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  • Springboot Endpoint之二:Endpoint源码剖析

    spring boot 中有关endpoint的实现,细心的朋友可以发现,在org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc 包下也有一系列的xxxEndpoint,这又是为什么呢?

    原因是: 我们很多情况下,都是访问接口的方式获取应用的监控,之前的分析是其实现的底层,要想实现通过接口访问,还需要对其进行包装一番,org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.mvc 包下的实现就是干的这种事,下面,先看下springboot的actuator包的mvc下定义的类:


    其中,端点处理程序映射(EndpointHandlerMapping)通过Spring MVC方式来暴露MVC端点。最后,本文以“shutdown端点示例”收尾。





    * An endpoint that can be used to expose useful information to operations. Usually
    * exposed via Spring MVC but could also be exposed using some other technique. Consider
    * extending {@link AbstractEndpoint} if you are developing your own endpoint.
    * <p>一个端点可以用于暴露操作的实用信息。
    * @param <T> the endpoint data type (端点数据类型)
    * @see AbstractEndpoint
    // 核心接口 端点接口
    public interface Endpoint<T> {
    * 端点的逻辑标识(字母、数字和下划线('_'))
    String getId();
    * 端点是否启用
    boolean isEnabled();
    * 端点是否输出敏感数据(安全提示)
    boolean isSensitive();
    // 核心接口 调用端点,并返回调用结果
    T invoke();

    其抽象实现基类 AbstractEndpoint<T>

    * Abstract base for {@link Endpoint} implementations.
    * @param <T> the endpoint data type (端点数据类型)
    // 核心类 端点实现的抽象基类
    public abstract class AbstractEndpoint<T> implements Endpoint<T>, EnvironmentAware {
    private Environment environment;
    * Endpoint identifier. With HTTP monitoring the identifier of the endpoint is mapped
    * to a URL (e.g. 'foo' is mapped to '/foo').
    * 端点标识符
    private String id;
    * Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information.
    private Boolean sensitive;
    * 是否启动端点
    private Boolean enabled;
    public AbstractEndpoint(String id, boolean sensitive, boolean enabled) {
    this.sensitiveDefault = sensitive;
    this.enabled = enabled;
    public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
    this.environment = environment;
    public void setId(String id) {
      Assert.notNull(id, "Id must not be null");
       "Id must only contains letters, numbers and '_'");
       this.id = id;
    public boolean isEnabled() {
    return EndpointProperties.isEnabled(this.environment, this.enabled);


    * 实现类允许使用@RequestMapping和完整的Spring MVC机制,
    * 但不能在类型级别使用@Controller或@RequestMapping,因为这将导致路径的双重映射,
    * 一次通过常规MVC处理程序映射,一次通过{@link EndpointHandlerMapping}。
    * @author Dave Syer
    * @see NamedMvcEndpoint
    // 核心接口 在端点之上的MVC层策略
    public interface MvcEndpoint {
    * 禁用端点的响应实体
    ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>> DISABLED_RESPONSE = new ResponseEntity<>(
    Collections.singletonMap("message", "This endpoint is disabled"),
    // 核心方法 返回端点的MVC路径
    String getPath();
    * 返回端点是否暴露敏感信息。
    boolean isSensitive();
    // 核心方法 返回端点暴露的类型/null
    Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointType();


    * 名称提供了引用端点的一致方式。
    * @author Madhura Bhave
    * @since 1.5.0
    // 包括逻辑名称的MVC端点
    public interface NamedMvcEndpoint extends MvcEndpoint {
    * 返回端点的逻辑名称。
    String getName();


    * 暴露端点({@link Endpoint})为MVC端点({@link MvcEndpoint})的适配器。
    // 端点MVC适配器
    public class EndpointMvcAdapter extends AbstractEndpointMvcAdapter<Endpoint<?>> {
    * Create a new {@link EndpointMvcAdapter}.
    * @param delegate the underlying {@link Endpoint} to adapt. (用于适配的底层端点)
    public EndpointMvcAdapter(Endpoint<?> delegate) {
    super(delegate); // 委托代理
    // 核心实现 以HTTP GET方式调用
    public Object invoke() {
    return super.invoke(); // 向上调用,链式模式

    其抽象实现基类 AbstractEndpointMvcAdapter<E extends Endpoint<?>>

    * MVC端点({@link MvcEndpoint})实现的抽象基类。
    * @param <E> The delegate endpoint (代理的端点)
    * @author Dave Syer
    * @since 1.3.0
    public abstract class AbstractEndpointMvcAdapter<E extends Endpoint<?>>
    implements NamedMvcEndpoint {
    * 被代理的底层端点(端点子类)
    private final E delegate;
    * 端点URL路径
    private String path;
    public AbstractEndpointMvcAdapter(E delegate) {
    Assert.notNull(delegate, "Delegate must not be null");
    this.delegate = delegate;
    // 核心实现 调用底层端点,并返回调用结果
    protected Object invoke() {
    if (!this.delegate.isEnabled()) { // 端点被禁用
    // Shouldn't happen - shouldn't be registered when delegate's disabled
    return getDisabledResponse();
    return this.delegate.invoke(); // 调用端点
    public E getDelegate() {
    return this.delegate;
    public String getName() {
    return this.delegate.getId(); // name = id
    public String getPath() {
    return (this.path != null ? this.path : "/" + this.delegate.getId()); // "/id"
    public void setPath(String path) {
    while (path.endsWith("/")) {
    path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
    path = "/" + path;
    this.path = path;
    public Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointType() {
    return this.delegate.getClass();


    基于Spring Boot的自动配置机制(Auto-configuration),其自动配置文件位于spring-boot-actuator资源目录下的META-INF/spring.factories文件:

    # 启用自动配置
    # 管理上下文配置


     * {@link EnableAutoConfiguration Auto-configuration} for common management
     * {@link Endpoint}s.
    // 核心类 公共管理的端点自动配置
    @Configuration // 组件配置
    @AutoConfigureAfter({ FlywayAutoConfiguration.class, LiquibaseAutoConfiguration.class })
    @EnableConfigurationProperties(EndpointProperties.class) // 启用配置属性(端点属性)
    public class EndpointAutoConfiguration {
        public EnvironmentEndpoint environmentEndpoint() {
            return new EnvironmentEndpoint();
        public HealthEndpoint healthEndpoint() {
            return new HealthEndpoint(
                    this.healthAggregator == null ? new OrderedHealthAggregator()
                            : this.healthAggregator,
                    this.healthIndicators == null
                            ? Collections.<String, HealthIndicator>emptyMap()
                            : this.healthIndicators);
        public TraceEndpoint traceEndpoint() {
            return new TraceEndpoint(this.traceRepository == null
                    ? new InMemoryTraceRepository() : this.traceRepository);
        @ConditionalOnMissingBean(search = SearchStrategy.CURRENT)
        public AutoConfigurationReportEndpoint autoConfigurationReportEndpoint() {
            return new AutoConfigurationReportEndpoint();
        public ShutdownEndpoint shutdownEndpoint() {
            return new ShutdownEndpoint();


     * Global endpoint properties.
     * <p>全局的端点属性。
     * @since 1.3.0
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "endpoints") // 端点属性配置前缀
    public class EndpointProperties {
        private static final String ENDPOINTS_ENABLED_PROPERTY = "endpoints.enabled";
        private static final String ENDPOINTS_SENSITIVE_PROPERTY = "endpoints.sensitive";
         * Enable endpoints.
             * 启用端点
        private Boolean enabled = true;
         * Default endpoint sensitive setting.
        private Boolean sensitive;
        public static boolean isEnabled(Environment environment, Boolean enabled) {
            if (enabled != null) {
                return enabled;
            if (environment != null
                    && environment.containsProperty(ENDPOINTS_ENABLED_PROPERTY)) {
                return environment.getProperty(ENDPOINTS_ENABLED_PROPERTY, Boolean.class);
            return true;


     * 如果要绑定和验证一些外部属性(例如来自.properties文件),请将其添加到@Configuration类中的类定义或@Bean方法。
     * <p>
     * Note that contrary to {@code @Value}, SpEL expressions are not evaluated since property
     * values are externalized.
     * @author Dave Syer
     * @see ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor
     * @see EnableConfigurationProperties
    // 外部化配置的注解
    @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
    public @interface ConfigurationProperties {
            // 属性的名称前缀
        String prefix() default "";


     * Configuration to expose {@link Endpoint} instances over Spring MVC.
     * @author Dave Syer
     * @since 1.3.0
    // 核心类 通过MVC方式来暴露端点的配置
    @EnableConfigurationProperties({ HealthMvcEndpointProperties.class,
            EndpointCorsProperties.class })
    public class EndpointWebMvcManagementContextConfiguration {
        private final HealthMvcEndpointProperties healthMvcEndpointProperties;
             * 管理服务器的属性
        private final ManagementServerProperties managementServerProperties;
        private final EndpointCorsProperties corsProperties;
             * 端点处理程序的映射定制程序
        private final List<EndpointHandlerMappingCustomizer> mappingCustomizers;
            // 核心方法 注入端点处理程序映射组件
        @ConditionalOnMissingBean // 组件未注入
        public EndpointHandlerMapping endpointHandlerMapping() {
                    // 注册的MVC端点集合
            Set<MvcEndpoint> endpoints = mvcEndpoints().getEndpoints();
            CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration = getCorsConfiguration(this.corsProperties);
                    // 端点处理程序映射
            EndpointHandlerMapping mapping = new EndpointHandlerMapping(endpoints,
                    // 管理端点的上下文路径前缀
                    // MVC端点安全处理程序拦截器
            MvcEndpointSecurityInterceptor securityInterceptor = new MvcEndpointSecurityInterceptor(
            for (EndpointHandlerMappingCustomizer customizer : this.mappingCustomizers) {
            return mapping;
            // 核心方法 注入MVC端点注册表组件
        @ConditionalOnMissingBean // 组件未注入
        public MvcEndpoints mvcEndpoints() {
            return new MvcEndpoints();
        public EnvironmentMvcEndpoint environmentMvcEndpoint(EnvironmentEndpoint delegate) {
            return new EnvironmentMvcEndpoint(delegate);
        public HealthMvcEndpoint healthMvcEndpoint(HealthEndpoint delegate) {
            HealthMvcEndpoint healthMvcEndpoint = new HealthMvcEndpoint(delegate,
            if (this.healthMvcEndpointProperties.getMapping() != null) {
            return healthMvcEndpoint;
            // 注入关闭应用程序的MVC端点组件
        @ConditionalOnBean(ShutdownEndpoint.class) // 组件已实例化
        @ConditionalOnEnabledEndpoint(value = "shutdown", enabledByDefault = false) // 端点已启用
        public ShutdownMvcEndpoint shutdownMvcEndpoint(ShutdownEndpoint delegate) {
            return new ShutdownMvcEndpoint(delegate);


     * 所有MVC端点组件的注册表,以及一组用于包装尚未公开的MVC端点的现有端点实例的通用工厂。
    // 核心类 MVC端点注册表
    public class MvcEndpoints implements ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean {
             * 应用上下文
        private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
             * MVC端点集合
        private final Set<MvcEndpoint> endpoints = new HashSet<>();
             * MVC端点类型集合
        private Set<Class<?>> customTypes;
        public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
                throws BeansException {
            this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
                    // 现有的MVC端点列表
            Collection<MvcEndpoint> existing = BeanFactoryUtils
                    .beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(this.applicationContext, MvcEndpoint.class) // MVC端点
            this.customTypes = findEndpointClasses(existing);
                    // 现有的代理端点列表
            Collection<Endpoint> delegates = BeanFactoryUtils
                    .beansOfTypeIncludingAncestors(this.applicationContext, Endpoint.class) // 端点
            for (Endpoint<?> endpoint : delegates) {
                if (isGenericEndpoint(endpoint.getClass()) && endpoint.isEnabled()) {
                    EndpointMvcAdapter adapter = new EndpointMvcAdapter(endpoint); // 端点MVC适配器
                                    // 端点路径
                    String path = determinePath(endpoint,
                    if (path != null) {
        private Set<Class<?>> findEndpointClasses(Collection<MvcEndpoint> existing) {
            Set<Class<?>> types = new HashSet<>();
            for (MvcEndpoint endpoint : existing) {
                Class<?> type = endpoint.getEndpointType(); // 端点类型
                if (type != null) {
            return types;
            // 核心方法 返回注册的MVC端点集合
        public Set<MvcEndpoint> getEndpoints() {
            return this.endpoints;
         * 返回指定类型的MVC端点集合。
        public <E extends MvcEndpoint> Set<E> getEndpoints(Class<E> type) {
            Set<E> result = new HashSet<>(this.endpoints.size());
            for (MvcEndpoint candidate : this.endpoints) {
                if (type.isInstance(candidate)) {
                    result.add((E) candidate);
            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); // 不可修改的集合
            // 通用的端点
        private boolean isGenericEndpoint(Class<?> type) {
            return !this.customTypes.contains(type)
                    && !MvcEndpoint.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
        private String determinePath(Endpoint<?> endpoint, Environment environment) {
                    // 配置属性
            ConfigurationProperties configurationProperties = AnnotationUtils
                    .findAnnotation(endpoint.getClass(), ConfigurationProperties.class);
            if (configurationProperties != null) {
                return environment.getProperty(configurationProperties.prefix() + ".path");
            return null;


     * @RequestMapping的语义应该与普通的@Controller相同,
     * 但是端点不应该被注释为@Controller,否则它们将被正常的MVC机制映射。
     * <p>
     * <p>映射的目标之一是支持作为HTTP端点工作的端点,
     * 但是当没有HTTP服务器(类路径上没有Spring MVC)时,仍然可以提供有用的服务接口。
     * 注意:具有方法签名的任何端点将在非Servlet环境下中断。
    // 核心类 通过端点的逻辑标识将端点映射到URL的处理程序映射
    public class EndpointHandlerMapping extends AbstractEndpointHandlerMapping<MvcEndpoint> {
         * Create a new {@link EndpointHandlerMapping} instance. All {@link Endpoint}s will be
         * detected from the {@link ApplicationContext}. The endpoints will accepts CORS
         * requests based on the given {@code corsConfiguration}.
         * @param endpoints the endpoints (MVC端点列表)
         * @param corsConfiguration the CORS configuration for the endpoints
         * @since 1.3.0
        public EndpointHandlerMapping(Collection<? extends MvcEndpoint> endpoints,
                CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration) {
            super(endpoints, corsConfiguration);

    其抽象实现基类 AbstractEndpointHandlerMapping<E extends MvcEndpoint>

     * @RequestMapping的语义应该与普通的@Controller相同,
     * 但是端点不应该被注释为@Controller,否则它们将被正常的MVC机制映射。
     * <p>映射的目标之一是支持作为HTTP端点工作的端点,
     * 但是当没有HTTP服务器(类路径上没有Spring MVC)时,仍然可以提供有用的服务接口。
     * 注意:具有方法签名的任何端点将在非Servlet环境下中断。
     * @param <E> The endpoint type (端点类型)
    // 核心类 通过端点的逻辑标识将端点映射到URL的处理程序映射的抽象基类
    public abstract class AbstractEndpointHandlerMapping<E extends MvcEndpoint>
            extends RequestMappingHandlerMapping {
         * MVC端点集合
        private final Set<E> endpoints;
             * 安全处理程序拦截器
        private HandlerInterceptor securityInterceptor;
             * CORS配置
        private final CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration;
             * 端点的映射路径前缀
        private String prefix = "";
        private boolean disabled = false;
         * Create a new {@link AbstractEndpointHandlerMapping} instance. All {@link Endpoint}s
         * will be detected from the {@link ApplicationContext}. The endpoints will accepts
         * CORS requests based on the given {@code corsConfiguration}.
             * <p>将从应用上下文检测到所有端点。
         * @param endpoints the endpoints
         * @param corsConfiguration the CORS configuration for the endpoints
         * @since 1.3.0
        public AbstractEndpointHandlerMapping(Collection<? extends E> endpoints,
                CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration) {
            this.endpoints = new HashSet<>(endpoints);
            this.corsConfiguration = corsConfiguration;
            // By default the static resource handler mapping is LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 1
            // and the RequestMappingHandlerMapping is 0 (we ideally want to be before both)
            // 默认情况下,静态资源处理程序映射的顺序是 LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 1
         * Post process the endpoint setting before they are used. Subclasses can add or
         * modify the endpoints as necessary.
             * <p>在使用之前,后处理端点设置。
         * @param endpoints the endpoints to post process
        protected void postProcessEndpoints(Set<E> endpoints) {
        public void afterPropertiesSet() {
            if (!this.disabled) { // 端点处理程序被禁用
                for (MvcEndpoint endpoint : this.endpoints) {
            // 核心实现 注册端点处理程序方法及其唯一映射
        protected void registerHandlerMethod(Object handler, Method method,
                RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
            if (mapping == null) {
            String[] patterns = getPatterns(handler, mapping);
            if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(patterns)) {
                super.registerHandlerMethod(handler, method,
                        withNewPatterns(mapping, patterns));
        private String[] getPatterns(Object handler, RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
            if (handler instanceof String) { // 组件名称
                handler = getApplicationContext().getBean((String) handler);
            Assert.state(handler instanceof MvcEndpoint, "Only MvcEndpoints are supported");
            String path = getPath((MvcEndpoint) handler); // MVC端点路径
            return (path == null ? null : getEndpointPatterns(path, mapping));
        protected String getPath(MvcEndpoint endpoint) {
            return endpoint.getPath();
            // 核心实现 返回端点的路径列表
          private String[] getEndpointPatterns(String path, RequestMappingInfo mapping) {
                    // 路径模式前缀
            String patternPrefix = StringUtils.hasText(this.prefix) ? this.prefix + path
                    : path;
                    // 默认的路径集合
            Set<String> defaultPatterns = mapping.getPatternsCondition().getPatterns();
            if (defaultPatterns.isEmpty()) {
                            // 端点路径
                return new String[] { patternPrefix, patternPrefix + ".json" };
            List<String> patterns = new ArrayList<>(defaultPatterns);
            for (int i = 0; i < patterns.size(); i++) {
                patterns.set(i, patternPrefix + patterns.get(i)); // 端点请求路径
            return patterns.toArray(new String[patterns.size()]);
            // 新的端点路径
        private RequestMappingInfo withNewPatterns(RequestMappingInfo mapping,
                String[] patternStrings) {
                    // 模式请求条件
            PatternsRequestCondition patterns = new PatternsRequestCondition(patternStrings,
                    null, null, useSuffixPatternMatch(), useTrailingSlashMatch(), null);
            return new RequestMappingInfo(patterns, mapping.getMethodsCondition(),
                    mapping.getParamsCondition(), mapping.getHeadersCondition(),
                    mapping.getConsumesCondition(), mapping.getProducesCondition(),
            // 核心实现 获取处理程序执行链
        protected HandlerExecutionChain getHandlerExecutionChain(Object handler,
                HttpServletRequest request) {
            HandlerExecutionChain chain = super.getHandlerExecutionChain(handler, request);
            if (this.securityInterceptor == null || CorsUtils.isCorsRequest(request)) {
                return chain;
            return addSecurityInterceptor(chain);
        private HandlerExecutionChain addSecurityInterceptor(HandlerExecutionChain chain) {
                    // 处理程序拦截器
            List<HandlerInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
            if (chain.getInterceptors() != null) {
                    // 添加安全处理程序拦截器
            return new HandlerExecutionChain(chain.getHandler(),
                    interceptors.toArray(new HandlerInterceptor[interceptors.size()]));
            // 获取端点的路径
        public String getPath(String endpoint) {
            return this.prefix + endpoint;
            // 返回MVC端点集合
        public Set<E> getEndpoints() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.endpoints); // 不可修改的集合



     * 仅当指定的组件类型或名称尚未包含在{@link BeanFactory}中时才匹配的条件。
    @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
    public @interface ConditionalOnMissingBean {
         * The class type of bean that should be checked. The condition matches when each
         * class specified is missing in the {@link ApplicationContext}.
         * @return the class types of beans to check
            // 组件的类型
        Class<?>[] value() default {};
        String[] type() default {};
         * The class type of beans that should be ignored when identifying matching beans.
         * @return the class types of beans to ignore
         * @since 1.2.5
        Class<?>[] ignored() default {};
        String[] ignoredType() default {};
            // 装饰组件的注解类型
        Class<? extends Annotation>[] annotation() default {};
            // 组件的名称列表
        String[] name() default {};
            // 应用上下文层次结构的搜索策略
        SearchStrategy search() default SearchStrategy.ALL;


     * 仅当指定的组件类型或名称已经包含在{@link BeanFactory}中时才匹配的条件
    @Target({ ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD })
    public @interface ConditionalOnBean {
         * The class type of bean that should be checked. The condition matches when all of
         * the classes specified are contained in the {@link ApplicationContext}.
         * @return the class types of beans to check
            // 组件的类型
        Class<?>[] value() default {};
        String[] type() default {};
            // 装饰组件的注解类型
        Class<? extends Annotation>[] annotation() default {};
            // 组件的名称列表
        String[] name() default {};
            // 应用上下文层次结构的搜索策略
        SearchStrategy search() default SearchStrategy.ALL;


     * 检查端点是否启用的条件。
     * 如果endpoints.<name>.enabled属性的值是true,则匹配。
     * @since 1.2.4
    // 启用端点上的条件
    @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
    public @interface ConditionalOnEnabledEndpoint {
            // 端点的名称
        String value();
         * Returns whether or not the endpoint is enabled by default.
        boolean enabledByDefault() default true;



     * {@link Endpoint} to shutdown the {@link ApplicationContext}.
     * <p>用于优雅地关闭应用上下文({@link ApplicationContext})的端点。
     * 允许应用以优雅的方式关闭
     * @author Dave Syer
     * @author Christian Dupuis
     * @author Andy Wilkinson
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "endpoints.shutdown") // 属性前缀配置
    public class ShutdownEndpoint extends AbstractEndpoint<Map<String, Object>>
            implements ApplicationContextAware { // 应用上下文感知
            /** 无关闭上下文信息 */
        private static final Map<String, Object> NO_CONTEXT_MESSAGE = Collections
                .unmodifiableMap(Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("message",
                        "No context to shutdown."));
            /** 关闭信息 */
        private static final Map<String, Object> SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE = Collections
                .unmodifiableMap(Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("message",
                        "Shutting down, bye..."));
             * 可配置的应用上下文
        private ConfigurableApplicationContext context;
         * Create a new {@link ShutdownEndpoint} instance.
        public ShutdownEndpoint() {
            super("shutdown", true, false);
            // 核心实现 新启线程来关闭应用上下文,并释放所有资源和锁
        public Map<String, Object> invoke() {
            if (this.context == null) {
                return NO_CONTEXT_MESSAGE;
            try {
                return SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE;
            finally {
                Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
                                try {
                                    Thread.sleep(500L); // 使当前正在执行的线程休眠(500ms)
                                catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                                    Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // 如果出现中断异常,则中断当前线程
                                ShutdownEndpoint.this.context.close(); // 关闭应用上下文,并释放所有资源和锁
                thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); // 本类的类加载器
            // 核心实现 设置可配置的应用上下文
        public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
            if (context instanceof ConfigurableApplicationContext) {
                this.context = (ConfigurableApplicationContext) context;


     * 暴露关闭应用上下文端点({@link ShutdownEndpoint})为MVC端点({@link MvcEndpoint})的适配器。
    // 关闭应用程序的MVC端点
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "endpoints.shutdown") // 属性前缀配置
    public class ShutdownMvcEndpoint extends EndpointMvcAdapter {
        public ShutdownMvcEndpoint(ShutdownEndpoint delegate) {
            super(delegate); // 委托代理
            // 核心实现 以HTTP POST方式调用
        @PostMapping(produces = { ActuatorMediaTypes.APPLICATION_ACTUATOR_V1_JSON_VALUE,
                MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE })
        public Object invoke() {
            if (!getDelegate().isEnabled()) { // 端点被禁用
                return getDisabledResponse();
            return super.invoke(); // 向上调用,链式模式


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/duanxz/p/10186756.html
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