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  • 常用的bat命令

    adb shell settings get secure default_input_method
    adb shell settings put secure default_input_method jp.jun_nama.test.utf7ime/.Utf7ImeService
    adb shell wm size
    adb shell wm density
    adb shell dumpsys batterty
    adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo
    adb shell dumpsys meminfo

    adb shell ps | find "uiautomator"

    adb shell kill 进程号

    adb shell dumpsys activity | find "mFocusedActivity"  获取包名和activity名

    功能 命令 命令说明 备注
    获取CPU占用 adb   shell ->cat proc/cpuinfo        
             top -n 1                                          
    adb shell top -n 1 -m   1  
    获取RAM占用 adb shell cat   /proc/meminfo    
    关闭USB充电电流 adb   root 67754400
        adb remount
        adb shell
        cd sys/class/power_supply/battery
        echo 0 > charging_enabled
    打开USB充电电流 adb   root 67754400
        adb remount
        adb shell
        cd sys/class/power_supply/battery
        echo 1 > charging_enabled
    进入飞行模式 adb   root 67754400
        adb remount
        adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1   
        am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state true 
    关闭飞行模式 adb   root 67754400
        adb remount
        adb shell
        settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state false 
    获取版本信息 adb shell getprop   ro.phicomm.inner.version    
    抓取logcat信息 adb shell logcat -v time > E:loglogcat-%DD%-%TT%.log    
    抓取kerbel log adb shell cat proc/kmsg >   E:logkernel-%DD%-%TT%.log    
    抓取radio log adb logcat -b radio   -v time > E:log adio%DD%-%TT%.log    
    抓取dumpsys adb shell dumpsys   > E:logDumpsys%DD%-%TT%.log    
    抓取   memoinfo  adb shell memoinfo   > E:logmemoinfo%DD%-%TT%.log    
    截图 adb shell   ./system/bin/screencap -p /data/data/demo.png    
    查看电量信息 dumpsys battery    
    卸载已经安装的应用adb   uninstall [-k] <package>。   其中package表示需要卸载的应用的包的名字,k表示是否保留应用的配置信息和cache数据。  
    创建SDCard mksdcard   1024M ~/名称.img
    安装应用程序 adb   install -r 应用程序.apk
    显示系统中全部Android平台:  android list targets    
    启动Activity adb   shell am start -n 包名/包名+类名(-n 类名,-a action,-d date,-m MIME-TYPE,-c   category,-e 扩展数据,等)。
    获取设备的ID和序列号 adb   get-product
        adb get-serialno
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dreamy890322/p/5972739.html
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