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  • PowerDesigner常用命令

    在Tools=>Execute Commands下的Edit/Run Scripts,或者通过Ctrl+Shift+X就可以运行脚本。如图:


     ' 并将序列的名和代码由小写改成大写。
     dim model 'current model
     set model = ActiveModel
    If (model Is Nothing) Then
     MsgBox "There is no current Model"
     ElseIf Not model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
     MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model."
     ProcessTables model
     ProcessSequences model
     End If
     sub ProcessSequences(folder)
     dim sequence
     for each sequence in folder.sequences
     sequence.name = UCase(sequence.name)
     sequence.code = UCase(sequence.code)
     end sub
     sub ProcessTables(folder)
     dim table
     for each table in folder.tables
     if not table.IsShortCut then 
    ProcessTable table
     end if
     dim subFolder
     for each subFolder in folder.Packages
     ProcessTables subFolder
    end sub
     ' 字段代码由小写改成大写
     ' 表名由小写改成大写 
     sub ProcessTable(table)
     dim col
     for each col in table.Columns
     col.code = UCase(col.code)
     col.name = UCase(col.name)
    table.name = UCase(table.name)
     table.code = UCase(table.code)
     end sub
    View Code


    Option   Explicit   
    ValidationMode   =   True   
    InteractiveMode   =   im_Batch  
    Dim   mdl   '   the   current   model  
    '   get   the   current   active   model   
    Set   mdl   =   ActiveModel   
    If   (mdl   Is   Nothing)   Then   
          MsgBox   "There   is   no   current   Model "   
    ElseIf   Not   mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)   Then   
          MsgBox   "The   current   model   is   not   an   Physical   Data   model. "   
          ProcessFolder   mdl   
    End   If  
    '   This   routine   copy   name   into   comment   for   each   table,   each   column   and   each   view   
    '   of   the   current   folder   
    Private   sub   ProcessFolder(folder)   
          Dim   Tab   'running     table   
          for   each   Tab   in   folder.tables   
                if   not   tab.isShortcut   then   
                      tab.comment   =   tab.name   
                      Dim   col   '   running   column   
                      for   each   col   in   tab.columns   
                            col.comment=   col.name   
                end   if   
          Dim   view   'running   view   
          for   each   view   in   folder.Views   
                if   not   view.isShortcut   then   
                      view.comment   =   view.name   
                end   if   
          '   go   into   the   sub-packages   
          Dim   f   '   running   folder   
          For   Each   f   In   folder.Packages   
                if   not   f.IsShortcut   then   
                      ProcessFolder   f   
                end   if   
    end   sub  
    View Code


    Option   Explicit   
    ValidationMode   =   True   
    InteractiveMode   =   im_Batch  
    Dim   mdl   '   the   current   model  
    '   get   the   current   active   model   
    Set   mdl   =   ActiveModel   
    If   (mdl   Is   Nothing)   Then   
          MsgBox   "There   is   no   current   Model "   
    ElseIf   Not   mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)   Then   
          MsgBox   "The   current   model   is   not   an   Physical   Data   model. "   
          ProcessFolder   mdl   
    End   If  
    '   This   routine   copy   name   into   comment   for   each   table,   each   column   and   each   view   
    '   of   the   current   folder   
    Private   sub   ProcessFolder(folder)   
          Dim   Tab   'running     table   
          for   each   Tab   in   folder.tables   
                if   not   tab.isShortcut   then   
                      tab.comment   =   tab.name   
                      Dim   col   '   running   column   
                      for   each   col   in   tab.columns 
                            if (col.comment =null) Then
                                col.comment=   col.name   
                                col.comment=   col.name  + " " + col.comment 
                            end if
                end   if   
          Dim   view   'running   view   
          for   each   view   in   folder.Views   
                if   not   view.isShortcut   then   
                      view.comment   =   view.name   
                end   if   
          '   go   into   the   sub-packages   
          Dim   f   '   running   folder   
          For   Each   f   In   folder.Packages   
                if   not   f.IsShortcut   then   
                      ProcessFolder   f   
                end   if   
    end   sub
    View Code


    Option Explicit 
       Dim rowsNum 
       rowsNum = 0 
    ' Main function 
    ' Get the current active model 
    Dim Model 
    Set Model = ActiveModel 
    If (Model Is Nothing) Or (Not Model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then 
      MsgBox "The current model is not an PDM model." 
     ' Get the tables collection 
     '创建EXCEL APP 
    Dim beginrow
     Set EXCEL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
     EXCEL.Visible = True
     Set BOOK = EXCEL.Workbooks.Add(-4167) '新建工作簿
     BOOK.Sheets(1).Name = "数据库表结构"
     Set SHEET = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("数据库表结构")
     ShowProperties Model, SHEET
     EXCEL.visible = true 
     SHEET.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 10   
     SHEET.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 30   
     SHEET.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20   
     SHEET.Columns(1).WrapText =true 
     SHEET.Columns(2).WrapText =true 
     SHEET.Columns(3).WrapText =true 
    End If
    ' Show properties of tables 
    Sub ShowProperties(mdl, sheet) 
       ' Show tables of the current model/package 
       beginrow = rowsNum+1 
       ' For each table 
       output "begin" 
       Dim tab 
       For Each tab In mdl.tables 
          ShowTable tab,sheet 
       if mdl.tables.count > 0 then 
            sheet.Range("A" & beginrow + 1 & ":A" & rowsNum).Rows.Group 
       end if 
       output "end" 
    End Sub
    ' 数据表查询 
    Sub ShowTable(tab, sheet)   
       If IsObject(tab) Then 
         Dim rangFlag
          sheet.cells(1, 1) = "序号" 
          sheet.cells(1, 2) = "表名"
          sheet.cells(1, 3) = "实体名"
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
          rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 1) = rowsNum 
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 2) = tab.code
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 3) = tab.name
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,1),sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,3)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"
          BOOK.Sheets.Add , BOOK.Sheets(BOOK.Sheets.count)
          BOOK.Sheets(rowsNum+1).Name = tab.code 
          Dim shtn
          Set shtn = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(tab.code)
           shtn.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 30   
           shtn.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20   
           shtn.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20
           shtn.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 30   
           shtn.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 20   
           shtn.Columns(1).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(2).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(3).WrapText =true
           shtn.Columns(5).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(6).WrapText =true
           shtn.cells(1, 1) = "字段中文名" 
           shtn.cells(1, 2) = "字段名"
           shtn.cells(1, 3) = "字段类型"
           shtn.cells(1, 5) = tab.code
           shtn.cells(1, 6) = tab.Name
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 1),shtn.cells(1, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 5),shtn.cells(1, 6)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 1),shtn.cells(1, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 5),shtn.cells(1, 6)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
          Dim col ' running column 
          Dim colsNum
          Dim rNum 
          colsNum = 0
          rNum = 0 
                for each col in tab.columns 
                  rNum = rNum + 1 
                  colsNum = colsNum + 1 
                shtn.cells(rNum+1, 1) = col.name 
                shtn.cells(rNum+1, 2) = col.code 
                shtn.cells(rNum+1, 3) = col.datatype 
                shtn.Range(shtn.cells(rNum-colsNum+2,1),shtn.cells(rNum+1,3)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"         
                rNum = rNum + 1 
                Output "FullDescription: "       + tab.Name
       End If   
    End Sub
    View Code


    Option Explicit 
       Dim rowsNum 
       rowsNum = 0 
    ' Main function 
    ' Get the current active model 
    Dim Model 
    Set Model = ActiveModel 
    If (Model Is Nothing) Or (Not Model.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model)) Then 
      MsgBox "The current model is not an PDM model." 
     ' Get the tables collection 
     '创建EXCEL APP 
    Dim beginrow
     Set EXCEL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
     EXCEL.Visible = True
     Set BOOK = EXCEL.Workbooks.Add(-4167) '新建工作簿
     BOOK.Sheets(1).Name = "数据库表结构"
     Set SHEET = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets("数据库表结构")
     ShowProperties Model, SHEET
     EXCEL.visible = true 
     SHEET.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 10   
     SHEET.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 30   
     SHEET.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20   
     SHEET.Columns(1).WrapText =true 
     SHEET.Columns(2).WrapText =true 
     SHEET.Columns(3).WrapText =true 
    End If
    ' Show properties of tables 
    Sub ShowProperties(mdl, sheet) 
       ' Show tables of the current model/package 
       beginrow = rowsNum+1 
       ' For each table 
       output "begin" 
       Dim tab 
       For Each tab In mdl.tables 
          ShowTable tab,sheet 
       if mdl.tables.count > 0 then 
            sheet.Range("A" & beginrow + 1 & ":A" & rowsNum).Rows.Group 
       end if 
       output "end" 
    End Sub
    ' 数据表查询 
    Sub ShowTable(tab, sheet)   
       If IsObject(tab) Then 
         Dim rangFlag
          sheet.cells(1, 1) = "序号" 
          sheet.cells(1, 2) = "表名"
          sheet.cells(1, 3) = "实体名"
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(1, 1),sheet.cells(1, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
          rowsNum = rowsNum + 1
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 1) = rowsNum 
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 2) = tab.code
          sheet.cells(rowsNum+1, 3) = tab.name
          sheet.Range(sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,1),sheet.cells(rowsNum+1,3)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"
          BOOK.Sheets.Add , BOOK.Sheets(BOOK.Sheets.count)
          BOOK.Sheets(rowsNum+1).Name = tab.code 
          Dim shtn
          Set shtn = EXCEL.workbooks(1).sheets(tab.code)
           shtn.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 30   
           shtn.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 20   
           shtn.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 20 
           shtn.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 60
           shtn.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 30   
           shtn.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 20   
           shtn.Columns(1).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(2).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(3).WrapText =true
           shtn.Columns(4).WrapText =true
           shtn.Columns(5).WrapText =true 
           shtn.Columns(6).WrapText =true
           shtn.cells(2, 1) = "字段中文名" 
           shtn.cells(2, 2) = "字段名"
           shtn.cells(2, 3) = "字段类型"
           shtn.cells(2, 4) = "注释"
           shtn.cells(1, 1) = tab.code+"("+tab.Name+")"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(2, 1),shtn.cells(2, 3)).Borders.LineStyle = "1"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(2, 1),shtn.cells(2, 4)).Interior.ColorIndex = "19"
           shtn.Range(shtn.cells(1, 1), shtn.cells(1, 4)).Merge  
          shtn.cells(1, 1).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
          Dim col ' running column 
          Dim colsNum
          Dim rNum 
          colsNum = 0
          rNum = 0 
                for each col in tab.columns 
                  rNum = rNum + 1 
                  colsNum = colsNum + 1 
                shtn.cells(rNum+2, 1) = col.name 
                shtn.cells(rNum+2, 2) = col.code 
                shtn.cells(rNum+2, 3) = col.datatype 
                shtn.cells(rNum+2, 4) = col.comment 
                shtn.Range(shtn.cells(rNum-colsNum+2,1),shtn.cells(rNum+2,4)).Borders.LineStyle = "2"         
                rNum = rNum + 1 
                Output "FullDescription: "       + tab.Name
       End If   
    End Sub
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/duanjt/p/11064110.html
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