'll get into that in the next post.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/13324706.html
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