1) SQL:面向的是数据库 select * from tableName;
2) HQL查询(Hibernate Query language): hibernate 提供的面向对象的查询语言。
例:Session.createQuery(“from tableName”) //和第1)点的SQL语句恒等的,查询出来的效果是一样的
3) Criteria 查询,完全面向对象的查询(Query By Criteria ,QBC)
4) SQLQuery, 本地SQL查询,逻辑比较复杂,HQL很难实现
使用场景: 对于复杂sql,hql实现不了的情况,可以使用本地sql查询
1、使用hql查询的时候 auto-import="true" 要设置true,如果是false,写hql的时候,要指定类的全名,例如:
1.1、 Query q = session.createQuery("from Employee"); //auto-import="true"的时候
1.2、Query q = session.createQuery("from com.shore.model.Employee"); //auto-import="false"的时候
2、用注解版时,auto-import="true" (默认为true),写不写类的全名,都是可以的。用xml 配置版时,需要指定 auto-import="true" ,这样省代码,不指定为true,则像上面第1点的第1.2小点那样写。
1 Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee"); //OK 2 Query query = session.createQuery("from com.shore.model.Employee"); //OK 3 Query query = session.createQuery("select * from Employee"); //错误,不支持 * 4 Query query = session.createQuery("select e from Employee e"); // OK 5 System.out.println(query.list()); //把结果打印到控台上
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select name,sex,salary from Employee"); 2 System.out.println(query.list());
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee"); 2 System.out.println(query.list());
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee where department_id = ?"); 2 //query.setParameter(0, 1);//或者下面的setInteger(0, 1)方法也行 3 query.setInteger(0, 1); 4 System.out.println(query.list());
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee where department_id = :deptID"); 2 query.setParameter("deptID", 1); 3 System.out.println(query.list());
1.5.3、条件查询之范围查询(between .... and ... )
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee where department_id between :d1 and :d2"); 2 query.setParameter("d1", 1); //也可以用占位符?实现 3 query.setParameter("d2", 2); 4 System.out.println(query.list());
1.5.4、条件查询之模糊查询 like
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee where name like ?"); 2 query.setParameter(0, "%三%"); 3 System.out.println(query.list());
1 Query query = session.createQuery("select count(*) from Employee where name like ?"); 2 query.setParameter(0, "%三%"); 3 System.out.println(query.list());
1.7、分组查询(group by)
1 //MySQL数据库写法:select department_id,count(*) from employee group by department_id;
2 Query query = session.createQuery("select department,count(*) from Employee group by department_id"); //根据部门外键 3 System.out.println(query.list());
1.8、连接查询 (内连接、外连接、左/右连接等)
内连接:Join == inner join //交集
左连接:Left join,以左边的表为主表,如果没有join上,左边表数据完整,右边表的数据可能为空 。//左边表的所有数据+右边表的交集部分
右连接:Right join,以右边的表为主表,如果没有join上,右边表数据完整,左边表的数据可能为空。//右边表的所有数据+左边表的交集部分
外连接:Outer join //并集
1 1) 内连接 【映射已经配置好了关系,关联的时候,直接写对象的属性即可】 2 Query q = session.createQuery("from Employee e inner join e.department"); //department是Employee实体中映射的一个外键(Employee表中的department_id) 3 4 2) 左外连接 5 Query q = session.createQuery("from Employee e left join e.department"); 6 7 3) 右外连接 8 Query q = session.createQuery("from Department d right join d.employee"); //映射的一个外键(employee_id) 9 10 4) 迫切内连接 【使用fetch, 会把右表的数据,填充到左表对象中!】 11 Query q = session.createQuery("from Employee e inner join fetch e.department"); 12 q.list(); 13 14 5) 迫切左外连接 15 Query q = session.createQuery("from Employee e left join fetch e.department");
1 Query query = session.getNamedQuery("getAllDept"); //定义一个参数名 getAllDept 2 query.setParameter(0, 10);
然后在对应的xml 配置文件中 写SQL语句。(对于发杂的SQL语句,可以这样做,方便项目发布后,还可以修改)
1 比如在:Employee.hbm.xml 在xml中存放sql语句 2 <query name="getAllDept"> //这里的参数名 getAllDept 要和上面的对应 3 <![CDATA[ 4 from Employee d where department_id < ?; //这里写SQL语句,不是HQL语句 5 ]]> 6 </query>
2、HQL查询语言 实例
2.1、创建 Employee类、Department类、SubEmployee类、HomeTown类
1 package com.shore.model; 2 3 import javax.persistence.CascadeType; 4 import javax.persistence.Entity; 5 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 6 import javax.persistence.Id; 7 import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; 8 import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; 9 10 /** 11 * @author DSHORE/2019-9-25 12 * 多对一,单向关联(注解版) 13 */ 14 @Entity 15 public class Employee {//员工 (“多”的一方),在多的一方加外键 16 private Integer id; 17 private String name; 18 private Boolean sex; 19 private Float salary; 20 private Department department; 21 private Integer homeId; 22 23 @Id 24 @GeneratedValue 25 public Integer getId() { 26 return id; 27 } 28 public void setId(Integer id) { 29 this.id = id; 30 } 31 public String getName() { 32 return name; 33 } 34 public void setName(String name) { 35 this.name = name; 36 } 37 38 @Type(type="yes_no") 39 public Boolean getSex() { 40 return sex; 41 } 42 public void setSex(Boolean sex) { 43 this.sex = sex; 44 } 45 public Float getSalary() { 46 return salary; 47 } 48 public void setSalary(Float salary) { 49 this.salary = salary; 50 } 51 52 @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) 53 public Department getDepartment() { 54 return department; 55 } 56 public void setDepartment(Department department) { 57 this.department = department; 58 } 59 60 @Override 61 public String toString() { 62 return "Employee [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", sex=" + sex 63 + ", salary=" + salary + ", department=" + department + "]"; 64 } 65 public Integer getHomeId() { 66 return homeId; 67 } 68 public void setHomeId(Integer homeId) { 69 this.homeId = homeId; 70 } 71 }
1 package com.shore.model; 2 3 import javax.persistence.Entity; 4 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; 5 import javax.persistence.Id; 6 7 /** 8 * @author DSHORE/2019-9-25 9 * 多对一,单向关联(注解版) 10 */ 11 @Entity 12 public class Department {//部门 (“一”的一方) 13 private Integer id; 14 private String name; 15 private String description; 16 17 @Id 18 @GeneratedValue 19 public Integer getId() { 20 return id; 21 } 22 public void setId(Integer id) { 23 this.id = id; 24 } 25 public String getName() { 26 return name; 27 } 28 public void setName(String name) { 29 this.name = name; 30 } 31 public String getDescription() { 32 return description; 33 } 34 public void setDescription(String description) { 35 this.description = description; 36 } 37 @Override 38 public String toString() { 39 return "Department [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", description=" 40 + description + "]"; 41 } 42 }
1 package com.shore.model; 2 3 /** 4 * @author DSHORE/2019-9-25 5 * 6 */ 7 public class SubEmployee {//查询指定的列,自动封装为对象时 用到(此处不需要创建数据库表) 8 private String name; 9 private Boolean sex; 10 private Float salary; 11 12 public SubEmployee(String name, Boolean sex, Float salary) { 13 super(); 14 this.name = name; 15 this.sex = sex; 16 this.salary = salary; 17 } 18 19 public SubEmployee() { 20 super(); 21 } 22 23 public String getName() { 24 return name; 25 } 26 27 public void setName(String name) { 28 this.name = name; 29 } 30 31 public Boolean getSex() { 32 return sex; 33 } 34 35 public void setSex(Boolean sex) { 36 this.sex = sex; 37 } 38 39 public Float getSalary() { 40 return salary; 41 } 42 43 public void setSalary(Float salary) { 44 this.salary = salary; 45 } 46 47 @Override 48 public String toString() { 49 return "SubEmployee [name=" + name + ", sex=" + sex + ", salary=" 50 + salary + "]"; 51 } 52 }
1 package com.shore.model; 2 3 /** 4 * @author DSHORE/2019-9-25 5 * 6 */ 7 //后来加入的,没配注解,数据库表和数据都是手动创建的 8 public class HomeTown {//在使用“连接查询”时用到(内连接、外连接、左/右连接等) 9 private Integer id; 10 private String address; 11 12 public Integer getId() { 13 return id; 14 } 15 public void setId(Integer id) { 16 this.id = id; 17 } 18 public String getAddress() { 19 return address; 20 } 21 public void setAddress(String address) { 22 this.address = address; 23 } 24 }
2.2、创建 hibernate.cfg.xml 核心配置文件
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 2 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC 3 "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN" 4 "http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd"> 5 6 <hibernate-configuration> 7 <session-factory> 8 <!-- Database connection settings --> 9 <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property> 10 <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hibernate</property> 11 <property name="connection.username">root</property> 12 <property name="connection.password">123456</property> 13 14 <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property> 15 <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider</property> 16 <property name="show_sql">true</property> 17 <property name="hbm2ddl.auto">update</property> 18 19 <mapping class="com.shore.model.Employee" /> 20 <mapping class="com.shore.model.Department" /> 21 </session-factory> 22 </hibernate-configuration>
1 package com.shore.test; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.List; 5 6 import org.hibernate.Query; 7 import org.hibernate.Session; 8 import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; 9 import org.hibernate.Transaction; 10 import org.hibernate.cfg.AnnotationConfiguration; 11 import org.junit.AfterClass; 12 import org.junit.BeforeClass; 13 import org.junit.Test; 14 15 import com.shore.model.Department; 16 import com.shore.model.Employee; 17 18 /** 19 * @author DSHORE/2019-9-19 20 * 21 */ 22 public class MyTest { 23 public static SessionFactory sessionFactory = null; 24 public static Session session = null; 25 26 @BeforeClass 27 public static void buildSessionFactory() { 28 sessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure() 29 .buildSessionFactory(); 30 } 31 32 @AfterClass 33 public static void close() { 34 session.close(); 35 sessionFactory.close(); 36 } 37 38 /** 39 * 单向多对一:多个员工 对 一个部门 40 */ 41 /*@Test 42 public void testAdd() {//插入数据 43 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 44 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 45 Department dept1 = new Department(); 46 Department dept2 = new Department(); 47 dept1.setName("总裁办"); 48 dept1.setDescription("秘书"); 49 dept2.setName("市场部"); 50 dept2.setDescription("经理"); 51 52 Employee em1 = new Employee(); 53 em1.setName("张三"); 54 em1.setSex(true); 55 em1.setSalary(5999.00f); 56 em1.setDepartment(dept1); 57 58 Employee em2 = new Employee(); 59 em2.setName("李四"); 60 em2.setSex(true); 61 em2.setSalary(5999.00f); 62 em2.setDepartment(dept2); 63 64 Employee em3 = new Employee(); 65 em3.setName("王五"); 66 em3.setSex(true); 67 em3.setSalary(5999.00f); 68 em3.setDepartment(dept1); 69 70 Employee em4 = new Employee(); 71 em4.setName("赵六"); 72 em4.setSex(true); 73 em4.setSalary(5999.00f); 74 em4.setDepartment(dept1); 75 76 Employee em5 = new Employee(); 77 em5.setName("田七"); 78 em5.setSex(true); 79 em5.setSalary(5999.00f); 80 em5.setDepartment(dept2); 81 82 session.save(em1); // 先创建dept1并数据,后创建em1并插入数据 83 session.save(em2); // 先创建dept2并数据,后插入em2的数据 84 session.save(em3); 85 session.save(em4); 86 session.save(em5); 87 transaction.commit(); 88 }*/ 89 90 /** 91 * hql :1、查询全部列 92 */ 93 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 94 @Test 95 public void testListAllEmployee() { 96 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 97 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 98 List<Employee> list = new ArrayList<Employee>(); 99 Query query = session.createQuery("select e from Employee e"); 100 //或者这样写:Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee"); 效果是一样的 101 list = query.list(); 102 transaction.commit(); 103 104 System.out.println("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); 105 if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { 106 for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { 107 System.out.println(j + ":" + list.get(j)); 108 } 109 } 110 /** testListAllEmployee()运行结果: 111 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 112 * 0:Employee [id=1, name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0, department=Department [id=1, name=总裁办, description=秘书]] 113 * 1:Employee [id=2, name=李四, sex=true, salary=5999.0, department=Department [id=2, name=市场部, description=经理]] 114 * 2:Employee [id=3, name=王五, sex=true, salary=5999.0, department=Department [id=1, name=总裁办, description=秘书]] 115 * 3:Employee [id=4, name=赵六, sex=true, salary=5999.0, department=Department [id=1, name=总裁办, description=秘书]] 116 * 4:Employee [id=5, name=田七, sex=true, salary=5999.0, department=Department [id=2, name=市场部, description=经理]] 117 */ 118 } 119 120 /** 121 * hql: 2、查询指定的列 122 */ 123 @Test 124 public void testListSubField() { 125 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 126 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 127 Query query = session.createQuery("select name,sex,salary from Employee"); 128 System.out.println(query.list()); 129 transaction.commit(); 130 /** testListSubField()运行结果: 131 * [[Ljava.lang.Object;@259a8416, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4355d3a3, [Ljava.lang.Object;@37b994de, [Ljava.lang.Object;@78dc9766, [Ljava.lang.Object;@5a57e787] 132 */ 133 } 134 135 /** 136 * hql: 3、查询指定的列,自动封装为对象 137 * 注意:必须要提供带参数构造器;必须在hql封装类前面要加上package名称 138 */ 139 @Test 140 public void testListSubFieldsToObj() { 141 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 142 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 143 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) from Employee"); 144 System.out.println(query.list()); 145 transaction.commit(); 146 /** testListSubFieldsToObj()运行结果: 147 * [SubEmployee [name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=李四, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=王五, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=赵六, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=田七, sex=true, salary=5999.0]] 148 */ 149 } 150 151 /** 152 * hql: 4 、条件查询 153 * 4.1、条件查询之占位符(?) 154 */ 155 @Test 156 public void testListByConditions1() { 157 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 158 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 159 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) " + 160 "from Employee where department_id=?"); //用department_id或department都是可以的 161 //query.setParameter(0, 1);//或者下面的setInteger(0, 1)方法也行 162 query.setInteger(0, 1); //类似于JDBC中的 PreparedStatement 163 System.out.println(query.list()); 164 transaction.commit(); 165 /** testListByConditions1()运行结果: 166 * [SubEmployee [name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=王五, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=赵六, sex=true, salary=5999.0]] 167 */ 168 } 169 170 /** 171 * hql: 4.2、条件查询之命名参数(:) 172 */ 173 @Test 174 public void testListByConditions2() { 175 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 176 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 177 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) " + 178 "from Employee where department_id=:deptID"); 179 query.setParameter("deptID", 1); 180 System.out.println(query.list()); 181 transaction.commit(); 182 /** testListByConditions2()运行结果: 183 * [SubEmployee [name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=王五, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=赵六, sex=true, salary=5999.0]] 184 */ 185 } 186 187 /** 188 * hql: 4.3、条件查询之范围查询 189 * between 1 and 10 []闭区间 mysql 1<=x<=10 190 */ 191 @Test 192 public void testListByConditions3() { 193 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 194 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 195 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) " + 196 "from Employee where department_id between :d1 and :d2"); 197 query.setParameter("d1", 1); //也可以用占位符?实现 198 query.setParameter("d2", 2); 199 System.out.println(query.list()); 200 transaction.commit(); 201 /** testListByConditions3()运行结果: 202 * [SubEmployee [name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=王五, sex=true, salary=5999.0], SubEmployee [name=赵六, sex=true, salary=5999.0]] 203 */ 204 } 205 206 /** 207 * hql: 4.4、条件查询之模糊查询 like 208 */ 209 @Test 210 public void testListByConditions4() { 211 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 212 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 213 Query query = session.createQuery("select new com.shore.model.SubEmployee(name,sex,salary) " + 214 "from Employee where name like ?"); 215 query.setParameter(0, "%三%"); 216 System.out.println(query.list()); 217 transaction.commit(); 218 /** testListByConditions4()运行结果: 219 * [SubEmployee [name=张三, sex=true, salary=5999.0]] 220 */ 221 } 222 223 /** 224 * hql: 5、聚合函数统计 225 */ 226 @Test 227 public void testListByCount() { 228 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 229 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 230 Query query = session.createQuery("select count(*) " + 231 "from Employee where name like ?"); 232 query.setParameter(0, "%三%"); 233 System.out.println(query.list()); 234 transaction.commit(); 235 /** testListByCount()运行结果: 236 * [1] 237 */ 238 } 239 240 /** 241 * hql: 6、分组查询group by 242 */ 243 @Test 244 public void testListByDept() { 245 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 246 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 247 Query query = session.createQuery("select department,count(*) " + 248 "from Employee group by department_id"); 249 System.out.println(query.list()); 250 transaction.commit(); 251 /** testListByDept()运行结果: 252 * [[Ljava.lang.Object;@3b35b1f3, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4235e6e3] 253 */ 254 } 255 256 /** 257 * hql: 7、连接查询 258 * 7.1、内连接 259 */ 260 @Test 261 public void testListByInnerJoin() { 262 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 263 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 264 Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee e inner join e.department"); 265 System.out.println(query.list()); 266 transaction.commit(); 267 /** 268 * 运行结果: 269 * [[Ljava.lang.Object;@60c9630a, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4585572a, [Ljava.lang.Object;@351daa0e, [Ljava.lang.Object;@2e879860, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4824de7d] 270 */ 271 } 272 273 /** 274 * 7.2、左连接 275 */ 276 @Test 277 public void testListByLeftJoin() { 278 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 279 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 280 Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee e left join e.department"); 281 System.out.println(query.list()); 282 transaction.commit(); 283 /** 284 * 运行结果: 285 * [[Ljava.lang.Object;@5d15126e, [Ljava.lang.Object;@126d2380, [Ljava.lang.Object;@3b35b1f3, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4235e6e3, [Ljava.lang.Object;@60c9630a] 286 */ 287 } 288 289 /** 290 * 7.3、右连接 291 */ 292 @Test 293 public void testListByRightJoin() { 294 session = sessionFactory.openSession(); 295 Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); 296 Query query = session.createQuery("from Employee e right join e.department"); 297 System.out.println(query.list()); 298 transaction.commit(); 299 /** 300 * 运行结果: 301 * [[Ljava.lang.Object;@4235e6e3, [Ljava.lang.Object;@60c9630a, [Ljava.lang.Object;@4585572a, [Ljava.lang.Object;@351daa0e, [Ljava.lang.Object;@2e879860] 302 */ 303 } 304 }
1 SELECT 2 a.name,a.sex,b.address 3 FROM 4 (SELECT NAME,sex,homeId FROM employee WHERE homeId=1) a 5 LEFT JOIN 6 (SELECT id,address FROM hometown WHERE id = 1) b 7 ON 8 a.homeId = b.id; --MySQL语言 左连接查询
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