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  • scapy examples

    The following lists scapy examples based on experiments performed on the below topology. The topology contains two PC’s , Ubuntu and Windows 7. Scapy is setup on Ubuntu system.

    Example 1 – How to send a ping packet from Scapy on Ubuntu to Windows 7.

    ip=IP() # Creates an IP header
    ip.src=’′ # Source address in the IP header is configured with IP address of ubuntu.
    ip.dst =’′ # Destination address in the IP header is configured with the IP address of Windows 7.
    icmp=ICMP() # Creates an ICMP header
    icmp.type=8 # Type value inserted in ICMP header as 8 for ping crafting
    icmp.code=0 # Code value inserted in ICMP header as 0 for ping crafting.
    send(ip/icmp) # Sending ping packet.

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    Example 2 – How to send a ping packet from Scapy on Ubuntu to Windows 7 with Random Source address.

    ip=IP() # Creates an IP header
    ip.src=RandIP() # Configures the source address in the IP header with a random IP address.
    ip.dst =’′ # Destination address in the IP header is configured with the IP address of Windows 7.
    icmp=ICMP() # Creates an ICMP header
    icmp.type=8 # Type value inserted in ICMP header as 8 for ping crafting
    icmp.code=0 # Code value inserted in ICMP header as 0 for ping crafting.
    send(ip/icmp) # Sending ping packet.

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    Example 3 – How to create a TCP SYN to port 80 on Windows 7 from Scapy on Ubuntu with Random Source address.

    tcp=TCP() # Creates a TCP header
    tcp.dport=80 # Configures the destination port in the TCP header with port 80.
    tcp.flags=’S’ # Configure the flag in the TCP header with the SYN bit.
    ip=IP() # Creates an IP header
    ip.src=’′ # Source address in the IP header is configured with IP address of ubuntu.
    ip.dst =’′ # Destination address in the IP header is configured with the IP address of Windows 7.
    send(ip/tcp) # Sending tcp packet.

    Join our Course to Build Network Automation tools and scripts with Python and Scapy on Udemy


    Example 4 – How to print the TTL value of a received ping reply packet using Scapy

    ip=IP() # Creates an IP header
    ip.src=’′ # Source address in the IP header is configured with IP address of ubuntu.
    ip.dst =’′ # Destination address in the IP header is configured with the IP address of Windows 7.
    icmp=ICMP() # Creates an ICMP header
    icmp.type=8 # Type value inserted in ICMP header as 8 for ping crafting
    icmp.code=0 # Code value inserted in ICMP header as 0 for ping crafting.
    p=sr1(ip/icmp) # Sends and receives the packet in the variable p
    p.ttl # Displays the ttl value in the received IP header.

    Example 4 – How to create an ARP request packet with Scapy on Ubuntu to Windows 7

    ether=Ether() # Creates an ethernet header
    ether.src=’00:e0:1c:3c:22:b4′ # Configures the source mac address in the ethernet header with the mac-address of ubuntu system
    ether.dst=’FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF’ Configures the destination mac address in the ethernet header with broadcast for ARP request packet
    arp=ARP() # Creates an ARP header
    arp.op=1 # Configures the ARP type as 1
    arp.hwsrc=’00:e0:1c:3c:22:b4′ # Configures the sender mac address in the ethernet header with the mac-address of ubuntu system
    arp.psrc=’′ # Configures the sender IP address in the ethernet header with the IP address of ubuntu system
    arp.pdst=’′ # Configures the target IP address in the ethernet header with the IP address of ubuntu system
    arp.hwdst=’00:00:00:00:00:00′ # Configures the target mac address in the ethernet header as NULL
    p=srp1(ether/arp) # Sends the packet at layer 2 using the command srp1, appending the ether and arp headers.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dream397/p/13710218.html
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